Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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Final survey (To be completed after finishing the story you are reading)

Name of story: Switch

1) What was the biggest challenge for you when reading this story?
The grammatical errors and lack of editing.

2) Did you find yourself looking forward to reading as you were going along or did it feel like homework?
No it didn't because despite what I just listed above, the story was cute and enjoyable to read.

3) What was your favorite scene/chapter in the story?
Probably the salsa night lol

4) Was your favorite character at the halfway point still your favorite at the end?
Yup, I still enjoyed Kevin as Nick

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?
I didn't really have one.

6) If there was a sequel to this story would you be interested in reading it?
I really can't see a sequel to this one without it just being the same old thing so no, probably not.

7) Were you happy with the ending?
It's still in progress, so I'll have to get back to you on that one!

8) Name the biggest surprise in the story and did you see it coming? (If there was one)
There were no big surprises

9) What was this stories biggest strength?
It was a cute storyline

10) What was it's biggest weakness?
As listed above, the grammatical errors and lack of editing made it hard to read at times. But hopefuly Chris will be working on that.

11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author?
I might click on another story by Chris to see if any of the things we talked about have been taken and utilized for a newer fic, but if I just see the same old mistakes after being corrected, such as spacing between commas and periods, I would most likely not read anything else.

12) Give us one final review that sums up your experience reading this, maybe explain why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you would have perhaps picked a different story from this one?
I decided to read this story since Erika had disappeared and Chris deserved a chance to get her story read. I'm glad I did because it gave me a chance to offer suggestions and advice to Chris about writing. She had a great idea with this story and overall it was very cute. I think with just a little more work on storytelling and plot plus editing, She will go far in this fandom. My approach when giving feedback in this case was to try to help out with the editing and point out things that she was doing wrong or getting confused with grammatically but I also tried to talk about the story itself as well. I hope it didn't seem too overbearing to her, but most importantly I hope it did help her out some!

13) Did you prefer the way we did the challenge this year or did you like the pairings better?
LOL Same answer as before

14) Did the author respond to your feedback?

15) Any final thoughts or questions for the author?
Just wanted to say great job, Chris and thanks for being patient while waiting for your story to be read!

I actually had no clue you'd read any of mine, Cinzia!!! If I remember correctly though you read Ok Cupid if I'm not mistaken, so thanks :) glad you had a good experience with me!


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on July 21, 2013, 09:26:27 AM ---I actually had no clue you'd read any of mine, Cinzia!!! If I remember correctly though you read Ok Cupid if I'm not mistaken, so thanks :) glad you had a good experience with me!

--- End quote ---

Yes and I've read "Weird World".  :) Actually, Weird World is my favorite among your works. =)

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: Falling in Love Again

Person reading it: Steph/Carter-Orange

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
Well, honestly, my initial thought was "Aw, she doesn't have to do that!  It's not originally her story to read."  This was actually the third story Steph read because of someone apparently deciding not to participate.  That being said, I was really interested to see what she thought because I don't think she'd read any of my stuff before. Plus, I was excited because we actually read each other's stories.
2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
Yes, and yes.  She left a review for most of the chapters, only leaving out a few.  And, she said once at some point that she knew she should be commenting more on my writing, but she was getting so into the story that she wasn't doing that much.  That in itself was the biggest compliment!  Her reactions to what was happening were more than enough.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?
I did with a few chapters here and there.  I finished this one back in the spring, so it was still relatively fresh, but I did go back and read a few chapters.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Nope.  She was a great reader.

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
It was great! 
(sorry Steph, I forgot that I hadn't already done this!)

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: Forever

Person reading it: Mare

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
Honestly, I was terrified.  As a lurker on the message boards for a while, it was very obvious that this definitely wasn't the type of story I imagined Mare enjoying.  I kind of felt like she might rip me apart-- like one of her female characters. lol

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
Yes, and it was very helpful.  She often even went above and beyond.  She was honest about what she liked and didn't like without being harsh, and even gave me some tips along the way for things I might be able to do with my writing in the future.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?
I did go back and read basically all of this one, and read a chapter or more ahead of her.  I started this one almost two years ago, and took a long hiatus, and am just getting back into writing it, so I had to read to refresh myself anyway.  I also wanted to be able to respond to her con-crit by thinking about what I was thinking at the time I wrote what she commented on.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Just a little curious about why you are so anti-female centered fic.  I get that you love the boys and don't want anything to take away from that.  Is that pretty much it?  I really have trouble not including a female lead to complement at least one of the boys.  Though, I've not written that much.  The action/suspense storyline I'm working on, is (sorry!) not necessarily female centered, but will feature a female.  Baby steps, I guess..... So, I kind of doubt you'll even read it. haha.  Maybe for next year's challenge....

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
It was great! Like I said before, I was terrified at the beginning, but through this challenge and commenting on each other's stories, we've started a bit of a friendship that would have probably never happened otherwise.  It scares me how much we are in each other's heads sometimes! lol.


--- Quote from: usako on July 21, 2013, 09:35:03 AM ---Yes and I've read "Weird World".  :) Actually, Weird World is my favorite among your works. =)

--- End quote ---

Aww. I am trying really hard to finish that one. I am really stuck on that story


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