The rest of you can keep your thoughts to yourself!
Excuse me? Just because of this...I think I WILL state my thoughts!
First of all...are you that much better than the rest of us, that your opinion and little temper tantrum are all that matters, and no one else may speak? Guess what "sweetie"...embarrassme
nt is a really damn good way of making sure people get the point. My child threw a fit in the store...and I made sure she got embarrassed...
REALLY embarrassed...
made sure people all over were staring right at us! child does not throw fits like that anymore because she learned her lesson and doesn't like to get that kind of attention.
If people (maybe you, or maybe not) are ignoring the mods...what the hell are the mods supposed to do? Let the rule breakers walk all over them? NO! This is a surefire way to make sure that people listen....not some kind of twisted vendetta against you. I doubt our mods are just so incredibly jealous of you, that they have to scheme up some ridiculous plot to embarrass you. I really think it's just finally come to this, because people won't listen. Personally, I don't want to be embarrassed...
.so I'll check FOUR times now, to make sure my crap stays within the guidelines of the rules.
The mods are not here to play favorites. It doesn't matter who you are or what you did...if you did it, you're guilty and you'll be called out...simple as that. The mods have had to deal with a lot of crap...people stuffing the Felix ballot box...continuo
usly breaking the same rules over and over again...just plain disrespecting their authority which was given to them by the SITE'S OWNER....OBVIO
USLY their previous forms of punishment were not working for certain now EVERYONE has to be subject to the new form of punishment.
And although I've never been punished for breaking a rule on the site...Julilly HAS called me out MORE THAN ONCE...for hijacking threads and things like that, here on the board. So yeah...I've been in trouble too. All of us make mistakes. It's not THAT big of a deal.