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Author Topic: Most searched for fandoms  (Read 10149 times)


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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2007, 07:56:17 AM »

OOOH I didn't know it was fanfics!!! that makes the list soooo much better :-D

And I'm sure you've seen published fanfics about the bible ... Marek Halter has written a series of books of women from Genesis so has Orson Scott Card.  Anita Diamant has written The Red Tent.... these are all bible fanfic if you really think about it. 

but yeah *shudders* I'm sure there's some stuff you just don't want to see done in bible fanfic.

LOL yes very true, I didn't think about that. I loved the Red Tent, that was an awesome book.

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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2007, 07:56:53 AM »

LMFAO Mare!! That REALLY REALLY cracked me up, but maybe even more so cuz bananas are extremely funny to me thanks to a certain inside joke I shared with some other BSB fans

You can't go wrong with a banana for comedic purposes! lol
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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2007, 07:07:46 AM »

 :o I love VC Andrews, have since I was 11 yrs old (prolly abit to mature for my age but I was used to reading whatever was in my parents book shelves) and what really made me get really involved was it was based on a true story. I've always wanted to know if the mansion was real or not!

I think the weirdest fan fic I came across was Muppets, and it was a sex fan fic too which was really disturbing!!!!  :o
I think miss piggy was doing beaker who was eating out animal who kept screaming woman woman... that was only on the first page *shudders*
There's some sick sick people out there!!!  :-X

I'm curious as too how old most of the Harry potter fan fics are, if they're young what do there parents think if it's way about there age limit etc as most authors are on top of warnings and ratings etc...


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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2007, 05:01:38 PM »

I don't read Harry Potter or it's fan fics, but some of my friends read the actual books, and they're in college. So I imagine there are some older Harry Potter authors also.

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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2007, 05:19:42 PM »

I think the weirdest fan fic I came across was Muppets, and it was a sex fan fic too which was really disturbing!!!!  :o
I think miss piggy was doing beaker who was eating out animal who kept screaming woman woman... that was only on the first page *shudders*
There's some sick sick people out there!!!  :-X

I'm curious as too how old most of the Harry potter fan fics are, if they're young what do there parents think if it's way about there age limit etc as most authors are on top of warnings and ratings etc...

LMFAO at the Muppets sex fic!!!  I read a slash where Kevin and Nick CALLED each other "Piggy" and "Kermit" and thought that was pretty disturbing, but yours definitely wins.  What kind of freak writes something like that for real??

There might be some little kids writing HP fanfics out there, but I'm sure a lot of the HP authors are in the same age group as the writers on here - late teenes, twenties, maybe even older.  I'm about to graduate from college, and I LOVE Harry Potter!!  Never could get into the fanfic for it though - nothing compares to the real thing for me.

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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2007, 09:37:18 AM »

 ;D You know whats funny?? I've read that slash with Nick and Kevin. Weird huh?

I'm the same with HP fanfic, though I did start to read one that had Nick at Hogwarts with the gang but I kinda lost the link when my old comp blew up.
Wasn't too bad for a crossover.


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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2007, 10:32:54 PM »

I've read a few HP fanfics and this is what i learnt after going to their fanfic sites, lol...they have beta readers ready at your service. And when you submit your first chapter, you'll be assigned a beta reader who'll work with you throughout your fic, so no new chapter gets updated without prior work with your beta reader. They dont take mistakes lightly probably cause i think their stories are based on a published series of books so they want to make sure it meets the literary standards?

But yeah...they have TONS of slash and I dont know how they do it cause that would totally ruin the characters for me. Also, the fics that i've actually read and liked were written by women in their thirties so i guess they do have adult writers in that fandom.
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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2007, 10:57:20 PM »

Yeah, it seems like HP fanfic is pretty hardcore.  I don't really read it, but I'm a big HP fan, so I've come across it.  I'm not a fan of the slash though... that's just wrong, I think, to take JK Rowling's characters and warp them that way.  Harry loves GINNY, not DRACO, damnit!!  LOL

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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2007, 02:21:04 AM »

*gasps*  :o Ninja Turtles NEVER even made it on the list!?!?!?!?! WTF!?!?!?!?!?!

1. Harry Potter - not bad.
2. Backstreet Boys - WHOOT!!!!!!!!!
3. Haruka and Michiru - who?
5. One Tree Hill - uh.....seen a preview for an episode-lol.
6. *NYSNC - I've read some, though they've never all that good - haha.
7. South of Nowhere - wha?
8. Ville Valo - who?
9. Nick Carter - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Pretty Ricky - ???????
11. Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Crossover - huh?
12. John Cena - whose he?
13. The L Word - roflmao!!!!
14. Star Trek - YAY!!!! The Next Generation is the BEST!!!!!!!!!
15. Roc La Familia - the what family?
16. Emergency - .............?
17. Grey's Anatomy - Seen one episode - not bad.
18. Star Wars - movies are....Good. Wouldn't read the fan fic though-lol.
19. Bon Jovi - haha. Love him, but never read fan fic on him.
20. Walker Texas Ranger - WHOOT!!!!!!!!!! I've written a Walker fic - well, it's not finished, but it's still posted on fanfiction.net - lol.

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Re: Most searched for fandoms
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2007, 04:42:03 AM »

3. Haruka and Michiru - who?
11. Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Crossover - huh?

Three is the two lesbionic senshi from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune). Eleven is a crossover fic about a boy who works for the underworld slaying demons (Yu Yu Hakusho) and a demon dog from feudal Japan who goes on hunt for the missing jewel shards with a girl from modern Japan (Inuyasha).

Yay for brief explanations! :D

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
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