Do you ever let peer pressure effect your writing? For instance, if you plan on killing someone off in one of your stories and all your readers keep saying "I hope you don't kill him/her off" do you find yourself sticking to your guns and not straying from your original plan or do you cave and do what your readers want you to do?
Not really anymore. At first I did. I only wrote a sequel to my first story because all of the people reading it insisted that I do. Since I was so brand new to even having readers I was all "Dur...okie dokie then..." lol I have since learned my lesson. I also always know how my stories are going to end so even though I do take what some readers say into consideration, I generally just stick with my game plan. I will admit to a time or two changing some plot twists when people saw them coming beforehand lol
Also, how does your feedback influence what you write if at all? (Changing a genre to fit with the popularity of what people seem to want to read, or lack of feedback = lack of updates)
Feedback doesn't really change anything for me. Going into a story, I kind of can gauge how it will be recieved just by the storyline. I do admit it's disappointing when there is a lack of it from time to time but it doesn't make me not want to write. My ten second attention span is usually the cause of my lack of writing and this stupid NKOTBSB thing going on right now.
How thin or thick skinned are you when it comes to what other people say reguarding your writing or even talking about your genre in general? do you feel like you can handle it or does it make you stray from writing?
Generally I think I have a pretty thick skin although I have to admit my skin wasn't as thick when I was writing Lurks. It had been such a long time since I had written anything, I had so many emotions writing that one and getting dismayed etc... I also have to say I never really have been flamed before, except on one of those anti awards sites. And I would be kidding if I said it didn't hurt. It actually hurt like hell since I was so new to the fanfic world. Because I had won a bunch of awards, people felt the need to rip me apart and assume I was this horrible person and reading some of the things being said and the stupid awards I got nominated for, almost turned me off of writing fanfic in general. That was before I came to realize that there were and still are really douchey BSB fans out there lmao
I'm glad those days are over!