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Author Topic: Hit a writers funk  (Read 7672 times)


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2008, 10:35:24 AM »

Well, I'm still in the game..... Maybe its because I have too much time on my hands?


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2008, 11:39:49 AM »

Just write for yourself! I too have gotten bummed when I get a low amount of reviews & stuff. The cool thing is that you can look at your account and actually see how many hits you're getting on a specific story. I would be nice if every hit also had a review...

I'm a lazy reviewer. I often don't review after I read something unless I'm truly into a story, etc. I guess I reap what I sew...

Just do it for yourself. There are people out their reading your stories, just because you don't get feedback on something you're proud of, don't give up on writing! God knows we've all been there!   :)


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2008, 11:44:35 AM »

Lately, I have been in such a writers funk that its not even funny any longer. I've started another new story...a sequel to an older one, actually, and have been working on Shades of Blue and trying to finish Not So Bad. The thing is, over the past few weeks...or even months, I feel as if I should just give up on writing. My good friends tell me that I have a talent and am a great writer, which is great...except for the fact that I dont know if they are telling the truth or are just biased.

I get so excited when I start a new story, but the lack of interest from readers kills that excitement. I mean, I've asked for constructive critisism, feedback, everything...a nd its SO true that writers thrive on feedback. The seeming lack-there-of lately and seeming lack of interest all together has me feeling that I should just quit completely on everything I have been working on.

With Not So Bad, everybody wanted Michael to get a heart and get along with his dying father (Kevin)...but now that Michael actually is being nice and growing a human heart in  the final chapters, it seems nobody cares to read. Sure, his temper was drama  , but I planned all along for him to slowly grow morals.

As for the newer ones, Shades of Blue had a great start, but now it seems again...nobody cares.  As for Between Breaths...well, only one chapter is out and a few are written....and yes, I was excited for it...but when only one person on here (two...but dancinpacer is the friend who I dont know is just biased or not) is reading it, I dont know if spending 10 hours writing a chapter is even worth it. Again...the lack of shown interest just kills all motivation I have for continuing on with anything.

Affliction...a nother one I feel like just giving up on. Its an original fic, so nobody really has an interest in those, which I understand beings this site is mainly focused around BSB. But it is one that I would really like to see if I can get published, and feedback/constructive criticism would be amazing for me...especiall y with this fic.

I guess I am just frustrated and needing to vent. I'm sitting here near tears, trying to write something, but just feel it is hopeless. I don't know what to do anymore, because I love to write and want to write...but this lack of motivation and lack of interest lately is just killing all creativity I have left inside of me .


Well hon have no fear. I think it happens to ALL of us. I know I've had quite a dryspell with writing as of late. It may just be a natural ebb and flow in your own writing. Try taking a break for a couple days (not long I know but sometimes that short break helps a ton!) and then come back to your stories and reread the last chapters and take a look at your reviews you've gotten for them. Readers have this really great tendency of lifting your spirits when you're down about your own creativity and flair. Oh and stay positive even the most seasoned of writers and the most famous writers can get stuck from time to time.
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2008, 12:31:16 PM »

Teri said exactly what I was going to say. Take a look at the last few chappies you have written and that can often give you the spark that you need to get back into the writing flow. My dry spell with my writing lately has felt more like a drought with no rain in sight. But I haven't given up and I don't see myself giving up, no matter how frustrated I may get that I can't crank out even a single chapter lately. Though I did manage to crank out half a sentence for the next chappie of ITNC the other day. I am utterly determined to finish ITNC. So don't fear your writing block. I have faith in you and know you can plow right through it like you have done before. Besides, you got me as your little cheering squad on the sidelines cheering you on and everyone else on this forum and the AC site. I dunno about you, but I think that's a pretty big cheer squad!

Go Ashie! Go Ashie! Go go go ASHIE! :)


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2008, 01:33:12 PM »

did someone say..."cheer squad"? *does back handspring*

WOOOHOOOOO! *does toe touch* Give me an 'A'...


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2008, 09:25:31 PM »

like you know that I am addicted to All You Wanted. lol. BTW...is there an update in the future because I am anxiously awaiting! lol.

An update is in the works, just slow right now, THANKS!!

That is a good question. I blame Kevin lol since he left I haven't sensed the bond between them that I used to which always made it easy for me to write about.

Your so right Mare about the bonding thing, and it's just plain weird not to see him there or hear him. But it's odd, for Kevin being my favorite, I've written more stories about the other guys...since he's been gone.. *sigh* KEVIN!!! I miss him though!!

did someone say..."cheer squad"? *does back handspring*

WOOOHOOOOO! *does toe touch* Give me an 'A'...

