Karah... Wait, he said it was good up UNTIL Nick took off his pants? *shakeshead* Boys just don't get it.
As for who knows I write FF... ugh. Well I kinda half-admit to it. I wanted to include writing on my resume somehow, so I put on there that I had won an award on a "writing community" online, and that I had friends who beta-read stories I was working on. When my professor asked to read one of the stories... I kind of balked. I gave her a couple chapters of Something Beautiful, and I told her, "heres' the thing. I'm still working on characters, and to write the storyline for the rough draft, I used the Backstreet Boys" - which is partially true as I'm working rewriting/revising SB for a novel, but y'know. So she read the exerpt I'd given her and she really liked it.
But that's the closest I've come to telling anyone about my BSB fiction - at least the serious stuff. I've told my sisters about the Llama story and a few of the funny one-shots, but never that I write dramatic things. LOL I think they'd think I was freaking insane if they knew I made up stories about my favorite band coming down with horrible dieases and going through traumatic experiences and stuff.