Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 14, 2014, 08:44:12 PM ---What about a remix challenge, where you take a short story someone else wrote and rewrite it to put your own spin on it?  Then they'd have to guess who wrote it based on how it was twisted around.

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That sounds like a tricky one, but if people were willing to submit a story and didn't mind it being messed around with, I could see that working.


--- Quote from: mare on July 14, 2014, 08:46:40 PM ---That sounds like a tricky one, but if people were willing to submit a story and didn't mind it being messed around with, I could see that working.

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Yeah, I think it'd have to be based on submissions, to avoid any issues with plagiarism.


I got nothing =( I can't think of anything. I am terrible at this kind of stuff to be honest. I am lucky if I can find something different and original lol.

I'm not good at coming up with the prompts.  I don't know that I'm any good at responding to the prompts either LOL, but since it's summer, I'm willing to try.


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