Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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After putting all these songs into a place list i got it..woot!! Now to think of what guy...and find a name that isnt too obvious lol.

Purpura Lipstick:
okay I think I might have a song and a story idea... we'll have to see how it works out. 

Just wondering if anyone else has started anything for this challenge. I kinda have but my motivation to write has gone again. Hoping I can get this challenge out :)

I have an idea outlined out, just haven't actually started writing it yet.  Is anyone else planning something?  I think I set the deadline for next weekend, but we can always extend it if that would allow more people to participate.  It's not going to be very fun guessing if it's just me and Tracy LOL.

I have my idea, it's getting the time to write it LOL.


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