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Author Topic: Why do...  (Read 8035 times)


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: Why do...
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2008, 11:14:14 PM »

I think for me personally my interests just change and the things I want to spend my free time on become different.  Not that I don't still love BSB, I do, and fan fic is still fun for me to write, but I spend my time with my mind pre occupied with other things.  I'm just finishing college and starting out my career, so that's kept me busy and that's what I've been focusing on and having fun doing.

But that's just me.  When I was a teenager I was way into anime and stuff, couldn't get enough of it.  Now I'm not so much into it, but I'll watch the occasional show if I've heard it's good.  So I guess this is sort of the same as that.

Not to say I'm going to quit writing fan fic, definitely not.  That's just the reason I've slowed down a bit.  When I first started writing again (about a year ago) I was super crazy about it and updated every day.  Now that I've eased into it and it's not all fresh and new anymore, it's still fun, but it doesn't consume my every thought.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: Why do...
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2008, 11:32:56 PM »

I know for me personally, I haven't lost interest at all... I've just lost time.  I'm hoping to be able to start up again after the season, but I think sometimes people just grow and have careers or families and what they once did for fun has to take a backseat to everything else in life after that.  I don't every want to lose the enjoyment myself because it truly is the escape from reality... the time when I can create a world outside of my own... and I love it.

Agreed 100% wholeheartedly .

I haven't lost interest in writing it, I just am super busy with work right now, & Christmas. And the rest of the year, well, I start new stories 'cause I've all these ideas, & then writer's block hits & I get stuck & leave it for months on end, until inspiration finally strikes me again. :)

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  • Commander of Confusion
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Re: Why do...
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2008, 11:35:04 PM »

I'm only a junior in high school, but I have so many adult responsibiliti es (doing my banking, working 30 hours a week, paying bills, and taking care of my mom who's been in and out of the hospital for a few months, plus church commitments), I don't have time to read fan fics, let alone write!

And even when I do have the time, I have no interest because I know that it will be so long before I have time again that I'll either forget what's happened in the story I was reading, or I just won't be able to keep a good focus on my writing.
~ Amy.


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Re: Why do...
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2008, 02:36:45 AM »

I definitely agree that time and RL are big issues.  I know that when I went to Japan, I was so busy experiencing real life that when I did go online, I barely had the time to pursue the things I used to be interested in (online games, forums, fanfic).  And since I was no longer surrounding myself with a fanfic community, it wasn't in my thoughts--fanfic was no longer a priority for me.

As for making the leap to original fiction... I'm an avid reader so I do a lot of reading outside of fanfic, but when it comes to my own writing, I have to admit that personally I have little interest in writing original fiction.

I think it's because, as a character, Nick just does it for me; I don't want to have little fantasies if they don't revolve around him.  Haha, reading that over, I think it sounds kind of lame.  What I mean to say is that in the absence of a character I adore, I lack the motivation to create, and even after all these years, none of my original characters light my fire quite like Nick does.  :P   What a muse!
my muse is such a lush


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Re: Why do...
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2008, 08:25:23 AM »

^ LOL I'm kind of the same way right now.  I would love to write original fiction someday, but at this point, I haven't had many ideas that NEED to be OF... I can always adapt them to Bsb fic, and so I do.  That's where my love is right now.  Why make up some random guy when I can write about a real guy I already love?  That's the way I see it.  I have been into writing AU lately, and AU is kind of the bridge between fanfic and original fic, so who knows... maybe in the next few years, I'll be ready to transition.  Before I do that, though, I really just want to finish a completely AU fic that I can then turn into an "original fic" by changing names LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Commander of Confusion
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Re: Why do...
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2009, 10:48:40 PM »

I've just been SOOOO busy lately and as other people have mentioned your priorities shift. Right now I'm working two jobs, struggling with car payments, student loans, credit card bills... I'm currently approaching a big fork in my life where I need to consider the option of moving out of state for a job or going back to school or just plain trying to pursue another occupation, so right now when I do get a free moment to open up one of my stories and I look at my characters problems they just seem so insignfigant to me. Not to mention I'm usually dead tired by the time I come home. I sometimes work like 13 hour days and I try to still maintain some friendships and stuff. I'm hoping that this is just a funk and when I get my biz together I'll have more time to write. It's just been a really crazy past few months.
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