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Author Topic: Question of the day thread number 2!  (Read 79145 times)


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #390 on: July 12, 2012, 04:10:25 PM »

I don't mind how accurate the facts are in a story, as long as I'm enjoying the story and it's presented well, I'm happy :)

Purpura Lipstick

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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #391 on: July 12, 2012, 04:11:16 PM »

I just saw a quote on Quotes for Writers that seemed applicible to this... LOL

"A good writer will research to find the answer, but a great writer knows how to bullshit their way out of having the question asked."

LMAO I found that hilarious. I don't know how much stock we should put in it as writers but I thought it was funny anyways.

I think all my school essays were pretty solidly rooted in that quote's philosophy.

Yes! I love that. :-D
- Purpura -


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #392 on: July 12, 2012, 04:29:12 PM »

Research?!? EW! That's one of the reasons that I write AU, because I can not spend time researching the guys and their lives...no way! Funny though because I did do research on guns, ways to die, hitmen for Sinister Devotion. I also did research on weddings and what goes on when planning one for Just One Kiss and lastly...I definintely did UFC, MMA fighting, times, weights, events, fighters research for Fight Me. Ok wow...I guess I do research.

I don't really pay attention to inaccuracies.. .I don't think I would even know if there is one. lol. I've been called out before, but usually becasue I'm writing AU and I'll say something backstreet boyish...like mention fans. LOL!!!

I have a question...Whi ch one of your own stories is your favorite? Why?


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #393 on: July 12, 2012, 04:42:28 PM »

I know what story everyone thinks I am going to say. LOL. 

Amnesia is still one of my all time favorites that I've written.  I haven't read it in a while but I just loved what I did with it and it was a blast to write. Being one of the first fanfics I've ever written I am sure I have quite a bit wrong and leave a lot to be desired, but I still <3 it.

The rest of my stories all go through their time at the top of my favorite list as I'm writing or just after I wrote but Amnesia has stayed at the top. 

Don't go read it and ruin my buzz by telling me it's horrible now. LOL.
- Purpura -


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #394 on: July 12, 2012, 04:43:20 PM »

I just saw a quote on Quotes for Writers that seemed applicible to this... LOL

"A good writer will research to find the answer, but a great writer knows how to bullshit their way out of having the question asked."

LMAO I found that hilarious. I don't know how much stock we should put in it as writers but I thought it was funny anyways.

I think all my school essays were pretty solidly rooted in that quote's philosophy.

LOL They don't call it a B.S. degree for nothing!

Pretty sure I put way more effort into my fanfics than I ever put into papers for school LOL.

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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #395 on: July 12, 2012, 04:55:40 PM »

^how silly is this, I am a math major but I got a B.A. in Math... WTF!! they didn't have a B.S. in Math for my particular math major. lol

Perhaps we should start a new thread for Question of the Day again, lol this one is loooooooooooon g
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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #396 on: July 12, 2012, 04:57:37 PM »

Favorite story I've written. That is a hard one....but I am gonna go with Not The Other Guy. I actually did research on the NYC subway system and NJ transit for one chapter where Nick and Amanda take the train to new york city, as a result now I know the subway very well. Its just a cute story....lots of fun moments and I loved writing it.

The other story I would choose is Jizzle Of Oz cause it was just fun to do the Wizard Of Oz in a new way.


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #397 on: July 12, 2012, 05:00:31 PM »

Everyone knows my favorite is Something Beautiful and I think everyone knows it's because I wrote it dealing with stuff in my life. I mean Nick's character in that story was dealing with feelings I was dealing with concerning my mom, and Brian's character was meant to explore her side of it all when she was diagnosed with Leukemia and the things she said about dying. When she was sick, she kept saying she didn't want to be in the hospital, that she wanted to go home and not have to go through chemo anymore and just live because chemo was taking her life away. And we all insisted she'd get well and talked her into the chemo. After everything was over, I really wished that I'd listened and helped her spring free and gotten her to go on the road trip she wanted to go on. That's what Something Beautiful was really about. Even though it was about Nick and Brian it was about what I would've done differently if I'd known better and had just listened.

