Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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Gonna start coming up with ideas...if i dont start thinking now it may never come to me lol

Okay, the voting has been locked!


Okay, so here is the challenge.  Mare, when you get a chance, you can update the first post with the following if you'd like to.

Your challenge is to write a short story inspired by the lyrics of one of the following Track #2 BSB songs:

Anywhere for You
Quit Playing Games
As Long As You Love Me
I Want it That Way
Shape of My Heart
Just Want You to Know
Everything But Mine
Permanent Stain

You can interpret the song as literally or as loosely as you like.  Your story doesn't necessarily have to fit with the whole song, but should work with at least one lyric.

This is an anonymous challenge, which means you won't reveal what you wrote until the end of the challenge.  After all entries are submitted, we'll turn this into a game where we try to guess who wrote what story and what song it was based on (I thought the last part would make for a fun extra challenge!).  That means you should not submit your entry under your own username, and you should not use any lyrics from the song in the title, summary, or text of the story.  If you really like songfics and want to go back and add those things in after the challenge is over, that's fine.  You can also add your own username as a co-author after the challenge is over if you want your story listed under your name.

For the challenge, you will post your story under the challenges account Mare created last year.

Username: challenges
Password: acbsb

You can also use this account to review other people's submissions.  This will make it possible to give feedback without either revealing that you didn't write that story or reviewing yourself to try to fool people.

The last day to submit a story will be Saturday, August 16.  That gives you one month.  We will start the guessing part of it on Sunday, August 17th - more information to follow on that.

Hopefully that makes sense.  Let me know if you have any questions!

^Sorry if I'm a little confused... Please correct me if I am wrong, the story will be based on one of the songs mentioned above but we can't include lyrics from that song? I mean for example  if the story is based on I want it that way, the characters can't say "You are my fire."

Right.  The challenge is to see if your readers can guess what song was your inspiration without you making it obvious by including lyrics.  So instead of having a character say "You are my fire" (whatever that means LOL), you could communicate that feeling through their actions.


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