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Author Topic: Questions to ponder part 12  (Read 143257 times)


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #60 on: July 30, 2014, 11:41:47 PM »

absolutely..ca use I know Brian chirps with fans quite often...and AJ is always posting on instagram pictures of him and Ava...i dont see too much of Nick, Howie or Kevin on there as much, but I think stories are defiantly written differently now. If only I could get off the "Frick & Frack" thing lol. I can't seem to help myself ;)

and i dont think I have ever really written an "AJ" story...i really dont know how I would write one i would probably have to watch videos to understand him and the way he thinks. The same would go for Howie & Kevin.


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2014, 11:46:37 PM »

I feel like I know a lot more about Howie than I used to, thanks to Twitter and seeing him in action on the cruises.  I don't think I would have ever been able to write a Howie story back in the day.  I did start one once, a Howie romance (can you believe it?), really just so I could say I'd written a Howie story, but I only got a few chapters in and discontinued it.  It was the first story I ever officially discontinued and took off my site because that's how sure I was that I was never going to write any more of it LOL.  Sorry, Howie.  I am actually really enjoying writing about him now though.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #62 on: July 30, 2014, 11:50:10 PM »

to be honest I dont pay that much attention to Howie. I dont really have anything i guess in common or find him interesting. I have  a friend love him to pieces in the earlier days though. I looked through some of my stories and i guess i have written a few but I dont think they turned out so great. I only wrote them cause people asked me too when I had my site "Walk On Water" sooooo long ago.

And I have never been on one of their cruises either =(


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #63 on: July 31, 2014, 01:12:16 AM »

This kind of goes along with Reb's question, but do you think there's a difference in the way the Boys tend to be written now that we have social media and YouTube and can see more of what the guys are like in real life when they're not onstage, compared to how they were written back in the old days when all we really knew were their stage personas and the images that they put out there?

Like AJ always had the "bad boy" persona, and sure, he's struggled with drugs and alcohol, and he's got all the tattoos and stuff, so he looks the part, but underneath that, he's also a loving father who's devoted to his wife and daughter.  I don't think I ever made AJ too "bad" in my old stories, but I do see him differently now than I did when I first became a fan.

Most definitely; the social networks and whatnot that we have the boys have, it makes their personal lives more accessible and truly fleshes them out... not like they weren't fleshed out before, lol. I know back then we'd read Nick being the sheltered baby that didn't know any better and was always the damsal in distress that needed protection, but now we see videos that sometimes he's the one to step up and take charge or whatever, and though he's still silly and playful, he's actually freaking smart! Lol. Gotta still love the classic blond Nick moments tho, lmao!

Kevin was always the father figure that was well in control of things, the perfectionist that would have that look, and almost a hold over the other four, like "Okay guys, control yourselves during this interview"; I don't know if it's just me, but I don't get that vibe with him anymore. Case in point, him going on and on with that sexual question, lmao. If anything, I would've that that would've been more AJ or Nick, or hell even Brian going on and on, but not Kevin! Lmao. The others kept their answers short, sweet, straight to the point, I was waiting for Kevin to start doing demonstrations or something, lmao!! One thing that hasn't changed is that he still talks a lot, lmao!!

Howie was the passive one that would always maintain the peace between everyone; although he still seems quite the same, through the media there were moments where it left me like "Wait, that came from Howard?!" Lol. And of course he's still the smart, business-savy dude we pegged him to be, lol.

Julie was on point with AJ; he's sucha pushover/cuddly bear! Lmao. In my mind, I seriously wanted AJ to be this wicked badass that backed up his persona, and perhaps in a way that existed maybe during the time he was using drugs (a lot more defiant and aggressive) unfortunately, but I honestly love the fact that he can play the role well, but ends up being the total opposite, lol. Like it was said, the badboy ends up being one of the sweetest guys you'll meet, lol. His charm definitely wins over his persona, lol.

