Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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I just modified the first post.

Yeah, that sounds better.

This is not the same idea, but this whole Nick & Knight tragedy gave me an idea for another challenge.  What about some kind of crossover challenge, where you take one of your own characters (Backstreet Boy or original) and someone else's character from another story and write them in a situation together?  Kinda like how some TV shows have crossover events... ER and Third Watch comes to mind; they started a storyline on an episode of ER and finished it on an episode of Third Watch.  Would anyone be interested in doing something like that?

I like that idea, like every time they introduce a new spin off of CSI or NCIS lol

Sounds good but not sure I'd be into it.

Maybe I just don't understand it. So, do you mean like if I take Nick from one of my stories and Howie from one of yours?  Type deals?


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