Decided to put my two cents in it LOL

1) Is anybody reading anything else other than fan fiction?
I rarely read fanfiction though I try to keep it up with it more lately but I'm a true bookworm, actually I can't sleep if I don't read every night before bed, I can't even leave the house without a book in my bag or I feel naked. I refused to read the Twilight saga for a very long time for no apparent reason but after watching the movie (and keeping up with the resistance for a couple of months more) I've finally given up and read all four books in the last couple of weeks and definitely got hooked. Maybe not the most literary work of art out there but incredibly addictive and entertaining. As side stuff, i'm reading the leaked parts of Midnight Sun.
I've just started reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and it seems ok so far. Not too much of a fan of "self help" books but she has an incredible witty side to her and she's telling her own story which makes it easier to relate to and I even find myself nodding to the stuff she says about relationships so it can be a good read.
And I've bought 6 other books today so i'm pretty much settled for the next two months. LOL.
2) If so, what authors or books could you reccomend?
As authors, I would definitely recommend Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I've read many of his books and his style is simply extraordinary. Also Dostoyevski and Paulo Coelho are some other faves of mine though Coelho's recent writings are kinda started to go on a holier level, I still like his earlier books. As books, my all time favorite is Martin Eden by Jack London, I just love it.
I can go on forever LOL.
and 3) What is it that gives you an idea for fan fiction?
Anything and everything, to say it simply. Sometimes a word, a scene I witness, a conversation I had, a person I see, a dream I had, even the things happening in my life can give me ideas for creating a story.