Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for April 2007 - Under My Skin by Mellz Bellz

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--- Quote from: honey on April 06, 2007, 01:00:45 PM ---OMG STEPH!!!! as in Alyssa's little sister!!!!!!! How could I forget!!!!!! UGH!!! Nicky just went down on my "reasons to kill your boyfriend" list!!!!

----would run off to read more right this second, but I'm like 1/2 a page away from finishing my story so I need to go do that first... Then I'll go read more cause now I wanna know how that whole STEPH thing came about!!!!!

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It's okay lol Take your time! You have quite a bit before you get to the Steph part and quite a few other reasons to kill Nick to get through LOL

This story is sooooo good.  Congratulation s, Mel, on getting featured!

My question is: How in the world do you manage to juggle two jobs, a life, and writing at the same time?  I must know your secret.  :3


--- Quote from: filiklepto on April 06, 2007, 04:25:56 PM ---This story is sooooo good.  Congratulation s, Mel, on getting featured!

My question is: How in the world do you manage to juggle two jobs, a life, and writing at the same time?  I must know your secret.  :3

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Well, the secret is that I don't really have a life LOL. Sad, but true... Hopefully that situation will improve soon. I'm looking for a permanent teaching job and as soon as that happens I can quit working at Macy's. I'll still have my Masters to do, but I'm trying to knock that out as soon as I can. I write in between whenever I get a minute. I've been trying to do a lot this week when I REALLY should've been doing schoolwork and I didn't even manage to crank out a whole chapter, so its difficult. I'm hoping once the summer comes I can have more time to focus on writing.

OKay readers of Under My Skin time to plug this one!

Give us one reason that anyone who has not read this story should.


--- Quote from: mare on April 06, 2007, 10:24:49 PM ---OKay readers of Under My Skin time to plug this one!

Give us one reason that anyone who has not read this story should.

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My vote is for the excellent characterizati on.  Everyone in the story is so well fleshed-out and believable, and their actions (even when crazy or frustrating) make sense.  Mel puts so much detail into the psychologies of her characters that you'll swear you're caught up in the real-life drama of some of your best friends.  Read it! 


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