Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for April 2007 - Under My Skin by Mellz Bellz

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Another question for you Mel. I keep forgetting to post this so I figured while I was here I would actually remember, and yay I did lol

This is a tough one which probably requires some heavy thought on your part, or maybe not? lol

Can you tell us what your favorite scene to write in this story is and maybe put up a small excerpt of it for us all to read and explain what you like most about it.

All of you who have read this and have a favorite scene should do the same. Show Mel what your favorite part of the story is.

Okay off to school! Have a great day all!'

That's a REALLY good and tough question Mare... I'm not sure if I can pick just one scene. It changes all the time for me. I'd REALLY have to think about that one.

Just a quick note... i know I've been MIA for the past week and a half... Long story, but my internet died and I've been on and off the phone between Verizon and Linksys to try and fix the DSL and apparently neither one can help me nor can they send someone to look at it. So basically we're at the point now that we are most likely going to switch to Optimum Online. Problem is I'm not sure yet how soon they can start to install it, so I might noty be around for a bit. One of our computers gets some acsess, but someone else is usually always on it.

I'm going to try to still write on my laptop through word, but I'm not sure about updates since I'd have to burn it to a CD and then try to get on our main computer and risk someone seeing them and my hidden life as a BSB fan fic writer be revealed LOL I'm going to see what I can do though. i miss everyone!

Sorry to hear about your computer problems. That sucks! Hope everything gets worked out!

Well since we're coming to the end of the month, if anyone has any last thoughts about Under My Skin feel free to post. I know Mel's computer isn't working which sucks but if anyone else has anything to say, last comments about the story or feedback etc... now would be the time.


Final words time!  I just want to reiterate that I'm really proud of Mel for getting selected as featured story.  She is a great writer, and I always get so excited when I get the e-mail telling me that her story has been updated.  :3

I can't select any particular passage as my favorite because there are so many well-written ones that choosing just one wouldn't do the fic proper justice.  But the point is, if you haven't read UMS yet, then definitely do so.

Also, great choice for FSotM, Mare.


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