Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot?
Why did you choose Nick and Kevin to be the ones to switch bodies?

They are two of my favorites and I wanted the oldest to switch with the youngest.

Final survey (To be completed after finishing the story you are reading)

Name of story: Love Story by Cinzia

1) What was the biggest challenge for you when reading this story?

-The fact that it was slash, and I am not used to reading that genre.

2) Did you find yourself looking forward as you were going along or did it feel like homework?

-I feel horrible for saying this but yeah after a while it did feel like homework because the story was not yet completed. Every time I thought I was finished, I'd come back to more chapters to read. It was not a horrible story, just got tedious after a while.

3) What was your favorite scene/chapter in the story?

- It was really towards the end but I liked the scene where Brian tells Nick he won't go to Europe in a letter and uses post its of things he likes about him to lead him to the letter. I thought that was really clever and adorable.

4) Was your favorite character at the halfway point still your favorite at the end?

-Yes Brian was still my favorite.

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?

- Kevin because he only had one scene LOL

6) If there was a sequel to this story would you be interested in reading it?

- I don't see how there could be one as it wrapped up pretty nicely, but if there I just couldn't get into the slash part. Mostly the reason I can't get into it is because I can't picture Brian and Nick being lovers for some reason. The writing was great, but I couldn't get past my own feelings.

7) Were you happy with the ending?

-I liked the ending because it was realistic, Brian not running away with Nick felt real and honest.

8) Name the biggest surprise in the story and did you see it coming? (If there was one)

- I was surprised at the addition of Kurt and Blaine as characters, they are from Glee. I found that interesting.

9) What was this stories biggest strength?

- Cinzia has a wonderful way with description and writing a scene so well that I could picture the details in my head. She writes very well for someone who does not use English primarily.

10) What was it's biggest weakness?

-Some of the chapters would have done better as one chapter rather than splitting them up.

11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author?

- If Cinzia wrote a non slash story yeah I would try reading it.

12) Give us one final review that sums up your experience reading this, maybe explain why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you wou have perhaps picked a different story from this one?

- I gave honest feedback and tried to leave helpful tips as well for her, because that is what new writers need. Honestly i wanted to try something new which was reading in a way I am glad I chose this story. I was as honest as I could be without trying to sound like a jerk about it.

13) Did you prefer the way we did the challenge this year or did you like the pairings better?

- I really liked that we could submit multiple stories and that we could choose what we read.

14) Did the author respond to your feedback?

- Yes, she was very good at responsing. I always love the author comments.

15) Any final thoughts or questions for the author?

- Nope.

Story: Love Story

Person reading it: DelphinaCarter

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
I was happy. I've read one or two of her stories so I was glad she picked up one of mine. 

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
Yes, she did. She was honest, even when she didn't like some scene and, as I said her, I appreciate every little advice she gave me.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?
Actually, I found pushing myself to finish the story so that she could have the whole picture and not being left half way.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Nope. She was very clear in her feedback.

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
Definetely good.


--- Quote ---11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author?

- If Cinzia wrote a non slash story yeah I would try reading it.
--- End quote ---

I have a non slash story, which is the one Julie has read for the challenge. Actually, my own challange is to be able to write and finish a non slash long but I know it will take time because the translationg process is really long.


--- Quote from: carterkid on July 20, 2013, 08:43:38 PM --- 8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot?
Why did you choose Nick and Kevin to be the ones to switch bodies?

They are two of my favorites and I wanted the oldest to switch with the youngest.

--- End quote ---

Oh okay, thanks! That makes sense! :)


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