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Author Topic: Questions to ponder part 11  (Read 130503 times)


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #420 on: July 18, 2014, 08:26:06 AM »

You know what is weird... when I think about the guys in terms of their personalities, I am much more similar to Kevin and Howie than I am the other three, but those are the two I don't care to write about, even though they should be easy to channel.  Easy to channel doesn't always equal interesting, though.  I guess part of the fun and challenge of writing is channeling a character who has almost nothing in common with you.

I think part of my problem with Howie is the fact I hardly know anything about him. I like him but I know almost nothing. Kinda makes it a bit harder I suppose.


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #421 on: July 18, 2014, 08:27:27 AM »

I don't even think I've ever read a Howie-centered story...

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #422 on: July 18, 2014, 08:28:36 AM »

How have your reading habits changed over the years, as far as which boys and what types of stories you like to read?

What would it take to make you read outside your comfort zone, as in a different boy/pairing or genre than you typically read?

In order for me to read something out of my comfort zone, the writing has to be really good. This is the case with Mare and Julie's most recent stories. If the writing is amazing then I will most likely continue with the story because I will be engaged with the characters.

At first, I would only read Brian or group fics. Now, I will read pairing stories if they are well done. I will also read a Nick only fic now. I'm starting to enjoy Nick now that he's older and there seems to be more being done with his character.


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #423 on: July 18, 2014, 08:35:00 AM »

Thanks! :)  Back at you, although dead Nick will lure me in any day LOL.  That said, I would only stick with a well-written story, and Dodging the Daylight is fantastic!!  I'm gonna have to check out A Dash of Cinnamon one of these days too, after reading Julilly's survey in the challenge thread.  I haven't read a good Brian romance in a long, LONG time!

For me, it's a combination of good writing and an interesting plot.  Most of the few Kevin stories I've read involved car crashes and cancer and that kind of thing.  I would read a well-written medical drama about any of them just because that's what I like.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #424 on: July 18, 2014, 08:37:34 AM »

Thank you! :)  I remember feeling the same way when I read Mare's story "The Importance of Fly Fishing," which is also Nick/Kevin.  That's one of the first Kevin stories I remember reading.  That and Louise's "Garden," which is also Kevin/Nick centered.  I guess as long as The Chosen One is in there, that makes it worth reading LOL.  I didn't used to read many Nick stories either, though!  Back in the beginning, I was all about Brian.  Nick grew on me.  Plus, there are a lot more Nick stories to choose from, especially nowadays.

That leads me to a couple of other questions.

How have your reading habits changed over the years, as far as which boys and what types of stories you like to read?

What would it take to make you read outside your comfort zone, as in a different boy/pairing or genre than you typically read?

Yes, that story would not have been as entertaining if Howie and Kevin went fishing! LOL The chosen one needed to be included!

My reading habits haven't really changed at all, sadly lol I think with me, I have come to realize what I like and dislike in fanfic and just tend to stick with what I enjoy. As much as I'd like to say I'd love to expand and go out of my comfort zone, the bigger issue of 'Why bother?' comes in to play. The only time I would ever really consider reading something that I most likely wouldn't otherwise read and enjoy are for these challenges. I can't see myself clicking on a random Brian or AJ centered story for any other reason. No matter how well it's written or who it's by. No matter what, those two do not interest me so I wouldn't care to read an entire novel based on them. Nick centered, group centered is where it's always been for me. If you want me to read something by you, write a Kevin/Nick bromance lol I'll always check out at least the first chapter! LOL

Just like genres, I know I don't enjoy romance or AU's so I stay away, unless (I say this so much you can probably finish what I'm going to say here) the boys are portrayed as brothers/ best friends.  And of course I'm not a fan of stories where the boys are killed or overly gory fics. I think once I figured out what I enjoyed, there was no reason to look any further. Does it limit me? Possibly but I find I don't really read all that much fanfic now anyway.  
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #425 on: July 18, 2014, 08:38:23 AM »

I read mostly Brian and group stories back in the day, but nowadays I read a lot more Nick stories.  Like I said earlier, there are more to choose from, which helps.  There were also a lot of Frick & Frack stories back in the day that I read for Brian, but it got me used to reading about Nick.  I think it was reading Swollen Issues during the Now or Never era that made me start seeking out Nick stories; that was when he really started to grow on me, and that's when I started writing more Nick stories too.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #426 on: July 18, 2014, 08:40:29 AM »

Awwwww thanks so much! I'm actually really enjoying writing Dodging the Daylight. Even the Howie chapters haven't been too painful for me. Although, they are still a struggle.

It's funny that you mentioned that dead Nick would draw you in. From what I've heard after posting the fist chapter of Dodging the Daylight, killing Nick is usually of a no-no if you want most people to keep reading your story. LOL

I agree that I would read a well-written medical drama about any of them. However, medical dramas tend to touch on the relationships between all of the guys (which I love). Pretty much if there is bromance in your story, I will read it. Hahaha!



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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #427 on: July 18, 2014, 08:41:16 AM »

In order for me to read something out of my comfort zone, the writing has to be really good. This is the case with Mare and Julie's most recent stories. If the writing is amazing then I will most likely continue with the story because I will be engaged with the characters.

At first, I would only read Brian or group fics. Now, I will read pairing stories if they are well done. I will also read a Nick only fic now. I'm starting to enjoy Nick now that he's older and there seems to be more being done with his character.