Oh my god you have no idea how much you crack me up. You must be like super hyper!! LOL!!


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2008, 10:10:13 PM »

An update is in the works, just slow right now, THANKS!!

YAY! I am so excited! I loooooove that story. Maybe it is in large part because AJ is a construction man, lol. tan, sweaty, and all sexy like. *sigh* Seriously though, it's a good story.

Oh my god you have no idea how much you crack me up. You must be like super hyper!! LOL!!

I know I crack you up, lol. You have mentioned that in your response to the reviews I have left you.  :P My mission in life is to crack people up! You also said I was twisted!  :o lmao. and the funny thing is that the story has gotten a lot more twisted since you said that.  ;D

anyways, I do have a bit of a hyper personality... my daughter appreciates that very much!  ;)


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2008, 01:21:39 PM »

I always seem to get into writer funks if it's a story I started on my own and don't have a co-writer to cheer me along. I am a ridiculously hard critic of my writing and I think that's why most of the time I go into a writer funk. Not getting much or any reviews for a new chapter can be frustrating, but I do know that a few of my readers are struggling through exams, finals, etc. so I try not to be frustrated at THEM. I always start little stories, post them on AC... and then, people will just leave reviews, asking for more. But... I can't give them more, because the idea is lost somewhere in my conscious... or subconscious.. . whichever one! All I know is I can't find it! LOL.

Ash, I know it's hard and frustrating to deal with, but Not So Bad and your other stories are fabulously written and you will be able to work on them all with a clear mind soon! Don't worry, okay?

Dean & Sam Winchester.
Hunters. Protectors. Survivors. Family.


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2008, 05:11:24 PM »

I always seem to get into writer funks if it's a story I started on my own and don't have a co-writer to cheer me along.

Exactly Steph. Then you start arguing with yourself, "Well maybe I should find a co-writer to help me finish the story", but you are so determined to finish the story on your own since you started it by yourself, that you just don't want to succomb to the "defeat" (probably not the right word to use) of giving up on yourself by getting a co-writer to help finish the story.

As the self appointed captain of the "Go Ashie!" cheering squad, I refuse to let you give up Ashie! Besides, I kinda like this whole cheering thing! Heh... ;D


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2008, 07:21:46 PM »

As the self appointed captain of the "Go Ashie!" cheering squad, I refuse to let you give up Ashie! Besides, I kinda like this whole cheering thing! Heh... ;D

ready? OK!  ;D

Strawberry shortcake,
Banana split!
We think Ashie is the...
Shift to the left,
Shift to the right!
Stand up
Sit down

WOOOOOOOOOOO! GO ASHLEY!! *does a cartwheel, followed by the spilts*


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2008, 09:08:04 PM »

ready? OK!  ;D

Strawberry shortcake,
Banana split!
We think Ashie is the...
Shift to the left,
Shift to the right!
Stand up
Sit down

WOOOOOOOOOOO! GO ASHLEY!! *does a cartwheel, followed by the spilts*

*raises eyebrows* I am contemplating two choices: Being scared or laughing my ass off.

Dean & Sam Winchester.
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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2008, 09:10:41 PM »

Exactly Steph. Then you start arguing with yourself, "Well maybe I should find a co-writer to help me finish the story", but you are so determined to finish the story on your own since you started it by yourself, that you just don't want to succomb to the "defeat" (probably not the right word to use) of giving up on yourself by getting a co-writer to help finish the story.

That's what happens to me as well. I don't know what to call it, because you're right. It's not defeat, but... yeah. I know what you mean!!

Dean & Sam Winchester.
Hunters. Protectors. Survivors. Family.


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2008, 09:21:16 PM »

*raises eyebrows* I am contemplating two choices: Being scared or laughing my ass off.

I'd go with the latter, but that's just me...


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2008, 09:27:43 PM »

*raises eyebrows* I am contemplating two choices: Being scared or laughing my ass off.

 :D It's okay, I scare myself sometimes! lol.

but I hope you decide to go with the latter...it's more fun that way.  ;)


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Re: Hit a writers funk
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2008, 10:39:30 PM »

ready? OK!  ;D

Strawberry shortcake,
Banana split!
We think Ashie is the...
Shift to the left,
Shift to the right!
Stand up
Sit down

WOOOOOOOOOOO! GO ASHLEY!! *does a cartwheel, followed by the spilts*

lmao... that was totally cute. It definitely made me smile.  :) I actually finished a chapter and posted today. It was an older story...but its something? lol
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