Fic Talk > General Discussion

Question of the Day Archive

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501. Have you ever written a story that attracted a completely different groups of readers than your regulars?  Why do you think that was?  Have you ever gone outside of your box to try to attract different readers?

502. How do you feel about giving spoilers away in your summary? How do you decide what to give away and what to keep until it's actually revealed?

503. When it comes to writing stories, do you prefer typing or writing by hand?

504. If you could only pick one story to represent the writer you have become what would you choose and why?

505. As a reader, do you agree with the picks your favorite authors chose? Or would you pick something different by them?

506. On the opposite side of this - what is one the one story in your catalog that you feel is least like the writer you are today?

507. Is there a 'classic' story you have always wanted to read but never have gotten around to?

508. Is there a 'classic' story you have read because everyone recommended it but when you read it, you didn't like it?

509. Name five stories you consider 'classics' and why you think people should check them out.

510. What qualifies as a "classic" in your mind?  Does it have to be a story of a certain age?  If so, where do you draw the line?  If not, what constitutes a newer classic?

511. When you say a certain author's name, what's the first story that pops into your head?

512. What was it like for you, both as a reader and/or writer, to send/receive that first feedback?

513. When you write a chapter, how much emphasis do you put on page numbers and word counts? Do you feel like you need at least a certain amount of words to make a successful chapter? As a reader do you prefer longer or shorter chapters?

514. What is the longest chapter you've written, and how long was it?  One-shots don't count; it should be a chapter of a larger story.  If you want, you can also tell your shortest chapter that wasn't just a prologue, epilogue, or special interlude type chapter.

515. When you write about the boys, how do you lump them in terms of friendship? Do you tend to think back to the cliched days when it was Frick and Frack, AJ and Howie and Kevin left all alone or do you see it as some other way? Are they all equal relationship wise or are some closer than others?

516. Of the stories you've written, list how many are Group centric, Nick centric, Kevin centric, AJ centric so on and so forth. Not including one shots, only novels.

517. Have you ever made a conscience effort to try to write in one boy's point of view that you usually do not and how hard was that for you?

518. Do you find of those novels depending on the boy you center it around, is one more popular than the other reader wise?

519. How have your reading habits changed over the years, as far as which boys and what types of stories you like to read?

520. What would it take to make you read outside your comfort zone, as in a different boy/pairing or genre than you typically read?

521. What are some other things you guys see as immediate turn-offs or big no-nos if you want to keep an audience?

522. When you guys sit down to write, do you just literally sit down and start writing, or do you do anything to get yourself going first?

523. What makes something a BSB story for you? Have you ever started to read a story and then find yourself saying "This is good but it's not really a BSB fanfic?" What does there need to be to qualify being called a BSB fanfic?

524. When writing a scene or a chapter, what tends to make you stuck or give you the most problems? Is it descriptions, dialogue or something else?

525. Do you find it easier to write in first person or third person?

526. Have you guys ever written the start of a story in both POVs to see which you liked better?  If so, which did you pick?

527. Do you guys plan out chapters with outlines or just go with the flow of things?

528. What has been your best idea, but poorest execution?  Meaning, the idea itself was good, but it could have been written so much better.

529. How does everyone come up with scenarios?  Tv? Real life events? Things you see in the neighborhood?

530. What story took you the longest to write?

531. Do you ever feel like everything you write reminds you of something else you've already written?

532. What has been your most unique (for you) story and why?

533. What has been the most helpful piece of constructive criticism you've gotten, and what has been the most (for lack of a better word) hurtful?

534. How many of your real life friends/family know about your fanfic writing?

535. How different is your online fanfic/BSB obsessed author-self to the you who people see everyday? Do you keep your two worlds completely separated?

536. Have you guys met online/fanfic friends in real life?  If so, who was the first one you met, and what was it like?

537. What was your guys' favorite "old school fanfic" method/plot to read? Do you guys think there were more of those kind of plots back then versus now; if so, why do you think that is?

538. Have you ever found a scene that is just hard to write? Like no matter how much you try it just doesnt seem right?

539. What's the weirdest/craziest thing you've done for the sake of a story?

540. If you had to compare yourself to one real life "famous" writer or creator in terms of your style or ideas, who would it be?

