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Author Topic: What inspires you?  (Read 2312 times)


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What inspires you?
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:39:51 AM »

Just reading through the did you know thread, I thought this would be a good question for everyone, especially since so many of us have come back from hiatus lately.

What actually inspired you to write your very first fanfic to the point that you actually put it online? Was it someone else's stories? Or lack of stories? Can you remember back to the very first one you actually posted and what was the most exciting part for you?

For those of you who have taken and break and have come back, What inspired you to come out of hibernation and start writing again?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2010, 06:58:05 AM »

I get inspired by wondering what the Boys are thinking about in pictures. I come up with an answer then write a story to get there. It's fun. Sometimes it's inspired by like a random line I overhear or a situational "what if" I come up with at random - usually while I'm driving.

I don't remember the first fan fic I ever posted ever ever anywhere, but the first here was Saving the Day for Blondes and I was pumped I had found a site like this to post my fiction at!! LOL I remember like SCREAMING when I got my first review cos I thought I was AWEEEEESOMEEE. .. lmao I was lame.

I came back from hiatus cos I went to a BSB concert. LOL .... I was feeling BSB-blues before that and going to see them revved my "squeeeee"-dom. ;) So here's me! Back from the dead! lol
:penguin: PENGi :penguin:


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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2010, 07:06:48 AM »

I wrote my very first fanfic in the summer of 2007, which is also the year I first discovered what a fanfic actually was (I know, I'm slow!).

I was inspired to write one after reading a few Take That stories and thinking to myself "this could be fun".  Some of the stories I read on that site (which is no longer there) were just awful, but there were a handful which really wowed me, and I wondered if I could write anything even half as good.  So I decided to give it a go and wrote my very first story, which I called Patience (after a Take That song).  It was really nerve wracking posting that first chapter, I wondered if anyone would even read it, and if they did, would they like it?  The story was a romance (which they all seemed to be on there) and some of it was based on my real life and places I'd been, as I found that easy to write about, and then of course, there was the fiction part :)  I remember being shocked and pleasantly surprised when people actually read it and left me feedback saying they loved it.  But even if no one had responded, I enjoyed writing it.

As for what inspires me now, well it could be a song, or a film or something like that. 



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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2010, 12:52:24 PM »

I started out on yahoo groups. I think it was onelist before then elist or something like that before yahoo got a hold of it. I was in 8th grade and about to hit summer when I saw someone asking for a cowriter. She was in college but didn't mind the age difference. She had seen my other stories I had been posting on ygroups. I don't know what sparked but we wrote a chapter a day and people loved the story. I look back at it now and it needs some serious editing.

I got into the slash world and my het stories were put on the back burner. Then I was contacted by someone on ygroups to try rp which they told me was a form of fanfiction. I left the fanfic world for a long time and eventually got sick of how the rp world had turned for the worst. I signed myself up for challenges on livejournal, forcing myself to write but then I found I was doing everything last minute and not always 100% satisfied with my product. I hate how I could do stories in a few days and now I have to sit down and almost force myself to do it. I think with all the years of rp where you're almost writing with another person, I've lost that task but I'm hoping that getting back to fanfic and people who write it, that I will be able to stick to it this time.

Most of the time I get inspired by songs. I'll be driving, here a song and start daydreaming story ideas. It's not the best place to brainstorm but I tend to do most of my thinking there. I've actually thought about finding my tape recorder so I can record my thoughts instead of trying to remember them and write down when I get home.
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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2010, 07:10:18 PM »

What inspired me to do fanfic? I saw it on a fansite, and I already had notebooks of my own stories I always wrote and thought "Wow...stories about my fave group? Awesome! I can do that!" LOL. I started out on fanfic.net in...well I was 13/14 so around 1999/2000. My first fanfic ever, I got soooo excited when I got reviews LOL. I thought it was beyond awesome.

A lot of the time, my ideas are random musings. Like beyond random. 00Carter was me joking around on here actually. Undead was a random chat with Julie and our former cowriter Dee. RMTW was me sitting in my Research Methods class lol...half listening to the lecture. Some study was used as an example and me (not listening LMAO) thought..."hmm what if Nick..." you know?
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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2010, 03:33:57 AM »

Wow...my first one ever i got no clue, those were back in the days where  I would write it out on paper with a pen, prefferably during English Lit, instead of taking notes ( eeek there are teachers here, oops disregard that, I did my school work first promise).
First one ever online would hafta be when I found a yahoo group, and I posted a story written by me and two of my friends.
Orginally it was just for the three of us, because it was fun, but one of them entered it into a Fanfic Awards and it won two awards, I still love that story, needs to be badly edited though bc I didnt follow up behind my friends for their mistakes, I was busy catching my own lol.

I've always loved to write so that's probably the main reason I started. I have taken breaks here and there if
Im dealing with too much or I'm not happy. But I always come back because writing does make me happy, as does reading.

My inspirations come from everything that surrounds me, music, tv /movies, real life, something a friend might say.
Sometimes even just watching something around me like if I go to the coffee shop and am sitting there and I see something that triggers a thought .
If something's on my mind sometimes I try to translate it into a fic, often times I don't post them if its something serious, because Im always unsure of how people will take it.

~ Min

« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 05:29:22 AM by kissesxoxo »
Thursday September 9th CW Nikita


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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 08:36:02 AM »

I loved reading all of those! LOL Keep them coming!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 12:46:52 PM »

I loved reading everyone's thoughts!!!

Usually, the thing that gets me inspired to start writing a story if I haven't in a while is running out of things to read.  But, I haven't been reading or writing much at all.  I feel inspired all the time, I am just limited on time.  I will hear someone say something that spawns an idea, or hear a song...or things will just randomly pop into my head.  I have tons of ideas but zero time, so I guess inspiration is a moot point these days.



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Re: What inspires you?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2010, 11:28:07 PM »

I first started reading fanfic in the summer of 1999.  I read it for a few months without trying to write it myself and never thought I would, but I do remember what inspired me to give writing a shot.  I read this story that started out with Brian as a five-year-old, and it was the story of his illness when he was five, told from the point of view of his childhood best friend, a little girl... but then it turns out the whole thing is just her dream, and she wakes up in bed next to him, and it turns out they grew up and got married.  It was a sweet little story, but it was just a short story, and I was expecting something longer and was kind of disappointed that there wasn't more to it.  So I decided to try writing the story I thought it should have been, which became "Years of Grace" (which isn't posted on AC, but it's on my site).  I never finished the original version or posted it online, and it got lost in a computer crash except the first few pages that I wrote by hand (I still have those), but I ended up rewriting it from scratch and finishing it a couple years later; that is the version that's posted.

The first fanfic I finished and put online was "Heartache," and I don't remember the moment where I got the idea for that, but it probably came from a Lurlene McDaniel book called "Someone Dies, Someone Lives" and a fanfic called "Cardio."  I guess I got up enough guts to put that one online, which, in early 2000, meant finding a website to host it.  I got it hosted on a site called "Escape from Reality," and a month passed before I got my first piece of feedback on it, but I remember exactly who that feedback was from because the girl who sent it became my first online friend and the first person I ever co-wrote a story with.  It meant the world to me that she had emailed to say she liked my story, and my replying back to her got us talking, and we became really close friends.

I've never taken a hiatus from fanfic; I go through ups and downs as far as how much I'm writing, but that depends more on time than anything else.  I was really productive this summer, but now that school is starting back, I will probably only write on the weekends, if that, so my updates will slow down.  I have a lot of stuff in the works right now and a lot more ideas waiting in the wings, so it's never a matter of "I don't know what to write."  It's just "I don't have the time or energy to write."

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