Fic Talk > Felix Awards 2009

Felix Award for Best Tear-Jerker (6)

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Gus: Shawn, it's not time for that award yet.

Shawn: Sorry, must've had a cross in the wiring for a moment there.

Gus: Besides, that was a really stupid 'cliffhanger'.

Shawn: I'd like to see you do better.

*Meanwhile, during this presentation, Tony pulls Nick backstage to interview him. Unfortunately, someone forgot to turn off his mic.*

Nick: I didn't do nothin'. I swear!

Tony: Relax, Mr. Carter. Nobody said you did.

Nick: How come you're interviewing me...?

Tony: Who says we're interviewing you? *sits down at the table and begins playing Tetris on his cell phone.*

Nick:'re not actually going to ask me any questions?

*Tony shrugs and continues playing his game.*

*Nick pulls out his phone and starts playing a game as well.*

Tim (to Ziva): Doesn't look like Tony's usual tactic is having an affect...

Ziva *sighs and approaches*: Good evening Mr. Carter. Are you <i>comfortable</i>?

Nick: Yeah. Thanks.

Ziva: Not uneasy at all?

Nick: I...wasn't. Should I be?

Ziva: I don't know. Is anything <i>bothering</i> you?

*Nick shifts uncomfortably.*

Tony: So there is something bothering you?

Nick: Well...yeah, now that you mention it.'s all these authors...

Ziva: What about them?

Nick: It's just that...they're great and all, but it seems like I'm always...I'm always getting abused by my mother, by Lou, by my girlfriends, or boyfriends, or...Kevin, or I get sick, like with that appendix thingie or cancer or I get all drug-addicted, or Brian's heart gives out and he dies, or my girlfriend gets killed or one of the other guys dies or...*breaks down into tears*

Tony: Good going, Ziva, you broke him...

Ziva: I think that the fanfic writers do a pretty good job of that...


Brian: They sure do.

Howie: Too good a job sometimes...*winks*

Shawn: The Felix for Best Tear-Jerker goes to:

with runner up:

Erin (aka Frick24x): I would like to thank my mom, my dad, my dog, my cat, my college roommate, Bill Gates for creating Microsoft and Al Gore for creating the Internet.  

On a more serious note, I would like to thank those that nominated Illusions of Deceit for this Felix Award tonight. It was my first bout back into fan fiction after a seriously long hiatus. I would also like to thank anyone that took the time to review and/or read Illusions.

Howie: Thank you, Erin!

Go on to the Next Award

Many more awards on the way on the Felix Awards!

Don't touch that dial!... or keyboard... well you can touch the keyboard if you need to type but stay away from the address bar!

Congrats, Erin and Rachel!!

YAY...congrats! *claps*



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