541. What are your favorite scenes to write?

542. On the other side of things, what are your least favorite scenes to write?

543. How about characters? Who are some of your least favorite characters to write?

544. If you had to write about one boy who gave you the hardest time, who would it be?

545. If you had to write one genre that gave you the hardest time what would it be?

546. If you had to write a story about a duo, who would you have the hardest time pairing up? (Besides Howie and Brian because I think that's pretty much a given for everyone so let's just go ahead and say second hardest pairing. LOL)

547. What drew you to BSB? Was it their looks? Or their music? What came first for you and how did you end up wanting to know more about them?

548. Excluding AU or obvious plot related character shifts - Has there ever been a story you read where the author's view on how the boys act was so completely off from your own it made you say WTF? Are these the same BSB guys I like? lol

549. Do you think there's a difference in the way the Boys tend to be written now that we have social media and YouTube and can see more of what the guys are like in real life when they're not onstage, compared to how they were written back in the old days when all we really knew were their stage personas and the images that they put out there?

550. How much of you, the writer, goes into your stories? Like, as you're writing the boys, do you ever find yourself linking so much with a certain characteristic of one of the boys, that you write them doing something you had done, or saying something you would say, or creating a scene or situation that has happened in your life and just placing the guys in it?

551. Also, since we talked about most and least favorite character to read and write, do you think having commonalities with said member plays a role? Like Mare, you enjoy reading and writing Nick, is it because you find that you have more in common with him versus the other guys, or is it strictly because he's your fave?

552. Wouldn't it be funny to put one of the guys completely out of their element? Like plop one of them somewhere, where you wouldn't think they would ever want to go. Like for example AJ... I couldn't see him be on a farm, but it would be quite amusing to see lol.

553. Have you ever thought of a plot that you thought was going to be fantastic and then thought it just wasn't a good idea in the end?

554. Do you write the kind of stories you prefer to read?

555. Is there a type of story you like to read, but don't write?

556. Have you ever written a story that you would probably never read?

557. how do you go about editing your chapters before you post them?  Do you have someone else beta read them? Or do you do it yourself or do you not bother at all and just wing it?

558. Would it be okay to go back and add something into a story you are currently posting as long as it has no affect on the actual plot?  What about taking things out?  

559. How do you guys come up with your summaries? Is there a process? Like, do you normally take an excerpt from your story and have it be the summary or whatever?

560. Does anyone write fanfic for any other fandom? If so, which fandom do you favor writing fanfic for? Why?

561. Having that we discussed that most of us prefer to keep their significant other and families out of our stories, which couple/family do you guys find is the easiest to write? Which is the hardest for you?

562. Is there something you tend to do in every story as a symbol to show it's you? I guess I'm asking if you have a "thing" lol

563. If you were to take one of your stories (for the readers, a story that you've read) and make it into a movie, which story would it be and why?

564. One thing that annoys me, only because I'm so anal, is when the number of ~*~*~ or whatever changes every time because the writer just does it randomly instead of having a consistent way of doing it.  Anyone else have any random pet peeves like that?

565. What animal would a member be and why?

566. How flexible are you when it comes to plotting your stories?  I know some of us are planners, while others are more "go with the flow"/"fly by the seat of your pants" writers, so this might be more of a question for the planners, even if you just plan in your own head instead of in an actual outline.  But when you plan for something to happen in a story, do you tend to be rigid about sticking to your plan, or do you often change your mind?  What would it take to change your mind about something that was all but set in stone?

567. How do you feel about open endings? Do you like everything to be tied in a neat bow before you actually consider a story to be finished or do you enjoy leaving some of it out for interpretation?

568. How do you feel about sequels? (kind of in regards to the first question and open endings) When you write a sequel do you know you're going to do it at the beginning or it is something you don't realize until you are done with the first story? What's the motivation behind your writing a series or a sequel to a story and have you ever regretted your decision to do it?

569. Is there a story that has been incomplete forever that you would love to take over and finish for someone? Or is there a story you haven't finished that you wouldn't mind someone taking over for you?

570. What story has taken the most willpower and effort for you to finish writing?

571. Does anyone have any ideas brewing around in their heads for their next story to write?

572. How do you guys normally come up with your story ideas? Is it inspired, based off an experience? Do you normally like to take current events and just throw the boys in them? Do you stick with our "old school fanfic method" and just do twists on them?

573. If you have an idea, and notice a writer wrote/is currently writing a story similar to your idea, do you continue on with it?

