1. Is there a story that you're writing that you're particularly excited about? Tell us all about it.Song For The Undead, I'm writing it with Julie, who's already mentioned it. It's just so fun writing about the undead and all that follows LOL. And 00Carter, my other collab love, cause really, how do you not love writing about BSB as secret agents? There's a 3rd story on this list, but it's gonna be awhile before I put it out there. It's as of now simply an idea I've outlined and researched, but as soon as something is finished, it's going out there. I may start writing it soon, but not post it. I'm pretty excited about that.
2. Is there a story that you're STUCK on right now? Tell us all about it.Any of my posted solo stories? I've hit a funk lol. I seriously think it's a lack of time between the collabs, school and work. So maybe it's not so much stuck as lacking motivation.
3. Is there a story you're reading right now? Tell us all about it.There's a few, but none of them have been updated in awhile.
4. Is there a story that you wish you were reading but they haven't updated in forever? Tell us all about itFan Friction! You hear this Kelly! Supernatural horror, fanfic deaths happening for real...it's awesome, but ya know someone...*pokes* hasn't updated in forever. Or Yesterday's Blue Skies. That was one of my fave sci fis ever in fanfic and I don't think it'll ever be updated.