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Author Topic: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!  (Read 94590 times)


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2014, 12:49:42 PM »

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: When I Grow Up

Person reading it: Rose

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?  I was actually surprised she picked my story, let alone this one. I also knew she gives concrit so I was really nervous knowing I submitted stories for the challenge that are not well known or are my best work.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you? She left concrit and regular feedback as well. It helped a lot because I don't normally get that on my stories.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback? Yes I did and I realized it needs a lot of work.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?  Not really.

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?  It started off kinda bad because I am not used to concrit but it got easier. I think it was a good experoence for me anyway.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2014, 03:14:07 PM »

Name of story:  Remember Me This Way

1) What was the biggest challenge for you when reading this story? Commiting to finishing it since it was quiet a long story.

2) Did you find yourself looking forward to reading as you were going along or did it feel like homework? It defiantly did not feel like homework for me.

3) What was your favorite scene/chapter in the story? The scene that probably made me laugh the most and i dont know why it did but Nick had gotten Brian to bungee jump and Brian told Nick that heights kill people i had to contain myself

4) Was your favorite character at the halfway point still your favorite at the end? Nick at the halfway point and then by the end Brian

5) Who was your least favorite character and why? I dont think i had a least favorite but if i had to chose it would have been his mothr.

6) If there was a sequel to this story would you be interested in reading it? Yes!!!

7) Were you happy with the ending? I already had in my mind what the ending was going to be like and i was spot on with it but it was a fitting ending
8) Name the biggest surprise in the story and did you see it coming? (If there was one) the whole storyline surprised me actually i wasnt expecting it at all.

9) What was this stories biggest strength? The writing was just pure awesome.

10) What was it's biggest weakness? I couldnt find any weakness

11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author? Most defaintly!

12) Give us one final review that sums up your experience reading this, maybe explain why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you would have perhaps picked a different story from this one? It was such an awesome story to read it was different and orginal and wasnt a typical fan fiction story to me and i loved reading it...i would read it more than once it was so good.

13) Did you prefer the way we did the challenge this year or did you like the pairings better? I didnt participate in the challenge last year.

14) Did the author respond to your feedback? Yes

15) Any final thoughts or questions for the author? None that i can think of.



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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2014, 06:33:11 PM »

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: As You Are

Person reading it: Steph

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?

I felt like this would fall pretty well within Steph's comfort zone as she is one of the few people other than myself to tackle historical AU as of late. Plus, I knew she would leave honest feedback.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?

She left plenty of feedback on every chapter! It was definitely nice to read and engage in discussion about the story but there wasn't much there by way of suggestions or concrit. Reading her final survey with the answers to my question was most helpful. :)

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?

Nope, I know how it ends lol

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?

I asked my questions in my feedback replies and Steph answered them in her final survey!

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?

Good! I was happy to get another set of eyes on a story I've always been unsure about and it was nice to hear from someone I have a lot of respect for that she thought it was good.
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2014, 08:26:20 PM »

Tracy, you said no one's ever really given you concrit before. If you've asked and still never got it, it might be in how you react. To be honest that's why in the first review I warned you that none of it was personal. I felt like you were gonna get really upset and angry at me. Which wasn't too far off the mark. I think if people knew you weren't going to react that way, more people would be willing to give you completely honest feedback.  :)
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2014, 08:29:47 PM »

Story: Remember Me This Way

Person reading it: Carter

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
Hopes that she wouldn't totally hate it LOL.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
She gave tons of feedback, it was nice seeing her comment on the story. I missed getting positive feedback cause I've been flaky on writing and updates. I think it's helping to kick me back into it.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?
Yes on certain chapters. I remember well what happens but not always where in the story LOL.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Not really

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
So far, so good!
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2014, 01:53:46 AM »

Sorry that you felt that way. It just came off a little harsh that's all. Like i told you i had never gotten concrit. I didnt know how to take it. It did upset me a little because the story was submitted as a fun read. I didnt think anyone would give criticism so i didnt ask for it on
that story. So if i wasnt clear i apologize. You were just doing the challenge the way you normally would and i am not angry at you for it. I will take your suggestions and tips into consideration.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 02:00:10 AM by DelphinaCarter »


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2014, 11:45:07 AM »

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: As You Are

Person reading it: Steph

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?

I felt like this would fall pretty well within Steph's comfort zone as she is one of the few people other than myself to tackle historical AU as of late. Plus, I knew she would leave honest feedback.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?

She left plenty of feedback on every chapter! It was definitely nice to read and engage in discussion about the story but there wasn't much there by way of suggestions or concrit. Reading her final survey with the answers to my question was most helpful. :)

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?

Nope, I know how it ends lol

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?

I asked my questions in my feedback replies and Steph answered them in her final survey!

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?

Good! I was happy to get another set of eyes on a story I've always been unsure about and it was nice to hear from someone I have a lot of respect for that she thought it was good.

Sorry for the lack of concrit but it didn't need anything added or taken away in my opinion, it was a story I enjoyed a lot :) 


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2014, 07:48:54 PM »

Sorry for the lack of concrit but it didn't need anything added or taken away in my opinion, it was a story I enjoyed a lot :) 

I guess if anything that is concrit, just the positive kind!
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2014, 02:59:04 AM »

Halfway there survey (Only to be completed once you have gotten at least halfway through your story)

Name of story: Stockholm Syndrome

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise? I would say yes. 