574. How did you guys first feel about fanfic? Were you weirded out about the concept of creating/writing stories about real life people? How did you first stumble upon it? Being that we're older, what are your thoughts about writing fanfic now, has it changed from when you first discovered/wrote/read?

575. How much or little do reviews affect you and your writing? Do you find yourself excited to work on something after receiving a ton of feedback or not when it doesn't?

576. Have you ever gotten feedback from someone who didn't realize they were reading fanfic?

577. If at least one person is reviewing and seems to care does it make a difference? Or do you need more than that to feel motivated?

578. If you could Improve upon anything for yourself as a writer what would that be?  What are you doing to try to help yourself with that issue?

579. Name a story that is one of AC's "best kept secrets" - a story that you think a lot of people would love, if only they would click on it.  Maybe it's an older story or a story with a summary that doesn't reflect what it's really like or just a story that, for whatever reason, has gone undiscovered.  Don't give us one of your own, although that can be another question if you'd like.

580. For those of you who do write ahead of yourselves, when it comes to posting how do you choose to do it? Do you update regularly on a specific day of the week or every day or just whenever or all at once? How do you decide when to post and do you think it has affect on your readers?  If you tend to post a chapter as soon as you're done, how long do you wait for editing purposes?

581. Is there something you have to have or doing while writing like have snacks at your desk or listening to music?

582. Do you ever wonder if the boys have stumbled upon on the world of fan fiction? It makes you wonder what they would think lol

583. If you were famous and knew about fan fiction, how would you feel about knowing stories were being written about you? And would you want to read them?

584. Is there anything that just keeps you so distracted you just can't seem to write?

585. Has finding out about something in the boys real lives, ever affected your writing? Like as you are writing you found out something was totally contradictory to what you were actually writing? Or the opposite? Did it make you change things at all?

586. Has there ever been a story you wanted to write but just couldn't put the plot together? Or ever want to write about a certain member but just cant seem to get yourself motivated to do so?

587. Have you ever taken a creative writing class or something similar?  If so, what was it like?

588. Do you write original fiction or any other kind of writing (besides fanfic) for fun, and if so, do you share it with people in real life?

589. Have you ever gone on a hiatus from writing? Was it due to life getting in the way? Or just being uninspired?  How long was your writing break, and how did you get yourself the spark to write again?

590. Have any of you also experienced a lull in your reading as well while you're not writing? I know some of you aren't big readers but I am curious on this as well. If not, what stories have you been reading lately?

591. Beginnings are almost always hard for me, and I have probably used just about all of the ways they say NOT to start a novel at one point or another.  What are your thoughts on this list?  Bad Ways to Start a Novel:

592. What would you consider the best and worst beginning you've ever written and why?

593. Has anyone here read a fanfiction more than once, and why did you find yourself reading it again?

594. Do you have any writing- or reading-related resolutions this year?

595. What does everyone's writing set-up look like?  Do you do your writing on a laptop, desktop, phone, on paper, or what?  Do you have a certain place where you do all your writing, or do you move around?  Do you do anything special to create an ambiance, like lighting candles or playing music?

596. Which do you guys think is harder, writing beginnings or endings?

597. When you finish a story, do you like to take a break before you start a new one or do you jump right into it?

598. When you write, do you tend to only wrote nice story at a time or do you like to multi task?

599. What's your favorite one-shot/short story you've written and read?

600. Has anyone written a story and then found a song that goes with it, or been inspired by a song in general?

601. Does anyone make playlists for their stories?

602. Do you guys write down all the story ideas you get, and do you ever go back and look at the ones you don't end up actually writing?  Have you ever used an old idea to write a new story years later?

603. Anyone else ever thought of writing a story about the guys competing in a reality show?

604. Which albums do you think have held up best over the years, and which ones haven't - meaning you may have really liked them when they first came out, but not so much now?  On the flip side, are there any albums that have grown on you to the point where you like them better now than when they first came out?  You can include solo albums too if you want.

605. Knowing what we know now about the group and the issues they were having, what's everyone's opinions on Black and Blue?

606. Does anyone else have songs that they didn't love until they saw them live?

607. What's your favorite part that each boy sings in a BSB song?  For example, Nick's answering machine bridge in One Phone Call might be your favorite Nick solo.

