I finally finished 11/22/63 last night - took me forever to read because I just read a little bit each night in bed before I went to sleep, but OMG, it was so good!!! I loved it! I stayed up til midnight the other night because I got to the climax and couldn't stop reading!
I have never been a big fan of historical fiction or sci-fi/time travel stuff, but I do love history, and I thought this book was SO interesting and so well-written! It sucked me in right away, and although it was really long, I didn't feel that it moved slowly - certainly not as slowly as the first half or so of The Stand. I loved all the little details he included about life in the late 50s; it made me wish I could live in that time (except for the blatant racism LOL). I also found myself Wikipedia-ing Lee Harvey Oswald and his family quite a bit throughout the second half. I learned a lot!
I thought the ending was perfect. In every story I've ever read about someone going back in time to stop some historical disaster from happening, the lesson learned is that you can't change history - no one ever stops the Titanic from hitting the iceberg, etc. So I was surprised that Jake actually did succeed in saving Kennedy - but I LOVE how that didn't lead to the perfect rewrite of history that Al had envisioned, but instead ruined the world. It was very Whatever the Night May Bring, Mare. In fact, I couldn't remember when you read this book and was wondering if you'd read it before you came up with the idea for that story - I didn't think so because this book is so new, and that made it even eerier to see all the similarities! Including the Canada reference LOL.
[End spoiler]
I also loved the first person narration of this one... Stephen King doesn't usually write in first person, so it was different from his usual style, but I thought it flowed better. Really great book!!!