Fic Talk > General Discussion

Just for fun!

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Well, I've seen Mare and Julie post stories for a really long time, but I didn't actually get to know them until I came here. It's probably different for them though. :)

As to being a great writer, I could stand to use some improvement.

And the stomach flipping song, I didn't answer because I had no clue.

What song makes my stomach flip? In a good way or a bad way? lol

And I always respond to my feedback on AC. I have been doing that forever. I'm not sure if people realize I answer them when they review lol but I do. It makes me feel better and more connected with the people who actually take the time to read my stuff. Although lately i'm slower at responding to that as well.  :(

As far as meeting authors. I've known some of the people on here for a very looong time but mostly because I sent them emails about their stories etc and through that we kind of just started talking. I was a huge fan of reading these fics before I started writing them. I swear I had banners for Chaos and Ground Zero lmao I was his teeny!  ;D :D

When I started out writing for the very first time, Julie hosted me :) wow that seems like ages ago Julie! lmao Weird. I can't believe how long i've known some of these people! lol it's odd now that i'm thinking about it.

And everyone else I just kind of met through chatting on the board. Everyone is really nice here so i'm sure you'll have no trouble at all blending in. ;)

Mare a teeny? :D Funny....

You can be my friend, kevmylove, I'm uberfriendly! ;D

Yes a teeny. Would you like to love strangle me for that? lmao

I don't love strangle... I embrace teenyness.... :-* Besides, you as a McFly teeny was HILARIOUS. :D


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