2) So far who is your favorite character and why? Nick because he is the one I've learned most about so far.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be) no but I like to be surprised. 

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit? Julilly is a great writer so no.

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations? I wasn't expecting Kevin to be included in the story or Brian to be a jerk.

These are the harder questions, but don't be afraid to answer them. Remember we all signed on to this knowing and expecting to get and give constructive criticism.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why. I love the story so far so no I wouldn't have stopped reading.  If a story is really good little makes me stop reading. 

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of) No 

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot? Where did you get the idea for this story?



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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2014, 05:58:10 AM »

^ No one ever expects me to put Kevin in stories lol so when I do, I make his role small! :P

I don't really remember if there was a specific "ah-ha!" moment when I came up with the idea for this story. I was in the process of writing a couple other crime-related stories, one about a bank robbery and one about a murder, at the time. I remember the kidnapping  storyline was very popular when I wrote this one (which would have been about 10 years ago!) so I decided to flip the boy-gets-kidnapped around to boy-is-kidnapper because anything is possible in AU!
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2014, 06:26:35 AM »

Hello! Welcome to check-in Saturday! :)

I am so happy to see that everyone has started on their stories!! This is where I start getting a little more involved in helping to move you guys along. Some of you never need much prodding. (Steph already finished her challenge for the most part!) but others sometimes do, that's where I come in with my friendly reminders. I'll always post them in this thread on Saturdays if I feel like you are behind or maybe have forgotten about some element of the challenge. How I figure this out is simple. I check the reviews and the date the last one was given. If you have read the entire story but are only on chapter 4 of reviews, as far as I am concerned, you're only on chapter 4. If I look at the date of the last review you left and more than a week has gone by I might also give you a reminder to keep reading, or if I check and there are some unanswered reviews I'll also mention them here. If you are still not doing what needs to be done, then I'll be contacting you via reviews of your stories, twitter etc...

I am going to give you some goals to keep you on track a bit. (I would say deadlines, but for whatever reason, that word freaks people out lol)

If you are reading one story at a time: You should have your halfway survey done for the first story, by June 30th at the latest.

If you are reading both stories simultaneously, your halfway surveys (both of them) should be done by July 16th at the latest.

If you are reading only one very long story, your halfway survey should be done by July 16th at the latest.

Once you pass those dates  and have not reached those goals, I'll start pretty much bugging you daily about it. LOL *You signed up for this. You knew it was coming!*

Friendly reminders for this week:

- Julilly needs to respond to her reviews for Stockholm Syndrome
- Freedomwriter needs to respond to her review of Dangers of Fluttering
- Rose needs to respond to a review of Walked Out of My Dreams

* Another reminder - if by chance you had selected the option to not receive emails when you get reviews, you might want to change that just for the summer.

Thanks guys! And Happy reading! :)

« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 11:40:09 AM by mare »
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2014, 10:09:17 AM »

Final survey (To be completed after finishing the story you are reading)

Name of story: Living At The Top

1) What was the biggest challenge for you when reading this story? It wasn't a challenge at all as I enjoyed it very much :)

2) Did you find yourself looking forward to reading as you were going along or did it feel like homework?  It didn't feel like homework at all, in fact I only intended to read a couple of chapters yesterday but found myself reading about ten and finishing it.

3) What was your favorite scene/chapter in the story? I liked it when Brian defied Leighanne and got on a plane to see Nick, it was a great brotherly moment when they saw each other again.

4) Was your favorite character at the halfway point still your favorite at the end? I loved them all equally really.

5) Who was your least favorite character and why? Leighanne, because she was a real bitch most of the time lol

6) If there was a sequel to this story would you be interested in reading it? I really don't think it needs I sequel, but I'd read one.

7) Were you happy with the ending? Yes, it all ended how I wanted it to, although for a moment I thought it wouldn't end happily!

8) Name the biggest surprise in the story and did you see it coming? (If there was one) I suppose Brian getting a backbone and going to see Nick against Leighanne's wishes.

9) What was this stories biggest strength? Mare's story telling ability, the plot and likeability of the characters.

10) What was it's biggest weakness? Can't think of a weakness.

11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author? I've already read quite a few but will read the rest, and have a few that I've started and need to finish.

12) Give us one final review that sums up your experience reading this, maybe explain why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you would have perhaps picked a different story from this one? I'd say that reading this story was a great experience and I'm glad I picked it.  The kind of feedback I gave was mainly my reactions to the events as that's the way I always do it, there was nothing negative to say about the story (sorry, this is exactly what I said for Julilly's, but same applies).

13) Did you prefer the way we did the challenge this year or did you like the pairings better? I'm ok whichever way.

14) Did the author respond to your feedback? Yes, she did.

15) Any final thoughts or questions for the author? No, just that I enjoyed it.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2014, 10:37:54 AM »

Ooh I didn't get the notification email that I got a review, my bad!
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2014, 11:38:31 AM »

Friendly reminders for this week:

- Julilly needs to respond to her reviews for Stockholm Syndrome

I told you Thursday I would do it today and I totally did! :P
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2014, 12:01:39 PM »

I told you Thursday I would do it today and I totally did! :P

Good! LOL Still thought I'd give a reminder just in case...
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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