LOL!!! That sounds like it was an interesting dream of singing gophers dressed like Elvis, lmao!!! I was re-reading one of my stories over, which helped to stem the question, cause I was like "Oh yeah, this scene was based off of my experience!" Like, with Last Christmas; the scene I wrote of Kevin being in the hospital with his gunshot wound and post surgery. Not saying I was ever shot, lmao, but I included what I did after my recent surgery during that time with Kevin.
I don't know if I had ever told you guys what the surgery was for, but I remember waking up from the anesthesia, still drugged out and slipping in and out of consciousness because I wasn't even wheeled back into my room, and I remember my throat being so parched and sore and having to pee, lmao. The nurse came up to me and was like "Welcome back, how are you feeling?" and I just remember saying that my throat was sore, that I had to pee, and repeating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm tired and don't know what I'm doing!" LMAO!! Then, I remember lifting the collar of my gown up to look down at my chest and trying to see any scaring; I totally wrote Kevin doing that with his gunshot wound, lifting the collar of his hospital gown up to inspect any scaring. I also wrote the pain I had experience for Kevin as well... when they had wheeled me back to my room, and my mom had asked me how I was feeling, I just remember feeling this intense pressure on my chest, and heat... like a steam roller had rolled over my chest, lmao! Now, is that how a gunshot victim out of surgery from removing the bullet would feel like? Probably not, lmao, but my experience felt sort of revelatory, lmao!
And whyyyy oh whyyyy do I get those men mixed up for you?! LMAO! Just the other day, in another post I was like "you're a Kevin girl right?!" Hahahaha! I knew it, I was just testing you!

Bwahahaha!! And LMAO at you having your own look! That's like a DOE employee must... if I was your student Mare, I think your look would have probably scared me into being a straight-A student! Lmfao!!!
And omgosh girl, woooow; I would have never known! Thank you for sharing that with us, and I'm sorry if it struck up any feelings or anything. Yeah, Nick's whole family backstory and whatnot truly makes my heart ache for the guy. I may not know a lot of personal stuff about you, but to me, reading this, just like Nick, despite adversities, not really having that stable support system from the very ones who should be helping and guiding you along the way, your family, and just having to grow up way too fast beyond your years, you both had set out to make a name for yourself and stand on your own. It's easy for anyone that goes through that kind of situation of not having a home sweet home or a family to come home to to roll over and be like woe is me, I can't do anything because my family doesn't support me with anything, my home life sucks; not saying that those thoughts may have never entered the mind, but you both became your own person through your profession and... I don't wanna necessarily say "cut off", but stood apart and rose above the hand you were dealt.
It's a struggle trying to raise to the top of where you want to be or see yourself in life, but even moreso of a challenge when you don't have that extra push or set of helping hands from your family to support and help get you there. And just like with Nick, you can't help than to be proud of the person you've become.