608. Someone tweeted me this question:  "Seriously, why is Nick always the fanfic kick puppy?"  In other words, why do we like to torture Nick so much?

609. Do any of you guys have "head-canons" or portions of BSB history that are not necessarily real, but that you carry through all of your stories? For example, I always have Nick, to varying levels, have some kind of frustration that JT got with Britney instead of him LOL.

610. Do any of you feel like one of the boys is your throw away character? I know most people tend to answer Howie to this question, but it's always been AJ for me with Brian as a close second.

611. Was there any event in BSB history that sparked a ton of fic around it?

612. What's something you find challenging when it comes to writing?  Are there any challenges you used to have that you've overcome?

613. Do you prefer writing het sex scenes or slash ones?

614. Does anyone else get anal about ending their story on a nice "round" number of chapters, or is that just me?

615. Stephen King tweeted this, and I thought it fit well with BSB fanfic:  "The best stories, it seems to me, deal with friendship put under stress."  What are your thoughts on this?

616. Are there any BSB-centric stories that haven't been done yet that you wish existed?

617. For those of you who write slash and have a favorite pairing that you always write about, how do you keep it fresh from story to story?

618. Anyone have a genre they haven't tried yet that they'd like to one day?

619. What would be your dream BSB crossover?  It could be one you'd write yourself or something you'd like to see someone else write.

620. Do you read crossovers if you're only a fan of (or at least familiar with) one of the fandoms in the story, or do you only read them if you like both?

621. Tell us about a time when you went outside your comfort zone by reading a fanfic you normally wouldn't read and ended up enjoying it.  Did that experience open you up to reading more diverse types of stories or change your reading preferences at all?

622. What got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

623. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?

624. Does anyone else have an example of something that seems so basic now that you didn't know or struggled with when you first started writing?

625. Who else enjoys reading and/or writing parodies?  What's your favorite parody you've read and/or written?

626. Has fanfic influenced anyone else's life or career in some way?

627. When drama happens in the fandom, does that inspire you or hurt your inspiration?

628. Let's talk about killing people!  Characters, I mean.  Do you shy away from killing off characters, or are you cool with it?  If you're cool with killing, does that include killing Backstreet Boys (or the main characters in whatever fandom you're writing in)?

629. What factors in to your decision to let a character live or die?

630. Have you ever regretted killing (or not killing) a character?

631. What has been the hardest character death for you to write?

632. As a reader, what was most shocking or devastating death you've read in someone else's story?

633. What do you usually struggle with most in the early stages of planning/starting a new story?

634. What's the hardest decision you've had to make for a story?

635. Are there any real life events or topics that you consider off-limits or taboo to write about in your stories?

636. What album have you found most inspirational, in terms of inspiring story ideas?  Or, for those who don't get inspired by BSB music, which album cycle/era were you most inspired/prolific during?

637. Where do you currently stand with your BSB fandom?  Update us on where you are with the guys, the music, fanfic, whatever you wanna talk about.

638. What are some of your best and worst BSB memories from the last 25 years?

639. What's the craziest thing everyone's done for BSB?

640. What's your favorite of their first singles?

641. Is anyone else feeling inspired by the new music and BSB excitement, as far as writing goes?

642. What was your favorite BSB or fanfic-related memory from this year, and what are you most looking forward to in the new year?

643. JK Rowling posted a new blog on her website where she answers some questions about writing and gives some tips:  It's not really anything new, but I do agree with her advice.  Is there anything that stands out to any of you?

644. Do you post your stories on any other sites, and if so, what has your experience been with those?

645. For those who aren't writing at all or have stopped writing BSB fanfic - do you miss it?  If so, what do you miss most?  What do you not miss about it?

646. What are you currently reading, or if you're like me and not reading anything new right now, what was the last great fanfic you read?

647. With reviews turned off on AC, do you find that readers just don't give feedback at all, or do they give it in a different way (tweet, email, etc.)?

648. Does anyone else feel more comfortable writing male characters than female?

649. How have your opinions of each of the Boys changed from when you first became a fan to now?

650. Tell us about your all-time favorite BSB song!  Do you remember the first time you heard it?  Was it your instant favorite, or did it grow on you the more you heard it?

651. What is your favorite and least favorite music video?

652. What would it take to make you suddenly stop being a BSB fan?

653. What do you think the rest of the guys would do if one of them was found guilty of something? Do you think they will go one without that member?

