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I actually like long reviews too lol


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 25, 2007, 08:06:46 PM ---I'm sure all authors feel the same way, but I love getting a review, regardless of people leaving long-winded feedback (which I like the most, but that may just be me...), it's nice to know that people are reading and enjoying what I've written. :)

--- End quote ---

Yeah, same here!  A "great chapter, more soon!" kind of review is better than none at all, in my opinion.  I figure if someone takes a few seconds to post that, it means they at least like the story; they just might not know what else to say or might not have the time.  But at least I know they're reading it and enjoying it enough to say SOMETHING.

But yeah, not a lot of people even do that, apparantly.  I think that maybe people who don't write (not all of them, but some of them) don't understand how much writers value feedback... either that or they assume that authors of good stories get so much feedback already that theirs isn't needed.  I've thought that before... and if I do email an author with feedback and she never bothers to reply, that's my excuse not to send feedback again... I'm like, she either must not care about feedback, or she gets so much already that she has no time to reply to all of them, so why bother?  LOL   So there's a tip - always reply and say thanks when you get feedback (which I know you do, Dee).

That's a pet peeve of mine too! I hate when I send feedback to people and I never get a response.

I wish more authors on AC responded to their feedback.

I agree, I think maybe people that don't read always figure that authors have enough feedback. Which I think is sad, because each little piece of feedback may help in more ways than they think. Like, if every person who got confused by a chapter asked a question or something, then they could help the author make the story a lot tighter!

Well, I think if you bother to send the author an email and she doesn't reply, that's just rude. I mean, you worked hard writing that email, as opposed to a simple "great job", becuase an email is more thought out. I wouldn't send anything back either.

:D You noticed Julie? I didn't think any of my readers noticed that I responded back to them every time. I mean, I may not have more to say than "thank you" but I always try to say something. And I suppose, the longer the review the more I can respond. :) Though I am slacking off a bit on Kelly's reviews of PBox, but she's my beta and I plan on sending her an email soon, so... But eventually I'll tag them all. :) The only ones I don't respond to are repeat reviews, because I don't really feel the need to write the same thing twice to compensate a poting error. ;)

Well you guys are all good writers...that is why probably...I sooo wish I could get more feedback, but i guess they are to lazy or embarassed to leave anything. By the way do you all know each other or have you been members for so long thats how you know each other...I really want to get to know other writers although I might be slightly or a lot older than all of you...LOL

so you guys didn't respond to what song makes your stomach flip? Mine I got to say is "I Still!"


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