Felix Award for Best Drama

*Nick returns to the stage*

Nick: Sorry about that, guys...don't know what came over me for a minute there, you know?

AJ, Howie, Brian: Hey, it happens to all of us sometimes.

Kevin: …to me to. Though only when I'm not the apparent cause of it…

Shawn: Stop being a Bitter McBitterson.

Kevin: I'm not! I'm a nice guy! I just wanted to get back to a normal life, raise a family...I just got tired of all the hours on the road. It wasn't about not wanting to be with you guys; you know I love you guys, right?

Nick: This isn't like the Best Romance category is it?

AJ: Yep. Better pucker up, Nick.

Howie: Be nice. *winks*

Nick (to the agents off-stage): You don't need to like interview me again, do you?

Brian: Relax. This isn't Best Romance. And Kev, we get it. It's not easy raising a kid while you're on the road. Sometimes I worry about Baylee--

Howie: And I miss Leigh...

Nick: And I miss being on tour.

AJ: Uh...Nick? We're trying to tell Kevin we understand about missing home and all that stuff.

Nick: Yeah, but did you watch "House of Carters"?

AJ: Good point...

Shawn: I'm seeing a really gooey group hug scene coming up if we don't just announce this award for…well, what do you know, I had the feeling it was getting a bit too serious in here. So before it gets too angsty around here, the Felix for Best Drama goes to:

With Runner up:

Kentuckychickrk: I would like to take a minute to think everyone who took the time to read any of my nominated stories. And a HUGE thanks to those who nominated them! I would also like to thank all of those individuals (they know who they are!) who went the extra mile and did all of the extra work to make these awards and especially these ceremonies possible.

Shawn Spencer: You're welcome!

Go on to the Next Award or Duck out early, grabbing a list of the winners