Miscellaneous > Brain Games

Song Game

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I got this from Addicted To Backstreet.Bas ically you'll put your iPod, playlist etc on random and type out a lyric for each of the first five songs that come up. And we'll all try to guess what they are!

1) Gotta meet the plane so I can get my monkey; teach him to be cool, but a little bit funky.

2) I could made a salutation, sounding heartbeats. Intimidations.

3) When she breaks, she rains down on me and I can't catch my breath.

4) Secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beat's out of time.

5) No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white.

Okay, so I have a lot of obscure stuff on my ipod. These are the first 5 that I figured there was a chance someone would recognize (i.e. not songs written by my high school buddy or played by an obscure (in the US) Canadian band that hasn't been together since the 90s.)

For a bonus though (and I know at least a couple people will probably recognize it, I figured it was probably still too obscure to be fair...lol) this should have been among the first 5: Though I'm proud to call you chocolate bear, the crowd will always talk and stare.

Don't worry Ash, you can post more then once if  you want lol

Is number 5 from the Scrubs musical? It has to be.

ROCK ON for #1 I love the Butthole Surfers! It's Dracula From Houston & # 4 is totally Cindi Lauper Time After Time!   The rest, I have no clue.

I didn't mean #5, I meant your bonus... #6.. that's from Scrubs, right?

Ok, I looked up the others, and I must say, I love your taste ash! Two of them were also in my itunes collection, I just didn't recognize them from the lyric posted.


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