I agree with you guys, and it's so interesting to read the way you characterize yourselves or talk about how others in real life so you because it's so different from the way I "see" you online. Julilly, you do seem very confident, even if it's faked, and Steph, I can't believe anyone would think you weren't smart. Cinzia, you are such a nice, friendly person, I don't know why anyone would bully you, but I'm sorry that happened. And Mare, it's nice to know everyone feels that way about their writing sometimes, when it seems like nothing is going right.
I question myself as a writer the most when I start comparing myself to other writers. When someone posts a really great idea or a scene/story that's written in a creative way, I think, "Why couldn't I come up with something like that? Why can't I write like that?" Or "Why can't I finish this damn story?" Like Mare said, it comes and goes. There are days when I can churn out page after page of effortless-sounding writing that I'm happy with, and then there are days where everything I write or think of writing makes me go, "Ugh, this sucks" and quit. I think everyone has those days.