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Author Topic: Need research help!  (Read 4324 times)


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Need research help!
« on: December 13, 2010, 01:46:42 PM »

I am trying my hand at original fiction. I have my main character as a 15 yearold girl. I need some details about a typical day or week in amarican high school. I was homeschooled so I don't know! Lol!

Anyone here from USA remember those days well enough to try and answer me some questions?


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2010, 02:52:31 PM »

Sorry, I'm English so can't offer any help.


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2010, 04:47:11 PM »

What questions do you have?  It's been a few years for me, but I can try to help. :)

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2010, 05:11:06 PM »

Well, I mostly need to know what a highschoolers schedule looks like typically.

When does the day start?

What classes are there?

in what order do they fall?

Is each day of the week the same?

If not, what does each day look like?

Are their different lunch periods?

If yes, do you have the same one each day?

How long is lunch?

When does school let out?

Do you have homework each and every day?

How long an average does homework take you?

Are their any areas that are specially for seniors only like how you see on tv?

If so could an under class man get in trouble for being in that spot or area?

If yes, what would happen?

What happens in detention?

Is it a teacher who runs it?

Is it the same teacher each time?



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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2010, 05:28:05 PM »

I will tell you it varies a lot from school to school, but here's how I would answer these questions for my school.

When does the day start?  - My high school went 8:15-3:15.  Some schools start a little earlier, but anywhere around 8-3 is typical for a school day.

What classes are there?  - The typical schedule would involve some kind of math, science, social studies/history, and English/literature.  There are also foreign languages (most schools would have Spanish; some also have French or German or other languages), music and art classes, vocational classes like home ec, shop, keyboarding and computer classes, etc.  We had to take so many credits of vocational and fine arts classes, but there were a lot of options.

in what order do they fall? - Everyone has a different class schedule, and it's different from year to year, so you can put them in whatever order you want.

Is each day of the week the same? - At my school, it was; we had 8 periods (I think 45 or 50 minutes each), so we had the same 8 classes every day.  I know other schools that do it on a block schedule, more like college, where you have maybe only 4 classes every other day, so it switches between an A schedule and a B schedule, but the periods are longer.  (I think that would have been better!)

Are their different lunch periods? - This will depend on the size of the school, but yeah, we had three different lunch periods.  Ours were A, B, and C lunch.  I think my school had about 900 kids, so about 300 per lunch - way too many to fit in the cafeteria, so they had lunch tables in the gym too.

If yes, do you have the same one each day?  - Yes, same lunch every day.

How long is lunch?  - Same as a class period, so like 45-50 minutes.

Do you have homework each and every day?  - No, depends on the subject and teacher.  For something like math, we did have homework pretty much every day to practice whatever skill we were working on, but in English, we would do more longterm projects, like reading a novel or writing a paper, so it was not so much nightly homework and more "Here is a timeline for your project, and this is when it's due."

How long an average does homework take you?  - Maybe an hour a night?  Not every night, though.

Are their any areas that are specially for seniors only like how you see on tv?  - Not at my school.

What happens in detention?  - I never got detention, but I think it was just like a study hall after school... you sit around in a room for about an hour and do your homework.

Is it a teacher who runs it?  - I think so.

Is it the same teacher each time?  - I think they rotated.  (Not sure about the detention questions though; I was a good kid, and so were my friends; we didn't do anything to warrant detention LOL.)

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2010, 05:42:14 PM »

I'm not American but it's fairly comparable...

When does the day start? My school went from 7:50 until 2:10.

What classes are there? I took music, social studies, history, english, french, art, law, computer science, gym, science, math, etc. We had to have a math, english, and science credit in every year of HS but the rest of the classes you took whatever you want.

in what order do they fall? It depends on the person. During grades 11 and 12 I even had free periods through the day.

Is each day of the week the same? My school did A day and B day so you alternated classes every day.

If not, what does each day look like? I took four classes one day and four classes the other.

Are their different lunch periods? We all ate lunch at the same time, but I did go to a school when I lived overseas that we ate lunch at different times. But it was because the school was Kindergarten - 12. At the school I graduated from it was 9-12 so we all ate at 12:10. And there was no cafeteria so we had to brown bag our lunch and eat in our homeroom classroom.

