Ever wonder "Should I email the mods about that?" well here's your answer.
Problems with the site? (ie: Login troubles, problems with coding/script errors, html help, unable to access features, etc) YES! EMAIL THE MODS!
Problems with another member? Found a plagiarist? YES! EMAIL THE MODS
Adding categories, characters, or fandoms to the lists available? YES! EMAIL THE MODS!
General Inquiries? YES! EMAIL THE MODS!
Edit my work? NO! You do this yourself.
Make banners for my fics? NO! You do this yourself.
Put my stories in a series? NO! You do this yourself
I'd like to post my fanfic on your site! Please do! But we don't do it for you!
The amount of emails coming through to the mod account asking that we perform tasks for members that are well within the member's controls has increased exponentially in the past few months. We have been very patient in telling people (sometimes multiple times) that if they can do it, they must do it.
Mare and I don't get paid to mod the site, we have lives (well, she has one) so we don't have time to post people's fics for them, or sort out their grammar/spelling problems, or make banners for them (especially since we hate banners) just because we moderate the site and board.
We don't want to deter anyone from email us, but don't forget there is always this board to ask people for assistance. If you don't know how to do something then please feel free to ask, but we will not be doing it for you.