Oh, and I read a really fun one a while back called, Audry, Wait! by Robin Bennway. If you love music you'll have fun with this book.
*gasp* I know this is an old post but I just HAVE to reply on this! I had borrowed this book from the library not so long ago but it's a Dutch translation and I didn't expect I'd find this book mentioned here! (Even though it's original in English lol) But I totally loved this book!

The main person in this story is hilarious.
I don't read much (books, that is) but sometimes I feel like going to the library and see what they have.

I also loveloveloveLO
VE the Twilight saga! I have Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. They're all in Dutch, so I'm still waiting for Breaking Dawn to be finally translated and published here. But it's taking too damn long! Argh!
I love the Harry Potter books but I honestly can't remember what happened in the 6th and 7th book lol. When I saw the 6th movie, I remembered hehe.
Anyway, I love romantic stories but also scary or supernatural stories. At the moment I am reading the book Nick's mother wrote about him lol. I am totally on a BSB collecting hunt so I already read the official book by Rob McGibbon. I started reading Backstreet Mom by AJ's mother but since that one is in English and the official book and the book about Nick are in Dutch, I decided to finish those first. I keep on forgetting to continue reading the book about Nick. Even though they're biographies (or something), they are still quite inspiring. It's fun to read about how their lives turned upside down.

There is one author I'd recommend but it's useless because she only writes Dutch books. Her books are all about problems teenagers have to cope with (loverboys, eating disorders, someone committing suicide because he's being bullied at school etc. etc.) They are soooo good! It's especially interesting for me as a 17 year old.

There are movies of 3 or 4 of her books and they are really good too. I just wished her books would be translated into English and other languages as well so other people can enjoy her stories. *sigh*
I get my inspiration from movies, books, commercials, my experiences, my friends' or family's experiences, songs, quotes... A LOT.