Wow that sounds really depressing. On an up note, my second favorite story is Fear of Flying because everyone needs a good Llama story in their life and Fear of Flying is the Llama Story. LOL Anyone who is like WTF over my Llama obsession should read it to learn about Llama... I'm just saying.  ;)
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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #398 on: July 12, 2012, 05:01:20 PM »

I can't decide which of my stories is my favourite, it's a toss up between a Take That one called Patience (a romance with random girl who happens to be called Steph, lol) and Save A Prayer.  I wrote Patience a few years ago, it was one of my first fanfics and so kind of holds a special place in my heart.  Save A Prayer I like because I got to torture some people and strand the boys in the jungle for a while :)


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #399 on: July 12, 2012, 05:02:33 PM »

I'll start a new thread for us :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #400 on: July 12, 2012, 05:03:29 PM »

Now that I know where all of this Roy chat on twitter came from... LOL

When you read, do you ever fact-check other people's info, or do you just go with it?
I usually just go with it, I don't fact check unless it's something I know a lot about or I'm beta-ing. And I'm sure people hate my beta-ing for that.

If a glaring inaccuracy stands out to you, do you say anything to the author or let it go?
Same answer as above.

And as a writer, have you ever been called out by a reader for writing something that was inaccurate?  If you have, how did you handle it?

I got a review on Running Up That Hill back when it first started saying that they didn't go to a LL game but it was a Boston Red Sox game. I didn't go back in and fix it though because there really was no point and it had already been posted. Plus it was such a minor detail that wasn't really relevant to the story that I didn't bother. The point wasn't which baseball game they missed - it was that it was missed because AJ was going to rehab. Or whatever happened in the first chapter of that story because I can't remember LOL.

Back when I was getting my Avatar fiction beta-ed hardcore, my friend would point out tons of things that were wrong from the show and I'd go fix them. Well, in one instance he was wrong, and I got a review letting me know how wrong I (but really he) was. Then I wondered if I would do better at writing Avatar fiction without his help... so I setup a whole fake account on FF.net and wouldn't you know it, fake me is better at Avatar fic than the real me. It's what began my career in fan fic experiments ha!

Oh and you know what's an inaccuracy that no one has ever pointed out to me, but annoys me to no end? The plot of In Pieces revolves around these girls following BSB around on the Black and Blue tour. All summer long. With no interruption. I feel like I'm writing Running Up That Hill to make up for that lol

I have a question...Whi ch one of your own stories is your favorite? Why? [/color]

Hmmm... Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM. I had a lot of fun writing that one and I think I did a good job with it. I'm pretty proud of it too because it got me a runner up felix award :)
~Saka ♥

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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #401 on: July 12, 2012, 05:07:50 PM »

I am the source of all the Roy talk huh? I feel so special! lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #402 on: July 12, 2012, 05:14:03 PM »

As a whole, I guess Curtain Call would now be my favorite of my own stories because it's the best-written of all the finished ones.  But I think my favorite collection of scenes would be the ones I've written for 00Carter because they are the most creative.

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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #403 on: July 12, 2012, 07:31:46 PM »

I don't think anyone was calling you a bad writer.  Mare admitted she doesn't research but her stories are well written and the guys have a good bond which is what she focuses on.  I think people can write well if they research a lot, some people like to research, but I also think that people who have very little of their real life or don't have any of their actual life write well.  I love Kevmylove's stories and her stories are all AU, I really don't know how much she researches.  I don't dissect her stories to find out, just like I don't dissect RMTW by Rose that I am reading to find out what is real.  They are all still fiction so I don't take anything for fact whether I know it was researched or not, it is still fiction.   I don't read fiction to learn anything new, I read to be entertained.  If a story brings an interesting fact to light then I will research to see if it is true or not. 

Well said Lore. No one said anyone was a bad writer so I'm not sure why anyone would think so. When I talk about research, I mean myself. Because I'm my own worst critic. Really good writers usually write well enough that's believable with or without research. The way Mare writes, for example, isn't centered around events. But, you're so enraptured with the fic you're not thinking about them anyway.

I just saw a quote on Quotes for Writers that seemed applicible to this... LOL

"A good writer will research to find the answer, but a great writer knows how to bullshit their way out of having the question asked."

LMAO I found that hilarious. I don't know how much stock we should put in it as writers but I thought it was funny anyways.

I think all my school essays were pretty solidly rooted in that quote's philosophy.

It's amazing how I BS more for papers than for my own fiction LMAO.
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Re: Question of the day thread number 2!
« Reply #404 on: July 12, 2012, 07:57:53 PM »

Gah, I could have sworn I answered the questions I think Julie asked but I got so busy at work the board timed out or something.

I don't think I would ever call out a fan fiction or even fiction writer for something that's not accurate in a story (say Nick writing a song with Steve Perry for 'Now or Never'), because it's fiction. If it was an autobiography, then I might yell or speak up or even a news story.

Damn, I'm so tired I forgot what the other questions were LOL That's the one that stuck out.

I really don't think researching and using real life stuff is bad. I guess fiction is just an escape from reality for me, so I try not to use too much of it myself.
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