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Author Topic: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)  (Read 43694 times)


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2012, 04:07:59 PM »

One question to mare or whoever wants to answer lol ...Should I stop writting on Uncle Daddy until the end of the challenge? Just asking cause I have the rest planned.


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2012, 05:25:58 PM »

Why would you wait? You should definitely keep writing on it, it's always better to read a completed story then waiting for an update. :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green

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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2012, 05:52:20 PM »

Story you are reading: Uncle Daddy by Carterkid

How many chapters are in the story? 12 so far

What chapter are you currently on? Just finished chapter 6

Are the main characters easily defined and strong? Defined yes but not so strong at this point.

Have you figured out the overall plot of the story? It's still early enough but I think I've got the basic jist of the story.

So far what has been your favorite scene? Unfortunately, nothing has stood out for me yet.

Has the story been edited enough to read comfortably? up through chapter five, no

Do you have any questions for the author? at this time, no.

Is this something you are looking forward to reading the entire way through?  I'm  not far enough in to be sure.

Is the author responding to your feedback regularly?  I just started reviewing.


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #78 on: June 30, 2012, 07:26:32 PM »

Time for the Halfway there survey

Fill this one out once you hit the halfway point of the story you are reading.

Name of the story:

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming?

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly?

3) Is it easy to understand?

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking?

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish?

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should?

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through?
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #79 on: June 30, 2012, 08:52:24 PM »

Name of the story:Snowed In

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming? Yes, It's just as I thought it would be.

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly? the pace is great and it moves just right

3) Is it easy to understand?Yes it is

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking? like it just fine

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish? its done now

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far
 she knows how to write love stories LOL   

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should?  yes, very much so

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through? no questions


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #80 on: July 01, 2012, 04:20:36 AM »

Story you are reading: Hawk and a Handsaw

How many chapters are in the story? 24+epilogue

What chapter are you currently on? I'm finished reading it.

Are the main characters easily defined and strong? yes. Even Kevin, AJ and Howie who have minor roles, I felt them in the story.

Have you figured out the overall plot of the story? nope. only what the summary said. the story has a lot of turning point/surprises that I couldn't predict what would happen

So far what has been your favorite scene? Nick meeting Valerie. :) and the cute frick and frack moments.

Has the story been edited enough to read comfortably? yes. Julilly writes so well.

Do you have any questions for the author? maybe does she believe in all the supernatural stuff that she wrote or was it all project of her imagination.

Is this something you are looking forward to reading the entire way through? YES!

Is the author responding to your feedback regularly? She just did and I love the fact that she does not only appreciates that I left a review but she appreciated all the things I said.

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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #81 on: July 01, 2012, 04:29:20 AM »

Name of the story: Hawk and a Handsaw

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming? yes, a lot! the story has a lot of surprises that I didn't see coming. the very reason why I read chapter 7 until the end in one sitting because there were lot of surprises that kept me interested/intrigued.

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly?I thought at first it was moving too fast, but after finishing the story it made me realized that the pacing of the story couldn't be better. The timing is right.

3) Is it easy to understand? yes.

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking? I love the characters, even Sgt. Baker who only appeared once. lol

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish? I was excited enough that I finished it last thursday.

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far the library and Valerie's character.

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should? yes, Julilly is awesome. :)

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through? none. just want to tell her she did a great job writing this story, and thank you for sharing this story to us.
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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #82 on: July 01, 2012, 04:57:31 AM »

Name of the story: Just One Kiss by Kevmylove

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming?

- I kind of expected some of it but I am surprised at some of the things that have happened in the story between Tiffany and her boss.

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly?

-It is moving at a comfortable pace.

3) Is it easy to understand? Yes

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking?

- At first I was unsure about Abby's character but as the story progressed I am enjoying her.

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish?  Absolutely :)

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far

- Erika definitely has a knack for mixing comedy in with the drama and romance aspect of the story. She's done a great job with dialogue as well. I'm enjoying the banter between the characters.

7) Do you feel like you're reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should?

- I feel she is doing the best she can do so far. We've both been reviewing each chapter and responding as well.

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through?

- Where did you get the idea for this story from and what did you use as inspiration for some of the scenes? Did you do any research for it?


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #83 on: July 01, 2012, 11:01:42 PM »

Name of the story:  Whatever the Night May Bring

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming?
I just got to the point where the story comes full circle, with the past parts catching up to the present.  Because of the way the first half of the story was written, I felt like I could always see the destination ahead; I just didn't know what it was going to take to get there.  So while there wasn't a lot that really surprised me, it was fun to go back and fill in all the details that I didn't know about what happened between Point A and Point B.  I think from this point on, there will be more surprises because I don't have any future scenes to show me what's coming.

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly?
The pacing of the story is perfect.  There really haven't been any filler chapters; every chapter tells a different part of their overall story, and it wouldn't make as much sense without each of those scenes to tie it all together.

3) Is it easy to understand?
I could see it possibly be confusing for some readers because of how it jumps around in time, but I've been able to understand it fine, and I think it will be even easier now because it looks like it will proceed in chronological order from this point on.

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking?
Yeah... that's why I think the chapters of each of the Boys back in the Millennium promo days before shit went down were important, because we see how much they've changed as a result of what has happened to them.  Even the supporting characters have enough traits that I can get a sense of what kind of people they are or were before all this happened, without them dominating the story.

