1. My favorite genres are drama, angst, and suspense, with a hint of romance! 
2. The only genre I find overrated is visuals. To me, a visual isn't a story any more than porno can be considered a movie. Most of them are the written equivalent of porn... sex, without any real plot or character development, or a cheesy plot at best. I'm not saying visual writers aren't talented... but I like to see the ones who are use that talent for novels (with sex scenes)!
3. There's not a whole lot of sci-fi and very few fantasy, aside from the more supernatural/horror stuff, in the Bsb fandom. To be honest, those aren't my genres of choice, and unfortunately, that seems to be a fairly common opinion among Bsb fanfic readers, which could be why those genres are underrepresent ed. But, some of the most creative, unique ideas can be found in those genres, so I do think there should be more sci-fis and fantasies!
4. Visuals? I'm not a big fan of slash in the Bsb fandom either. Visuals I've already gotten into, and as for slash, I prefer the Boys to be portrayed true to themselves, or as close as we can come to that, anyway.
In reply to #3, i have an idea for a sci-fi/fantasy story i conjured up featuring the Boys, but i'm still trying to figure out how to start it. I hope to work on it soon and put it up here. i have been so busy with other things it's like i don't have time to even read fanfic, much less write in mine...and i'm having a bit of a writer's block with my current story i'm working on
1. i like all types of genres but the ones i most enjoy are comedy, adventure, romance, alternate universe, action and suspense.
2. i think the typical fan fic where Boy meets girl, girl falls in love with Boy, Boy and girl start to have a relationship, they break up/have conflict, they get back together because they realized how much they really loved each , etc etc.

that kind of romance i try to skip. those kind of stories are a little cliche. no offense to anyone, but for the record, none of the stories i've read here fall into this "category"

3. i think the genres that are rarely represented are fantasy or sci-fi. i think it's preference thing, though. i mean, most people like reading about romance, action, adventure, and all, not very many people don't really like sci-fi. i for one like sci-fi. for me, i try to write in different genres. i like to keep it interesting and i'd think it would get boring writing in the same genre, it's good to have variety.
4. i like all types of genres of stories, so i don't think i'd like any to do away with. LOL