Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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Purpura Lipstick:
I like the suggestions of "rewriting" someones story ... or maybe fanfic'ing a fanfic?  I've read a few stories where I'd love to take something from it and make a side story.

But I guess a song fic wouldn't be too bad if we can get some good songs to choose from...

now these are just a few of my absolute favorites..pre tty much songs of theirs I cant live without lol.

Dont Wanna Lose You Now
Back To Your Heart
All I Have To Give
Make Believe
Light On *
On Without You *
Rebel *
Satellite *
Shape Of My Heart
You Can Let Go
Safest Place To Hide

all the ones with a * are unreleased songs.

and I am sure everyone has different songs tht they like. I  tend to like the slower sappy songs lol.

I would only do a song fic if it's "One Phone Call!" lol

LMAO I can imagine how that would go!

I was thinking, instead of trying to narrow it down to one song that everyone agrees upon, what if we vote on a track number, and then you'd have to choose a song that is that track on one of their albums.  So, say, if we voted track #10, Mare could write a story about One Phone Call, Carter could write one about Safest Place to Hide, etc.  Then there would be a little more choice in there, but still limitations.

That sounds good. Just let me know what you guys want to do and I'll make a poll with whatever. I think I'm skipping this challenge. I am having a hard enough time writing the story I'm working on now and so far I've been kind of eh about all of the ideas which tells me I'm probably not meant to write one but I'll gladly help  pick a number or whatever you need me to do.

Besides, I already wrote my Nick gets kidnapped by a girl band story and posted it in this thread. LOL


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