Howie: You know, we should be the ones conducting the interviews. We know these people pretty well by now.
Brian: Plus we'd make really good detectives.
AJ: Or in some cases (Looks at Nick) really good aliens.
Nick: Hey! I take omniscience at that!
Tony (to Tim as they leave the stage to go start conducting their investigation): You don't suppose that guy and Ziva are somehow related do you? (Ziva socks him.)
Kevin: While most know us as the Backstreet Boys, there are times where we are placed somehow out of our elements in stories. Like we become detectives.
AJ: Or aliens.
Kevin: Or are placed far into the future, or into the distant past.
Brian: The Felix for Best Alternate Universe Fic Goes to…
Shawn: I'm seeing a…flower? An Iris? No…a Lilly! And Junior Mints. No something…fruitier…
Shawn's partner Burton "Gus" Guster: Maybe Mike & Ikes?
Shawn: No…different shapes. More like gummy bears but…Jujubes!
Gus: Ooh. I love those.
Shawn: Definitely a tasty movie treat!
Nick: I hate the way they stick to your teeth…
Brian: So the award goes to lilies and jujubes?
AJ: I thought this guy was supposed to be psychic…
Shawn: Sorry, sometimes it just takes a moment to put it all together. The Felix for Best Alternate Universe goes to:
with Runner Up:
Julilly: There isn't much I need to say in order to express my thanks. You're all great, and thank you for being readers, and reviewers, and fans.
Kevin: Thank you, Julilly!
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