Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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1) What if anything is one thing you learned from doing this challenge?
I don't know if it was directly from doing this challenge, but it was mostly because of talking to Cinzia that I opened myself up to trying slash.  Slash is a genre I always said I'd never write, but reading what she had to say about it made me see some appeal in it.  I still don't see myself as a slash writer, but at least I tried something new!

2) Were you ever afraid to be honest?
Not really.  I never want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I figured people signed up for this challenge knowing they were going to get some constructive criticism, so I might as well give it.  Luckily, I enjoyed both of the stories I read and didn't have to be brutally honest about my opinions of them.

3) Did you find it easy to give concrit?
It wasn't hard because, like I said, I knew the authors were expecting it, and I didn't have to give a lot because they're both talented writers, and their stories were both good.

4) Did you find it easy to TAKE concrit when given?
I didn't really get any concrit that would have been hard to take, as Cinzia enjoyed my story.

5) Did you tend to agree with most of the comments made?

6) Did you find yourself reading other challenge stories besides the one you originally picked?
I read Emily's story Falling in Love Again, though not because of the challenge.  I may have read one other that I won't name.

7) If you could offer one suggestion for next year's challenge, what would it be?
Whether you go back to pairs or do it the same way we did this year, I appreciate giving us some choice over what we read, either by letting us choose from all the submissions or choose between several stories written by the same author.


--- Quote from: usako on July 14, 2013, 01:40:47 PM ---I guess you're Ritz, right?  :)

--- End quote ---

Yes! Ritz220429 :)

Name of story: Switch

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise? Yes

2) So far who is your favorite character and why?
I think Kevin as Nick is my favorite because he's seeing that Nick isn't as immature and dumb as maybe he thought he was.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be)
My guess is they will switch back but as a result have a lot more respect and understanding for each other!

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit?
Yup, it was pretty straight forward

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations?
Not yet

These are the harder questions, but don't be afraid to answer them. Remember we all signed on to this knowing and expecting to get and give constructive criticism.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why.
I think it's a cute story but I might have stopped reading because of all the grammatical/spelling errors. It looks like it wasn't edited and I usually won't stick around an unedited story for too long.

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of)
Like I said above, there are a lot of mistakes but the great thing is, Chris is aware of that and I'm trying to help her out as best as I can by fixing and beta reading the story for her as I go along.  :)

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot?
Why did you choose Nick and Kevin to be the ones to switch bodies?

1) What if anything is one thing you learned from doing this challenge? I don't really think I learned anything new.

2) Where you ever afraid to be honest? Not really.  We signed up for this expecting good, honest feedback and that's what I feel I gave.

3) Did you find it easy to give concrit? I never find it easy because I'm aware that I'm no expert, but if I feel the story needs it, I will point things out.  Luckily the stories I read were well written and didn't require any concrit.

4) Did you find it easy to TAKE concrit when given? Yes, I think so, although I think the only concrit was about the amount of swearing (which is weird when in reality I rarely swear).

5) Did you tend to agree with most of the comments made? Yes

6) Did you find yourself reading other challenge stories besides the one you originally picked?   No, but I might in the future (although I think I've read a lot of them already).

7) If you could offer one suggestion for next year's challenge, what would it be? I can't think of anything, I've enjoyed every challenge so far.

1) What if anything is one thing you learned from doing this challenge?
Not sure, maybe to have more patience and realize that despite the kind of story it is, if it's good writing, it's worth a try and if it's bad writing, it's not.

2) Where you ever afraid to be honest?
No, because that was the purpose behind this challenge.

3) Did you find it easy to give concrit?
Sometimes. It really depends on what it's about. I find it a lot easier to tell someone they are doing something wrong with grammar and spelling than I do with the fact that their story might not be that good.

4) Did you find it easy to TAKE concrit when given?

5) Did you tend to agree with most of the comments made?

6) Did you find yourself reading other challenge stories besides the one you originally picked?
Yes lol

7) If you could offer one suggestion for next year's challenge, what would it be?
I think we're going to do it the same way but I might make it a new rule that the story has to be at least 10 chapters long and almost near completion or totally complete. Other than that, I really think the way we did things this year worked out really nicely! :)


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