Miscellaneous > Brain Games

The story of the moment game....

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"Nick?" He didn't speak, he grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I'm sorry, baby. Don't go?", he whispered softly. She pulled away, "how can I forgive you? You cheated on me! You know that was the ONE thing I HATED!", she screamed at him. Tears ran down her face, she didn't know how to react. She was angry and at the same time, happy he came back. Nick came over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you, or I wouldn't have come back." Her back tensed, He knew she was crying. "If you loved me you would have never left..." Her voice was full of sorrow. He held her tighter.

“Are you ready for the big day?” David asks her while tapping on her shoulder.

“Store open yet?” she asked.

“Thank you. You’ve been a great audience. Have a happy and safe Holiday.” The Backstreet Boys took a final bow before running off stage.

Nick was once again left alone in the den to think...

“C’mon Nick…do it, say something!” Nick mumbled to himself.

"Hey kid" He moved his hat away from his eyes, now that a man was keeping the glare of the sun off of him. He sat up, leary of returning the greeting. "Hey kid did you hear me?" The man said again now smiling. This made the boy smile. Okay he thought, maybe this guy was nice after all.

“Azizam?” (Darling?) My grandmother walked in and called out. I used my left hand, my right one still on my nose, and held it up to say ‘hold on a second’. I was thankful when I finally found a box of napkins, I took one out quickly.

'Get a grip, Kim. It's only thunder, you'll live.'

Nick Carter tossed a plush brown basketball at his friend. After the ball deflected off his head, Brian bent over and picked the ball up and chucked it back at Nick as hard as he could.

“Babygirl?” I put down my pen and quickly turned around. My eyes lit up and I threw my arms around my cousin.

("Family Ties" by ResaD)

"Nick?" He didn't speak, he grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I'm sorry, baby. Don't go?", he whispered softly. She pulled away, "how can I forgive you? You cheated on me! You know that was the ONE thing I HATED!", she screamed at him. Tears ran down her face, she didn't know how to react. She was angry and at the same time, happy he came back. Nick came over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you, or I wouldn't have come back." Her back tensed, He knew she was crying. "If you loved me you would have never left..." Her voice was full of sorrow. He held her tighter.

“Are you ready for the big day?” David asks her while tapping on her shoulder.

“Store open yet?” she asked.

“Thank you. You’ve been a great audience. Have a happy and safe Holiday.” The Backstreet Boys took a final bow before running off stage.

Nick was once again left alone in the den to think...

“C’mon Nick…do it, say something!” Nick mumbled to himself.

"Hey kid" He moved his hat away from his eyes, now that a man was keeping the glare of the sun off of him. He sat up, leary of returning the greeting. "Hey kid did you hear me?" The man said again now smiling. This made the boy smile. Okay he thought, maybe this guy was nice after all.

“Azizam?” (Darling?) My grandmother walked in and called out. I used my left hand, my right one still on my nose, and held it up to say ‘hold on a second’. I was thankful when I finally found a box of napkins, I took one out quickly.

'Get a grip, Kim. It's only thunder, you'll live.'

Nick Carter tossed a plush brown basketball at his friend. After the ball deflected off his head, Brian bent over and picked the ball up and chucked it back at Nick as hard as he could.

“Babygirl?” I put down my pen and quickly turned around. My eyes lit up and I threw my arms around my cousin.

Nick smirked as he slowly slid his hand free of her grasp, “Maybe I’ll…see you later?”

[Avalon Hotel by  FrickFrack32]

"Nick?" He didn't speak, he grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I'm sorry, baby. Don't go?", he whispered softly. She pulled away, "how can I forgive you? You cheated on me! You know that was the ONE thing I HATED!", she screamed at him. Tears ran down her face, she didn't know how to react. She was angry and at the same time, happy he came back. Nick came over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you, or I wouldn't have come back." Her back tensed, He knew she was crying. "If you loved me you would have never left..." Her voice was full of sorrow. He held her tighter.

“Are you ready for the big day?” David asks her while tapping on her shoulder.

“Store open yet?” she asked.

“Thank you. You’ve been a great audience. Have a happy and safe Holiday.” The Backstreet Boys took a final bow before running off stage.

Nick was once again left alone in the den to think...

“C’mon Nick…do it, say something!” Nick mumbled to himself.

"Hey kid" He moved his hat away from his eyes, now that a man was keeping the glare of the sun off of him. He sat up, leary of returning the greeting. "Hey kid did you hear me?" The man said again now smiling. This made the boy smile. Okay he thought, maybe this guy was nice after all.

“Azizam?” (Darling?) My grandmother walked in and called out. I used my left hand, my right one still on my nose, and held it up to say ‘hold on a second’. I was thankful when I finally found a box of napkins, I took one out quickly.

'Get a grip, Kim. It's only thunder, you'll live.'

Nick Carter tossed a plush brown basketball at his friend. After the ball deflected off his head, Brian bent over and picked the ball up and chucked it back at Nick as hard as he could.

“Babygirl?” I put down my pen and quickly turned around. My eyes lit up and I threw my arms around my cousin.

Nick smirked as he slowly slid his hand free of her grasp, “Maybe I’ll…see you later?”

“Where the hell is Nick?” I remember asking clear as day when we were just about to leave and head back to the hotel.  [Strange Day at Dance Studio A by Mare]

"Nick?" He didn't speak, he grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I'm sorry, baby. Don't go?", he whispered softly. She pulled away, "how can I forgive you? You cheated on me! You know that was the ONE thing I HATED!", she screamed at him. Tears ran down her face, she didn't know how to react. She was angry and at the same time, happy he came back. Nick came over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you, or I wouldn't have come back." Her back tensed, He knew she was crying. "If you loved me you would have never left..." Her voice was full of sorrow. He held her tighter.

“Are you ready for the big day?” David asks her while tapping on her shoulder.

“Store open yet?” she asked.

“Thank you. You’ve been a great audience. Have a happy and safe Holiday.” The Backstreet Boys took a final bow before running off stage.

Nick was once again left alone in the den to think...

“C’mon Nick…do it, say something!” Nick mumbled to himself.

"Hey kid" He moved his hat away from his eyes, now that a man was keeping the glare of the sun off of him. He sat up, leary of returning the greeting. "Hey kid did you hear me?" The man said again now smiling. This made the boy smile. Okay he thought, maybe this guy was nice after all.

“Azizam?” (Darling?) My grandmother walked in and called out. I used my left hand, my right one still on my nose, and held it up to say ‘hold on a second’. I was thankful when I finally found a box of napkins, I took one out quickly.

'Get a grip, Kim. It's only thunder, you'll live.'

Nick Carter tossed a plush brown basketball at his friend. After the ball deflected off his head, Brian bent over and picked the ball up and chucked it back at Nick as hard as he could.

“Babygirl?” I put down my pen and quickly turned around. My eyes lit up and I threw my arms around my cousin.

Nick smirked as he slowly slid his hand free of her grasp, “Maybe I’ll…see you later?”

“Where the hell is Nick?” I remember asking clear as day when we were just about to leave and head back to the hotel.

My family and me aren’t exactly normal, sure we like to think we are but truth be told we aren’t. Many people will assume I’m talking about our jobs but no we are all down to earth about that or at least we like to think we are; some would disagree mainly those who don’t know us. [The price of fame by sorcha]


hey fracktrain... Dialog hun. You're supposed to put the first line of dialog. (That's the stuff in quotes " "  ;) )


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