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish?
Yes!  I'm actually really looking forward to reading the alternate endings, old-school CYOA style!  I remember when Mare was writing this last year and opted for different ending tracks, and I thought that was a really cool idea at the time, so I'm excited to see how it turned out!

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far
The sci-fi aspect is different for Mare, and since I'm someone who doesn't feel very creative at coming up with that kind of stuff, I have to commend her for that!  But I think what stands out most to me is the way the first half of this story was pieced together, out of order but in a way that still made sense.  Mare has said she's not an outliner, but that had to have taken some careful planning to get it to work!

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should?
Absolutely!  Mare is very consistent; I always wake up to a new review or am still up at 5:30 a.m. when it comes LOL.

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through?
Going back to what I said in #6, how did you go about planning this story?  Did you have some sort of outline or timeline written down, or was it in all in your head?  When you wrote the first scene of Nick and Howie in Randy and Clara's shack, did you know how they came to be there, or did you make up the backstory as you went along?  And did you write the chapters in the same order you posted them, or did you write the events more chronologicall y?

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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #84 on: July 02, 2012, 09:21:42 AM »

Thanks for all that, Julie! As far as your question... I had originally planned this entire story to be a CYOA so I had a general idea how I wanted it to go but didn't have it really outlined or plotted out. Once I figured out I couldn't do the entire story that way (too much work and really hard to lay out on AC) I went with choosing MY own adventure instead lol I knew some things were definitely going to happen but the overall writing of this was more a well what would I do now? Sometimes I was surprised in the direction it took but I just overall went with it. So yes, believe it or not, there was no outline or writing out of order. Just going with the flow & with the exception of a few 'oopsies' here & there. It's nice to know it came off well planned lol :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #85 on: July 02, 2012, 02:40:14 PM »

Name of the story: The Price of Fame

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming? It's going the way I thought it would, no surprises yet.

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly? It's quite a fast paced story, sometimes a little too fast in places.  I wanted to read more about the cruise and hoped for some crazy fan encounters :)

3) Is it easy to understand? Yes, it's very easy to understand.  Dottie has written the story clearly and presented it in a way which wouldn't confuse a reader.

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking? I feel like I don't really know enough about Kayla to get a picture in my head of her.

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish? Yes, I want to see if they get their happy ending.

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far.  The sex scenes have stood out so far, lol

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should? Yes, Dottie has been reviewing my story and I've responded to them.

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through? What inspired you to write this story, did you go on the NKOTB cruise?


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #86 on: July 02, 2012, 03:48:34 PM »

Thanks for all that, Julie! As far as your question... I had originally planned this entire story to be a CYOA so I had a general idea how I wanted it to go but didn't have it really outlined or plotted out. Once I figured out I couldn't do the entire story that way (too much work and really hard to lay out on AC) I went with choosing MY own adventure instead lol I knew some things were definitely going to happen but the overall writing of this was more a well what would I do now? Sometimes I was surprised in the direction it took but I just overall went with it. So yes, believe it or not, there was no outline or writing out of order. Just going with the flow & with the exception of a few 'oopsies' here & there. It's nice to know it came off well planned lol :)

I so envy your ability to do that! LOL

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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #87 on: July 02, 2012, 04:41:22 PM »

I so envy your ability to do that! LOL

Thanks! lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #88 on: July 03, 2012, 12:10:34 AM »

Name of the story: Figured You Out

1) Since you started the story, has it lead you down the path you thought it would or have there been any surprises you didn't see coming? Yes it has. Although, I was surprised that Lauren came back to Nick and he ended up losing her anyway. 

2) How is the pacing of the story? Do you feel like there are too many filler chapters or is it moving too quickly? The pacing is a bit fast, but you get a pretty good idea of how obsessed Valerie is and how freaked out Nick is and it keeps you guessing.

3) Is it easy to understand? Yes it is.

4) Have the characters fully developed to your liking? If not, what are they lacking? I'm not liking Valerie, but obviously because she's nuts and dangerous! Nick works my nerves for giving into her. lol. 

5) Is this something you are still excited to finish? Yes. I want to know what the heck happens to crazy girl!

6) Tell us something you feel has stood out about the story. The biggest strength thus far? I can feel the fear Nick feels as he finds those letters! 

7) Do you feel like your reading partner has been reading and reviewing your work fairly and has been participating as they should? Yes she has.

8) Any questions for the author now that you're halfway through? No questions at the time she answered it in a review response.

Tracy's question- Where did you get the idea for this story from and what did you use as inspiration for some of the scenes? Did you do any research for it?

I was watching some wedding movie and I imagined Nick having to help out to organize it and how he would proly suck at it. lol. Then I thought hmmm what if he had to do it with the sibling of the bride and fell for her. Quite the dilemma. 
Girl, I definitely had to do research cause although I'm married I didn't do the traditional all white...glamou r wedding. I literally had to look up the process of wedding planning, what is done and how. Then let's add goofy Nick to the process and you got some awkwardly fun times.


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Re: Let the Summer Reading Commence! :O)
« Reply #89 on: July 03, 2012, 02:32:40 AM »

Yay! I just finished reading Figured You Out. Tracy did an awesome job keeping me guessing and sitting on the edge of my seat. What I liked the most was that she also included the rest of the boys! She did great with this story she had me mad...worried and laughing through it. Great job Tracy! I really enjoyed it and I'm glad those two crazies got what they deserved and it wasn't jail time!  ;)
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