Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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Okay thanks!  I might have an idea already for mine. Funny how I only seem to get inspired for challenges lately lol

Well, that's why I wanted to do one, cause I needed a kick in the pants to get writing again, and challenges can be good for that.

Yep that's me too, I haven't written anything in about a month or two and I need some motivation to get going with it again. I miss it.

Purpura Lipstick:
I haven't written in so long I'm not sure my muse can be revived. LOL  big reason why I wanted to try this challenge... *wanted track 4*

Oh well... off to think of a story with a track 2 song. lol

I had story ideas for a few tracks...oh well though i am sure i can come up with another one.


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