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Question of the Day Archive

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 05:49:00 PM ---Oh no, just the Brian drama.  I feel privileged that there is nothing more troubling on my mind this weekend than that LOL.  Otherwise, everything is fine, and I even had a good writing day today!

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Yo same. There's a couple other tiny things, but that's been the most troubling in general? What a blessed life we all live, haha. I did too, a chapter and a half so far!
--- Quote from: mare on January 10, 2021, 05:54:45 PM ---Jeez, there are so many questions up there that it took forever to just scroll down to see the replies lol

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 06:04:54 PM ---I know!  I probably shouldn't have put so many in the same post.  I think my original thought was that making the posts as long as possible would prevent the questions from getting lost in people's replies.

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It really did! Perhaps this is a different post to keep the questions together "Posting About the Question of the Day Archive." haha

Hey guys, I’m going to lock this thread and make new one where you can answer questions without having to scroll through everything else.

Updated my last question post on the first page with more questions from the writing thread.

I’ll just leave it unlocked. Just try to keep this thread for posting questions and answers. Since no one has used it, I don’t think. I’m going to delete the other thread I had made.

We got a thread unlocked for good behavior! So proud of us!

--- Quote from: mare on January 18, 2021, 01:50:53 AM ---Since no one has used it, I don’t think. I’m going to delete the other thread I had made.

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I was going to respond with answers, I just wasn't mentally prepared to answer 700 of them yet.


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