Hi all! I'm a newbie so I thought I'd come on here and introduce myself
So, my name is Jessica, I'm 22 and from Australia. I'm in my last year of university and studying to become a Secondary School teacher.
Fanfiction wise - I used to write a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction on fanfiction.net and even though I haven't written anything for a good six years (I've been busy lol) I'm still a big fan of fanfiction and reading in general.
Backstreet wise? Well, they formed when I was just about to turn 3 so I can't brag being an original fan or anything but I have loved them since I was 8. Brian and Nick have always been my favourites, but I love all the guys!
At the moment I've been writing a fanfic called 'Brothers' which is just a whole lot of drama and bromance. Bromance is my secret love (shh!). If you ever read my fanfics, I apologise in advance for the Aussie language. I try to keep it American ie. cell phones instead of mobiles, but I don't get the US style units of measurements (pounds, miles, feet etc), so I'll most likely use km, m, cm, mg, kg etc.
Anyways, I'm really excited to be here and I can't wait to meet you all! Oh and just before I head off, thanks to everyone who has welcomed me so far, especially Mare!