654. What are some of your story ideas that you ended up not following through on?

655. What's your biggest struggle with this fandom? What has changed for you? What do you wish were still the same?

656. What has been your favorite BSB era and why?

657. Are you influenced by other people's writing habits?  Do you get inspired or discouraged by what else is happening in the fanfic world or with BSB?

658. What story do you have the best memories of reading, and what story do you miss writing the most?

659. What does it usually take for you to start writing again after a slump?

660. If you could give the guys one of your stories to read, which story would it be and why?

661. Which of the boys would you like to see on a reality show? Which show and why?

662. How have you changed as a writer since you first got into fanfic?  Feel free to answer as a reader too if you'd like.

663. When describing male anatomy, do you think it's better to be direct or vague with the terminology?  Do you prefer to read the proper terms (i.e. penis, testicles), slang terms (dick, balls, package, etc.), or more subtle euphanisms (member, manhood, and so on)?

664. Do any of you do any other kind of writing in your life outside of fanfic, either for work or fun?

665. Have you ever thought about trying to turn one of your fanfics into a an original work?

666. What do you consider to be the darkest or worst era in BSB history?  And on the flip side, what has been your favorite era?  What era(s) do you like to read and write stories in the most?

667. Do you have preferences on songwriters or favorite songs written by the guys?

668. What are you writing right now, if anything?  What are you reading?  If you're not reading or writing, why not?  What would it take for you to start again?

669. Who is your favorite Backstreet wife?

670. Do any of you have any other favorite celebrities that you've gone that extra step to find out more about and follow their personal life, not just their career?

671. What has been your best/worst BSB concert/event experience?

672. What are your biggest concert pet peeves?

673. Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?  What aspect(s) of your personality shows itself most through your writing and/or characters?

674. Which song do you wish the boys had recorded rather than someone else doing it?

675. What are your favorite and least favorite kind of scenes to write?

676. When you write simple scenes with just the guys having casual conversations about nothing, do you plan those and know what they're going to talk about ahead of time, or do they just evolve naturally?

677. What's a story idea that you've sat on/always wanted to write but haven't actually gotten around to writing?

678. What is everyone's process for deciding to start a new story?  Do you start one as soon as an idea comes to you, or do you wait until you're done with your current story(ies)?  If you're someone who tends to sit on story ideas, how you decide which one to write when you're ready to start something new?

679. What sparked the uptick of slash in this fandom?

680. Does anyone else have a certain subgenre or type of story they really like to write, but feel other people don't like to read?

681. What kind of endings do you prefer (happy, sad, bittersweet, wraps up nicely, leaves you hanging, etc.)?  You can answer as a reader and/or as a writer - it'll be interesting to see if you like to write the same kind of endings you like to read.

682. What's the story (or maybe part of a story) you've written that you're the least proud of, and what would you change to make yourself feel better about it?

683. Does anyone else divide their "fanfic-career" into different eras?

684. How would you divide BSB's career, chapter-wise?

685. What is your favorite version of each Boy (according to era... for example, Ghetto-Fab Nick from the "Cocaine Solo Tour"/The Hollow/Punk'd era, ca. 2003)?

686. Has the fact that Nick is now married with a kid changed anything about your writing?

687. Does anyone actually enjoy writing about the guys' real wives/children/family members?

688. These are questions for those of you who have stopped writing fanfic or taken a hiatus from it.   Why did you decide to stop?  Do you miss it?  Do you ever think you'll go back?  Have you taken up any new hobbies in place of writing?

689. What's a first line of one of your stories (and someone else's story, if you can think of one!) that you really like?

690. What are your favorite last lines from your own stories and/or other people's?

691. Has anyone else discovered any writing quirks or habits they have (or had), like the "eternal/eternity" thing I mentioned in one of my earlier posts?  Anything you do or did often in stories that you didn't even realize?

692. What other fanfic authors have inspired you or influenced your writing?  You can answer for published, non-fanfic authors too if you want.

693. Is there a story you might have skipped based on it's title? Or is there a story you read just because the title drew you in? For your own stories, what was your favorite title you came up with and why? Was there a certain meaning behind it?

694. If you still read, has your taste in story genre changed or stayed the same over the years and why?

695. Do you find that the perception you had of the boys when you first became a fan is still the way you write them, or has your portrayal of them changed over the years as maybe your perception of them has changed too?

