Do have a story you are currently working on? If so, when was the last time you updated it? How many stories do you currently have in progress or left unfinished?
I JUST updated Guilty Roads - boo-yah! So far this summer, that has been my main story, which is nice because it hasn't been my main story in three years.
Besides that, there's also Song for the Undead, which is almost done. It was last updated in April, but it's not my turn to write the next chapter, so I have no control over when it will be updated next.
Then there's 00Carter, which was last updated around Christmas. I have no idea when that will be updated next - again, it's not my turn, so I'm just waiting on co-writers to write.
Then there's my Harry Potter crossover, which I probably never should have posted because I haven't updated it since last April. I have several more chapters finished than what's online, but I want to wait until I'm writing on it consistently to start posting them. For now, it's on the back burner for when/if I run out of steam on GR and want to write something lighter. I do plan on continuing/finishing it someday, though! I have an outline!
Those are my main stories that are posted. I have three other ongoing projects that get updated whenever - Footprints and the two round robins, 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter and Revenge of the Slaughtered. They are all collections of short stories, so there's no overall plot to keep up with.
Then I have the stories that are more or less discontinued: Code Blue and Not Another Teenybopper Fanfic. They haven't been updated since 2007, so I don't see them ever being finished at this point LOL.
And then I have several stories that I've started and never posted. There's the ER crossover which is about the whole group, an AJ drama/romance, a Brian AU drama/romance/supernatural/historical fiction, a Nick suspense novella, various beginnings to one-shots and challenge stories, my one attempt at a NaNoWriMo story from 2005, and even two paragraphs of an original fiction novel. I have a sad little folder of these story starts that I look at once in awhile when the WADD is acting up.
I guess that makes it 4 stories that are published and in progress (7 if you include the 3 short story collections), 2 discontinued, and like 11 unpublished beginnings that may or may not turn into something more.