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Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 5288 times)


  • Innocent Bystander
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  • Posts: 69
Re: Hello!
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2009, 01:43:06 PM »

Aww, hi Gozde! It's been forever since I've talked to you. How are you? And what made you finally give in to the AC forum and all it's addictiveness?

Hi Kelly!!! I'm doing good thanks, been pretty much dealing with everything in life, you know the usual. :) I've missed talking to you too, though I try to keep updated through facebook! How is your adorable family doing?

Well, I really need a motivation to get back on track and i've been a member for a while now though could never be really active here. And i must say, it's been quite addictive indeed!! Lovin it so far!
It's a weird world don't you know it?
It's a weird world and it won't slow down
It's a weird world no matter how you roll it

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Pages: 1 [2]