Aww thank you! I agree with what Julie said about Dodging as well.

I forgot to say that in my last post! The writing has to be pretty stellar for me to stay interested no matter what I'm reading. Even if it is a bromance/suspense. If it's not well written I won't last past the first chapter. LOL

and on another note, Tracy just made me realize that Julie and I both have the word secret in our titles. I never realized that! LOL
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #428 on: July 18, 2014, 08:44:39 AM »

LOL Dead Nick sucked me right in!  I love the drama, and reading about the guys' reactions to that was what I was looking forward to.  That's interesting that you say that, though.  What are some other things you guys see as immediate turn-offs or big no-nos if you want to keep an audience?  (Besides writing a Brian/Howie or Kevin/Howie story, apparently LOL.)

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #429 on: July 18, 2014, 08:44:59 AM »

Awwwww thanks so much! I'm actually really enjoying writing Dodging the Daylight. Even the Howie chapters haven't been too painful for me. Although, they are still a struggle.

It's funny that you mentioned that dead Nick would draw you in. From what I've heard after posting the fist chapter of Dodging the Daylight, killing Nick is usually of a no-no if you want most people to keep reading your story. LOL

I agree that I would read a well-written medical drama about any of them. However, medical dramas tend to touch on the relationships between all of the guys (which I love). Pretty much if there is bromance in your story, I will read it. Hahaha!

Killing any of them has always been a no no for me which goes to show how well written your story is, because I wouldn't have even bothered staying past chapter one if you didn't do such a great job sucking me in.

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #430 on: July 18, 2014, 08:46:13 AM »

and on another note, Tracy just made me realize that Julie and I both have the word secret in our titles. I never realized that! LOL

LOL I didn't realize that either.  This is my second story with Secrets in the title, which is kind of confusing, but I guess it make sense, cause that seems to be a common theme across many of my stories, keeping secrets.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #431 on: July 18, 2014, 08:53:46 AM »

Killing any of them has always been a no no for me which goes to show how well written your story is, because I wouldn't have even bothered staying past chapter one if you didn't do such a great job sucking me in.

Awwww *blushes* - I'm glad that I was able to keep you interested.

Any reference to slash used to be a huge no-no for me. However, Julie has kind of proved me wrong about that one because I'm loving Sick as My Secrets!! Although, the slash is more alluded to as opposed to outright described (which makes it more approachable for me).

I think if you get any of the guys characters wrong then I will stop reading. (That may sound harsh, but for me it's a huge no-no).


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #432 on: July 18, 2014, 08:57:28 AM »

LOL Dead Nick sucked me right in!  I love the drama, and reading about the guys' reactions to that was what I was looking forward to.  That's interesting that you say that, though.  What are some other things you guys see as immediate turn-offs or big no-nos if you want to keep an audience?  (Besides writing a Brian/Howie or Kevin/Howie story, apparently LOL.)

Oh I have such a long list of no-nos lol

~ One or more of the boys dying will detract me from a story even if I'm in the middle of it.
~ I know this is going to sound hilarious, but the boys being physically tortured. I know...I know...I like to write it but I am not a fan of reading it.
~When the guys are written too out of character
~The presence of the Carter family for an extended amount of time.
~A nice Leighanne
~ A female centered story
~ vampires
~ zombies
~ NKOTB or NSync as central characters unless they die a horrible death within the first chapter! lol
~ If I see a story has ten sequels already lol
~ huge banners! with movie stars as the female 'lead'
~ song based fics
~ I freaking hate those Charmin bears too! So keep them the hell out of these stories!
~ orbs!

lol I'm sure there are more!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #433 on: July 18, 2014, 08:58:46 AM »

Slash is an automatic turn-off for me, although I think I'm becoming more open-minded about that.  It's never been a gay thing for me; it's more of a believability thing for this fandom.  I've never bought into the idea of any of them as couples, and that's why I have a hard time with slash.

Another one for me is Mary Sue names in the summary.  The mention of a female character in the summary isn't an automatic turn off, but if she has a Mary Sue name - a weird name or a normal name that's spelled weird - I usually keep scrolling.  My favorite fanfic of all time is probably Cover Me With Dreams, and it took me two tries to get into it, partially because I couldn't get past the female lead being named Ciara, especially spelled like that.  Being a teacher now, I have learned to be more accepting of unconventional names, cause god knows the world is full of them today, but I would still prefer reading about a normal-seeming girl with a normal-sounding name that has a normal spelling LOL.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 11
« Reply #434 on: July 18, 2014, 09:01:35 AM »

Oh I have such a long list of no-nos lol

~ One or more of the boys dying will detract me from a story even if I'm in the middle of it.
~ I know this is going to sound hilarious, but the boys being physically tortured. I know...I know...I like to write it but I am not a fan of reading it.
~When the guys are written too out of character
~The presence of the Carter family for an extended amount of time.
~A nice Leighanne
~ A female centered story
~ vampires
~ zombies
~ NKOTB or NSync as central characters unless they die a horrible death within the first chapter! lol
~ If I see a story has ten sequels already lol
~ huge banners! with movie stars as the female 'lead'
~ song based fics
~ I freaking hate those Charmin bears too! So keep them the hell out of these stories!
~ orbs!

lol I'm sure there are more!

"A nice Leighanne" - I'm cracking up over here!
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