If yes, do you have the same one each day? Yes.

How long is lunch? Lunch was 50 minutes. You had to spend 10 minutes eating then could spend the other 40 outside.

When does school let out? 2:10pm.

Do you have homework each and every day? It depended on the teacher, but usually yes.

How long an average does homework take you? Depends on what grade you're in. When I was in grade 9 I'd have maybe 30-45 minutes, but by grade 12 I'd have a few hours worth.

Are their any areas that are specially for seniors only like how you see on tv? Not in my school, but everyone kind of had their own areas where they hung out with people in their own class.

If so could an under class man get in trouble for being in that spot or area?

If yes, what would happen?

What happens in detention? We had to do our homework silently in detention and if you didn't have any you'd read.

Is it a teacher who runs it? Yes.

Is it the same teacher each time? No. The teachers were on a rotation.
~Maple Jellybean~

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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2010, 05:53:25 PM »

Haha, how did I forgot to mention gym?  I must have blocked it out!  Yeah, we also had to take P.E., unless you were in a sport or marching band.  P.E. sucked the big one.  They let us play sports/games (soccer, softball, kickball, volleyball, bandminton, pickleball, archery) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which was okay, but Tuesdays and Thursdays were "fitness days," and we had to either run around the track (if the weather was nice), run back and forth across the gym (if it wasn't), or do aerobics videos in the weight room (if the teachers wanted to change it up).  My friends and I started a P.E. club called HOC, which stood for Herd of Cows, because that's what our gym class looked like plodding in circles around the track in our matching gym suits.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2010, 06:40:20 PM »

heard of cows!  LOL! :D :D :D :D

Purpura Lipstick

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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2010, 11:56:04 PM »

Julie and Julilly pretty much stated it all but I thought I'd throw some other stuff out there just to let you know how different the school systems are.

My school was huge compared to the other two that answered.  My graduating class had around 700 students who graduated.

I had block scheduling (rotated schedules) One day I didn't start until after lunch, the other day I had my lunch earlier in the day. Our entire school did not have the same lunch time, it rotated as much as our classes.  Usually, after getting your schedules, you got with your friends to see if you shared any classes and if you happened to get lunch at the same time.  Like I said, one year I didn't even start school until after lunch, another year I had a free period after lunch. 

 I only had to take P.E. for one 4 hour credit for all 4 years, so I took P.E. in 9th grade and never had to do it again.  Math and Science we only had to fulfill a certain amount of credit hours as well so if you worked it right you didn't have to take math or science jr or sr years.

I believe our lunches were around 50 min. or so as well (could have been longer because of the block scheduling if you had a free period before or after lunch).  Every other day I would leave campus for lunch, though I don't remember ever eating in the cafeteria.  Our school started as early as 7 and let out as early as 2.  It depended on your schedule, we were overcrowded so they tried to get the juniors and seniors in earlier so they could get out earlier since many had jobs.  freshman and sophmores usually started around 9 and could go as late as 4.

I also had a teacher's aide class.  Senior year of high school I was the student aide in a class for remidial science and I did get credits for the class. I even taught at Outdoor lab for high school credit, it was three days that we went to the mountains and had/taught school for the 6th graders. I taught Pioneer history one year, and did a drama class both years. 

The only place we had for Jr. and Sr. only was the parking lot.  You were a lucky junior to park there and all seniors could, well seniors who paid for a parking permit.  Like Julilly said, most groups of friends have their own little areas they tend to gather with their friends.  I had friends in all groups so I pretty much hung wherever but I do know if certain groups didn't like you and you wandered into their "spot" there could be issues. Usually just harsh words thrown back and forth.

I am not sure if my school had detention. I never had it.  I do know that the vice principal dealt with the student's that needed discipline. You usually went there if you got in trouble.  I'm sure there was something done after that but, I never visited. 
There are alternative high schools though too, which I know a little about because my brother finished off his high school at one.  If you want to know a bit more about those I can try.  But if you want your girl to be at a typical high school, if you use some of the basic ideas/guidlines given by the other two ladies you will probably be fine. :)
- Purpura -


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2010, 03:50:49 AM »

Wow, you had to start the school day early!  For me the school day was 8.50 until 3.35


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2010, 04:52:38 PM »

Wow, you had to start the school day early!  For me the school day was 8.50 until 3.35

Mine started early because this is a big farming community so kids would be up around 5 to do chores then they'd need to be home in the afternoon to work.
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2010, 02:02:34 PM »

Long day for the kids there then!