696. Does anyone else read their old work once in a while or is it just me?

697. How has your writing changed over the years?

698. Is there something you wrote that you wish you hadn't? Is there something you never finished, but wished you had? Is there a genre you've always wanted to try?

699. What's most motivating for you? How do you keep the motivation going? What do you do when the motivation wanes (any particular rituals)? What does your inspiration station look like? (e.g., desk, location in your home, not your home at all, etcetera)

700. What are everyone else's rabbit holes? Either in general or a particularly memorable one from the past?

701. So what do you do if you're feeling motivated to write and/or edit, but your brain is just spent on staring at your computer or red/green walls of edits. Do you keep going because you're feeling inspired? Do you take a short recess then come back? In general when you're inspired to write, do you keep going as long as inspiration strikes or do you set yourself time limits? Has that changed at all since quarantining and stay at home orders have happened (increased or decreased)?

702. On the reverse, if you're in an "open/stare/close" mood, how long do you stare before you close? Do you leave it on in the background while you do something else or is a permanent close for the day? How many times a day would you open a document?

703. Where do you fall on the planning scale? Do you have everything planned before you write a single word? (planning) Do you just start writing and let the muses takes you? (pantsing) Are you some combination of the two? (plantsing)

704. If you're writing away perfectly contentedly and a great idea pops up for far down the line, what do you do to keep it at bay? Would you drop everything to write it? If you have an outline, do you ever go back and change it or are you very rigid about it? Same with characters?

705. What do you finalize first? Characters or plot?

706. Do you find it hard to keep perspectives balanced? And do they tend to lean toward anyone in particular in any of your writing?

707. What was your favorite challenge to yourself? What was your least favorite? Is there something you haven't tried yet that you wanted to try?

708. How do you un-BSB [a fanfic] enough [to publish without getting sued] but not too much that it's an entirely different story?

709. I wonder how many other things [The Boys have] done that are more fanfic of them? eg. renting the house in London while working on IAWLT.

710. Are any of the Boys your muse? Do any of them in particular lead you to new and great ideas? What kinds of ideas? (generalizing is fine!)

711. What has been the weirdest or most random/obscure/unexpected source of inspiration for one of your story ideas?

712. What kind of music do you listen to on Spotify?

713. Anyone else interested in reflecting on "7 Writing Lessons Learned in 2020" by K.M. Weiland?

714. What's THE story for you that you've written? Are you defined by it and how have you felt about that?

715. What do you usually have the hardest time writing - the beginning, the middle, or the end?  How about the easiest?

716. Anyone else have any writing-related mementos they hang on to?

717. Has anyone else had luck resurrecting really old ideas or unfinished stories?

718. What's the most random note you ever wrote about and/or for a story?

719. Challenge for everyone: Go find some old physical writing thing you saved that's worth sharing!

720. Anyone else have a writing-related silver lining from Covid?

721. What you feel you are good at (writing strengths) and where you think you could improve (writing weaknesses)? If you responded to the original post, have your answers changed?

722. What are your favorite pairings of Boys to write about and why?

723. When an idea strikes, what's the first thing you do?

724. Are there any things you consider integral to your planning process? For example, Julie mentioned earlier in the thread that she often makes a banner when she's in the planning stages.

725. If you use outlines, how faithful are you to outlines? How detailed are your outlines? If you write first and plan later, how do you keep track of your ideas? Anyone go between the two?

726. What's the easiest part of planning? The hardest?

727. How far into the planning process do you know that an idea is definitely something you'll finish writing? Or the opposite, when can you tell if it should be scrapped?

728. Are there any clear signs to you that you're fully invested in an idea, either early or late?

729. Do you have a specific point where you decide you'll post something or do you just post everything you write?

730. Does every idea you have get to the outline stage?

731. Do you have any sort of planning notes that help keep track of characters and their motivations throughout a story?

732. [Medical] research, how daunting is that? Do you look for accredited sources? Everyone else, feel free to replace [medical] with whatever you find yourself researching a lot!

733. How often do those bursts of inspiration happen?

734. Do you ever have a hard time going back and writing the beginning, which may not be as interesting as the heart of the story?

