To Save Millions by Howies_Wink Rated: PG [ - ]
Summary: When given the option between saving a planet or staying with his family, Kevin finds himself stuck between a rock and a hard place...

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin
Genres: Adventure, Science Fiction
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 714
Read Count: 762

[Report This]
04/05/08 » Updated: 04/05/08
None The Wiser by SOSBrigade, Sakabelle Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: **Written For The April Challenge in the AC Forum

Howie is an undercover assassin
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Howie, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Suspense
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 645
Read Count: 983

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04/04/08 » Updated: 04/04/08
Yours and Yours Alone by 2liveis2luv Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: photobucket
Kevin and Cass live the perfect Fairytale life, but what happens when Kevin's plane crashes? Can Cass live without the love of her life? Follow the love story of Kevin and Cass and their friends!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 92233
Read Count: 48442

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04/03/08 » Updated: 04/03/08
Between Breaths by sweet18_2003 Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: Photobucket


Sequel to Truthful Lies It's been two years since the death of Anita. After taking much time to re-evaluate his life, Kevin decides it is time to leave the Backstreet Boys and end his long term relationship with Kelly, the woman whom he'd stuck in the middle of his past. Being a cancer survivor, Kevin decides to become a councelor for a summer camp for kids dealing with life-threatening illnesses to give back to them what was given to him in the hospital...a chance to live. With every life-long friendship made however, another is lost, bringing back painful memories for Kevin which he'd thought he had burried long ago, causing him to wonder if his decision to come to the camp had been a mistake and if his past decisions were really what he'd wanted with his life afterall.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 933
Read Count: 1080

[Report This]
03/31/08 » Updated: 03/31/08
Pandora's Box by nicksgal Rated: R Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

A demon shrouded in only darkness. A curse that no one could break. An evil strong enough to be sealed by God. A coveted box full of secrets. What will be lost, gained, and remembered when the box is finally opened?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC
Characters: AJ, Brian, Chris, Group, Howie, JC, Joey, Justin, Kevin, Lance, Nick, Other
Genres: Action, Adventure, Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: The Legendary Pandora
Chapters: 51 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 187975
Read Count: 114323

[Report This]
02/15/06 » Updated: 03/29/08
Once Upon a Night by kevmylove Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

Kevin and Leila have so much in common and forget it all by enjoying a night on the town in sin city.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3754
Read Count: 2368

[Report This]
03/26/08 » Updated: 03/26/08
All I Have to Give by Jenna Rated: PG-13 Liked [ - ]
Summary: Nick is in a horrible car accident. See how he and his friends deal with the cards fate has dealt him.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Howie, Kevin
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 52 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 92207
Read Count: 73283

[Report This]
06/11/06 » Updated: 03/15/08
The Trouble With Fame by Sweetyfranzi Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

When you think of fame you think of stars. Of people who are known in the world, who have a lot of money and a bunch of friends.

But as good as it sounds – it’s not.

Nick Carter was used to getting what he wanted. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll - that's the way he lived.

At least until Katelynn came into his life.

Would she change him in a way noone else was able to? Would she show him that there was more than fame?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 22522
Read Count: 18735

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01/08/08 » Updated: 02/21/08

Usually, Kevin loves girls, but, for this one, he has to make an exception...

*Written for the February Challenge*

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 919
Read Count: 971

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02/11/08 » Updated: 02/11/08

When Brian Littrell ends up on avowed Yankee Kevin Richardson’s land, dangerously wounded and without a clue as to who he is, Kevin risks his life and his family to care for the injured Confederate soldier. The Richardsons quickly take to Brian as though he is family, knowing that, one day, he might remember and return to fight for their enemies…

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian, Kevin
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4574
Read Count: 7554

[Report This]
09/24/07 » Updated: 01/28/08
Piece Of Me by SnowBubbles Rated: R [ - ]
Summary: So you all have heard of Britney Spears and you go crazy with her drama... ha obviously you are under a rock because what she does is mild. I'm the real Britney. I'm Britney Henderson and this story is about me. So if you think you can handle it, sit back and enjoy the ride.

I’m Mrs. 'Lifestyles of the rich and famous'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'Extra! Extra! this just in'
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. 'She’s too big now she’s too thin'
(You want a piece of me)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin, Other
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Child Abuse, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 1490
Read Count: 2724

[Report This]
01/10/08 » Updated: 01/15/08
You're Always Special by Ryanna Rated: PG [ - ]
Summary: It was a rainy day, a little girl about six years old was sitting in front of the ICU, here eyes were fixed on the floor watching her feet as they swing, she was humming some tune that only she and her brothers knew, she was waiting for some one to come.

When you prejudge some one, and your baby sister falls in love with him, should you stand in the middle of it or help them through it.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 10525
Read Count: 27800

[Report This]
10/08/07 » Updated: 01/12/08
Kiss the rain by Ryanna Rated: G Liked [ - ]
Summary: she left home and ran away, she hoped they would notice her
but then would they?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin, Other
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 8633
Read Count: 34012

[Report This]
06/06/07 » Updated: 01/11/08
Another Day In Paradise by nirkku Rated: G [ - ]
Summary: She was a upcoming star as a photographer. And he fell in love with her. But there was something he didn't know. Something in her past. Something that could ruin her future with the man she loved... Please leave review,this is my very first fan-fiction :D
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 23397
Read Count: 43271

[Report This]
12/31/07 » Updated: 12/31/07
Curing Brian by Anita Rated: NC-17 [ - ]
Summary: ok this is just a short visual i wrote for a brian story conest.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Slash M/M
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1352
Read Count: 1129

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12/18/07 » Updated: 12/18/07