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2010, 04:31:56 AM »

To supplement the other answers:

When does the day start? - Pretty much what the other said, though I would add that those who belonged to teams, clubs or other extracurricula r activities often showed up to train, practice, or otherwise meet before and/or after school, so people are there at the crack of dawn, or stay after regular classes let out.

What classes are there? - pretty much covered in the other questions, though some schools sometimes had specialized classes: teachers' pet projects (like the Media Productions class I took as a senior that produced the school news broadcasts), government-funded programs (like a satellite-based Japanese class that was conducted by video-conferencing), as well as AP (Advanced Placement) versions of some classes, some of which could count toward college credits in some districts.

in what order do they fall? - class schedules can vary greatly from one school district to another, and so can credit requirements. I went to school in Montana, and because I doubled up on maths as a sophomore and few other tricks, I got to have a lot of study halls and free periods by my senior year, but for later years, they increased the credit requirements so it was no longer possible to do that.  :(

Is each day of the week the same? - Again, class days could vary greatly from district to another. My high school schedule was pretty simple, but my middle school (different districts) ran on rotating M-W-F and Tu-Th-F weeks, as did the college I went to, and I couldn't even wrap my head around the confusing mess my step-brother once tried to describe from the high school he went to in Alaska. My advice would be to pick whatever schedule best suits your story, given how drastically American class schedules can vary from one school district to the next.

If not, what does each day look like? - Most schools I've been to divide the day into 6-8 periods, usually a little longer or shorter than an hour, with a few minutes in between, and lunch break somewhere in the middle.

Are their different lunch periods? - That's usually a function of the size of the school. The larger the student body, the more lunch periods they will divide up the day into. During my 4 years, my high school experimented with both one lunch period and a 2-period split. Another detail you might find interesting is that some schools, like mine, are open campus, meaning that students could car-pool with each to eat out at restaurants, in addition to the school cafeteria.

If yes, do you have the same one each day? - The lunch period is usually tied to your day's schedule, so if it's a rotating one, I imagine your lunch period would probably rotate along with the rest of it.

How long is lunch? - Usually 40 minutes to an hour. Again, varies from place to place.

Do you have homework each and every day? - Typically, though not necessarily for every single class each day, though that can also vary from teacher to teacher, and may have been further complicated by legislative meddling since I went to high school (mid 90's).

How long an average does homework take you? - Again, varies greatly, depending on the teacher, the emphasis (reading/busywork/papers/research/projects), as well as the individual student's aptitude for a particular subject. The only thing I know is that I hear most schools are trying to pile on a great volume of texts and workbooks than we had, so I suspect a contemporary high school student will probably have more busywork than most of us did.

Are their any areas that are specially for seniors only like how you see on tv? - Not at my school, but I've been told that private schools are more likely to quirky traditions like that than public schools.

What happens in detention? - Nothing. At least the couple times I ever had detention. You sit in a classroom after school, confined for a set period of time. About the only rules were that inmates were not allowed to talk, and sleeping was frowned upon, otherwise you could catch up on your homework, read a book, doodle, or just stare into space in most detentions.

Is it a teacher who runs it? - Usually, though it may also fall on a vice principle (and ours was a doozy!  :bricks: ) or some other administrative figure.

Is it the same teacher each time? - Depends.

One other note: In most American schools, accumulated detentions over time, can add up into suspensions, expulsion, and/or loss of class credits, extracurricula r or other privileges.
-Standing backwards, Scoot.


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2010, 08:23:27 AM »

I wanna add... I asked if you had homework everyday because when I went to school in kindergarten through fifth grade I was at a Christian school where you never had homework on wendsday.


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Re: Need research help!
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2010, 08:27:31 AM »

There was never a special day with no homework for me. It really depended on the teacher and the class. Some teachers alloted time at the end of the class to work on homework for a bit, and some specifically saved work for after school. So one day you might have homework from a teacher that you wouldn't the next day but you'd have homework from a different teacher.
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.
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