735. How often do [ideas] "just go away?"

736. How many docs are in the [outlines and ideas] folder right now?

737. What do you think it is about the Boys that stuck with you so much [to write about them] over other fandoms?

738. Did you find it nice or frustrating to have a "between projects" story?

739. On purple prose: What was wrong with just calling them "eyes"? How did calling them "orbs" make it any more descriptive?

740. Do you think the Boys would ever sign off on a biopic musical with their songs? If they did, would you see it? Or, do you think they would ever sign off on a musical with their songs as the plot? If they did, would you see it? Also what would be the plot of that musical?

741. How does whatever the Boys are up to affect your writing? Do you let it affect your writing?

742. Has anyone else either followed through with a story idea many years later, or had the same basic idea twice and didn't realize it until way after the fact?

743. Anyone else ever been like, "Okay, that ship has sailed.  I will never write that type of storyline/genre/whatever again"?

744. At what point is it better to give up and move on to a different project instead of persevering with one that's giving you all kinds of trouble?

755. Anyone else have a story they've struggled with and ultimately finished?  Or maybe one that's still a struggle?  What is it that tends to gives you the most trouble?

756. What's something you do in BSB fanfic that would never fly in an original novel? This can be something as big as a whole plot or something as small as "I often find myself not describing the Boys' appearances." Does anyone else do this or am I a lazy bum?

757. Does anyone feel like whatever you're listening to seeps into your writing? Do you ever pick specific things to listen to for that reason because you want it to seep into the feel of your writing?

758. If anyone watches the video I linked above ("Bad Fanfic Habits", let us know your thoughts and if you're guilty of any of those "bad habits." Related: Anyone else watch any of her other videos?

759. What things does everyone think BSB fanfic writers are more guilty of and what things are they less guilty of? Like, I don't know that we have as many "monologue heavy villains," for instance.

760. Do songs ever remind you of your stories?

761. Related question, how long do you give a story [when you're reading it] before you go "nope"? Is the amount similar for fanfics and published works?

762. What decisions have you made to actively subvert a fanfic cliche [while writing]?

763. Who has a tendency to overwrite and who has a tendency to underwrite? Do you do one for certain things, but not others?

764. Does anyone feel like they're "known" for writing a certain genre and have you stepped out of your comfort zone? How was that for you?

765. What's everyone's fanfic guilty pleasure?  In other words, what kind of story will you always click on, even if you've read a dozen other stories like it?

766. Has the pandemic affected the plots of your current or future stories at all?  If it hasn't, do you see yourself writing something that takes place in this time period, or would you prefer to stick to the past or an unspecified time period for future projects?

767. Does this still happen to anyone [fighting with your characters, especially Nick]? Why is [Nick] so picky? Does this happen to anybody else? Do the boys ever make you second guess what you're working on? (If it does, there's a thread to complain about it now.)

768. Would you ever name a child after a character from one of your stories?  What about a character from someone else's story?  (This could also include published fiction.)  Would you name a kid after one of the Boys?

769. Anyone besides Julie and Dee have a long weekend that they're hoping to use for writing? Describe what you've got going on writing-wise in five words or less, but cryptically.

770. What are everyone's favorite tropes?

771. Do you all always know the exact end before you start writing or is it more vague ideas? If you write in order, what do you do when monumental things like that pop up? If you don't always write things in order, would you drop everything and write an end before you've finished a middle?

772. Did you ever accidentally Backstreet and lean into it or does your brain purposefully put the words in that order to intentionally Backstreet? Do you ever purposefully Backstreet? (Backstreet (v)- to add snips of song lyrics to your stories in the context of dialogue or action, but not as explicitly singing the song)

773. What's something small about writing that you love when it happens?

774. You also seem to like including music as an integral part of your writing. Do you think that comes from it being BSB fanfic and our "shared cannon" or is it more about the feeling of music compared to writing?

775. Re: Ebonics: Does everyone think it was an age thing or an early 00's thing? Do guys in their early twenties still do this?

776. I am guilty of making [Nick] sing made up songs in his head. Anyone else do this or only real songs?

777. Re: hurt/comfort trope: Any reason in particular? Other than the squees of the hurt one being comforted?

778. Do you ever have a hard time coming up with [chapter titles], or do they usually come easily to you?

Wow! That’s a lot of questions. I’m impressed with how much time that must have taken you. We all used to practically live here lol

Gotta keep it productive here somehow! Julie, you're a compiling rockstar!


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