Fic Talk > General Discussion

Just for fun!

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--- Quote from: mare on January 25, 2007, 04:00:25 PM ---Why, of course I want it! lol

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I hope so. Because I amused myself with it. :D


--- Quote from: kevmylove on January 25, 2007, 12:04:01 AM ---You girls are hilarious...He y how many people do you think read stories and don't actually put a review...I think alot...dang it...I just want to know how I'm doing...and noone leaves reviews...AAAA AAAAAH!!  :o

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I heard a statistic once - and I just heard this from a friend; I'm not sure where she got it from - that 1 in 10 readers actually send feedback.  So that means if you get 1 review, you can assume that about 10 people have actually read your story... for every reviewer, you probably have ten readers, and 90% of them are too lazy to review.

Like I said, I can't cite that stat, but in my experience, it seems pretty true.  I have a Yahoo Group for one of my stories, and 90 people joined it, and I always have about 9 or 10 regulars who send feedback, so out of the 90 or so who read it or used to read it, I hear from about 10%.

That's an interesting statistic Julie.

So since I know that threeish people leave me reviews, then thirty people are actually reading?

I really think that a majority of people who read fanfic think they'll sound dumb when they leave a review. I figured that out when I was running my fanfic of the month club and did a survey. One of the questions I actually asked was if you don't leave reviews, why? And that was the most common response. lol

I'm sure all authors feel the same way, but I love getting a review, regardless of people leaving long-winded feedback (which I like the most, but that may just be me...), it's nice to know that people are reading and enjoying what I've written. :)


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