Name of story: Chronos Project by Lore
1) When you were asked to pick a story for the challenge, what made you choose this one and why didn't you read it before this point?Because I love sci-fi and it is typically my type of story. One of the reasons I didn't read it is cause I knew it was Kevin centered (which normally isn't me so much as say Nick or Brian lol). The other reason, is because Lore was consistently advertising it as she was writing. I don't say it to be mean, but to me, it's a turn off when someone does that too much. It's been why I haven't read stories by other authors too.
2) What actually was the biggest challenge for you when it came to reading the story?Honestly? Not wanting to reach through the screen and throttle Julie, the main lead. It's in 3rd person but it's not omnificent , it focuses on her thoughts and because she came off as a bit dumb and annoying to me, it drove me crazy LOL.
3) When reading, did you feel like it was something you really were looking forward to or more a homework assignment? Did that change once you got into it?A bit of both. I really liked the plot, it was very creative. At the same time, because this was a challenge, and because I know she's looking to possibly self-published, I also looked at it as an assignment. I made sure to find out things she could fix and give her the best constructive criticism I could.
4) What was your favorite part of the story?When Kevin first kisses Julie. I feel like that was the best developed relationship in the story.
5) Who was your favorite character and why?I actually liked Nick as a villain. I feel like she should've shown more in his perspective, because there was a depth to him and his motivations.
6) What about your least favorite character and why?Julie. I really didn't like her as a character. She didn't seem to learn from the past mistakes or grow much as a person. Because of that, it made reading the story a little rougher for me, as it centers around her.
7) If there was a sequel to this story, would be you interested in reading it?Honestly? Maybe not until I knew Lore worked out the issues on Julie in the sequel. Part of me is curious about what could happen in the sequel, but since I know it centers around a character I disliked it puts me off it a bit.
8) Were you happy with the ending? Did it end the way you predicted it would?I did, and yeah, once I got into it more I knew she wouldn't kill Kevin at all. So I wasn't surprised to see a happy end for him and Julie.
9) Overall, if you had to take away something from the story, what do you think the lesson learned was?The past happened for a reason and without it, we wouldn't have the world we do today.
10) Give us one final review that you feel sums up your experience reading this, maybe why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you would have perhaps picked a different story from this one.I feel there's a lot of potential in the story creatively. The story does at times seem a bit rushed. Things that could've been shown, should have, for character development and for emotional impact were told. Because of that, it doesn't have the feeling it's supposed to. The original characters motivations don't match up to their actions the way they should. At the same time, a lot of research was done in the history and past times people jumped to and so you know Lore did her homework instead of pulling it out of her ass lol, which I appreciated. There are some great things Lore created for this story and so I feel like with a full rewrite and changes, she could have something.
11) For the readers who did this last year and this year, which did you prefer, reading each other's stories or reading someone other than who was reading yours?Reading each other's, this way if someone bailed, you had the option of stopping LOL.
12) Any final comments or suggestions for next year to make this work even better?I was happy with the way it went this year, so no.
13) Any final comments for the author?I really hope I was helpful!