Fic Talk > General Discussion

Just for fun!

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That is pretty all have a point for fans...I was going to put it as an option but then I thought we are all anks for answering I'm new to all this...but its fun to hear different opinions.

Haha - fans. Yeah, some do tend to get pretty annoying & immature. I mean, nobody's perfect - but sometimes certain fans [just speaking in general here] just don't seem to get that. I've seen so many things happen with fans over the past ten years & at times you just wanna either shake your head or yell at them to shut-up because they've no clue what they're talking about.


Hey girls I know this is so off the topic but what do those stars stand for...cause Mare seems to be in very high ranking...damn!  :D


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 23, 2007, 05:24:39 PM ---I voted for the wrong girls thing... cause 1) I'm glad they're not perfect; no one is or should be (although Brian is pretty damn close), 2) The other guys can't help the fact that Kevin left, so why should we blame them?, and 3) 7 months doesn't seem like a long time to put together an album, so I don't think they lag to put out new music.

As for girls, though, if we're talking about Nick and possibly AJ, that is an issue.  But it's their issue, not mine... so whatever.

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My sentiments exactly. Minus the "(although Brian is pretty damn close)" part. And no, I'm not replacing "Brian" with "Nick" in that sentence. Nick is far from perfect, and I like him that way.


--- Quote from: mare on January 23, 2007, 05:37:46 PM ---Can I pick an alternate option and say many of their fans? lol

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*raises hand* Me toos!

And I know you'd probably love strangle me, Mare... But I hope I'm not part of that "many". :)


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