aww, yeah, this first chapter was really hard for me to write, but when it was finally finished, (while I'm still not sure how well I did with it) I was still kind of proud of myself for doing it. I LIVE for the fluffy happily ever afters so I have a hard time writing out of my element too, but a lot of my growth as a writer has come from forcing myself to do it.
But writing a story about Nick as the lead is hard for me to do in general too. Not as hard as writing AJ. I'm totally with you, Mare, on the AJ thing I can never nail him down as a person.
Nick does show a lot of versatility though, which I think is why I've decided to make him the lead in this story. And I think why I found it the easiest to want to torture him this time. Well, besides Kevin. I think I can pick on Kevin a lot because he's always shown as the leader and the strong one, but deep down I feel like he just takes that role because that's what was handed him and I can picture him being not as strong, but secretly.
When Nick suffers on the inside, the world knows, but Kevin? The man has to suffer too, he just doesn't share that with us. I think I like to imagine what is really going on inside him and what would happen if he just couldn't take it anymore. Like if he cracked and the leader falls. That was kind of the point of my story "Kevin's Song" but I never did finish that one.

haha it wasn't light and fluffy enough for me. But I'm getting better at staying out of my comfort zone. Maybe I should go find it and give it another go since apparently I like to torture Kevin and that one was lots of emotional torture.