And of course there's Brian... the one that was written to be squeaky clean back in the day, that could do no wrong. It was said earlier, but he's really intriguing... sure the guy tends to get on people's nerves with his crazy antics that sometimes goes overboard, but I think I find Brian the most surprising of the five, lol. It's like him and AJ got their personalities/characteristics switched, lol.

Speaking of which, I was kind of surprised when I read that a lot of you guys think Brian needs more work when it comes to the fans.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #64 on: July 31, 2014, 01:56:20 AM »

I think what bothers people about Brian and his interactions with fans is that he shows favoritism.  He does interact a lot with SOME fans, but usually just the same select few, whereas the other guys seem to spread the wealth more.  I am not someone who bases my happiness on whether the Boys follow me or reply to my tweets, so it doesn't bother me, but I think that's where it stems from.  Correct me if I'm wrong, other people that said that too LOL.

Brian does do some surprising things, like when he told someone who was insulting Leighanne on his Instagram to "shut your ass." LOL  Most people I saw (including me) were like, "Go Brian!" but I think that because he's always been so open about his Christianity, some people expect him to be this saint who never gets angry or cusses or drinks or thinks about sex.  And it's like, come on!  He's a good person, and he has strong morals, but he's also human!  No one is perfect, not even Brian.  In that way, he's kind of like the anti-AJ.  It's kind of fun to explore his dark side, just like it's fun to see AJ being a big ol' teddy bear.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #65 on: July 31, 2014, 02:05:10 AM »

Most definitely; the social networks and whatnot that we have the boys have, it makes their personal lives more accessible and truly fleshes them out... not like they weren't fleshed out before, lol. I know back then we'd read Nick being the sheltered baby that didn't know any better and was always the damsal in distress that needed protection, but now we see videos that sometimes he's the one to step up and take charge or whatever, and though he's still silly and playful, he's actually freaking smart! Lol. Gotta still love the classic blond Nick moments tho, lmao!

Nick is a lot smarter than I used to give him credit for.  I don't know if it's just the fact that he's matured so much over the last few years or that he's stopped drinking so much and doing drugs LOL, but he comes across as a lot more intelligent lately than he used to.

I think Nick IS intelligent, just uneducated.  He knows a lot about a lot, just maybe not so much about things like grammar that you get from going to school.  When you consider the fact that he stopped going to real school after about seventh grade or so, it's understandable .

I still cringe at some of his tweets, but that's just me being a Grammar Nazi.  I know better than to judge him for it now.  He's gotten MUCH more eloquent when speaking out loud, like in interviews and such, compared to how he used to be.  We're way past the "I resign in Florida" days LOL.  I still like to make fun of him, but it's out of love.  I have a lot more respect for him than I used to.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #66 on: July 31, 2014, 03:03:54 AM »

I think what bothers people about Brian and his interactions with fans is that he shows favoritism.  He does interact a lot with SOME fans, but usually just the same select few, whereas the other guys seem to spread the wealth more.  I am not someone who bases my happiness on whether the Boys follow me or reply to my tweets, so it doesn't bother me, but I think that's where it stems from.  Correct me if I'm wrong, other people that said that too LOL.

Brian does do some surprising things, like when he told someone who was insulting Leighanne on his Instagram to "shut your ass." LOL  Most people I saw (including me) were like, "Go Brian!" but I think that because he's always been so open about his Christianity, some people expect him to be this saint who never gets angry or cusses or drinks or thinks about sex.  And it's like, come on!  He's a good person, and he has strong morals, but he's also human!  No one is perfect, not even Brian.  In that way, he's kind of like the anti-AJ.  It's kind of fun to explore his dark side, just like it's fun to see AJ being a big ol' teddy bear.

You see, I didn't know all that! LOL. The only one I follow on Twitter is AJ, and I don't even really go on Twitter, hahaha!! And being that I've only ever met AJ and Brian, and it was that one time, it wasn't enough for me to really know much of anything, hahaha. I just remember AJ calling me sweetie (and sporting some hard nips when we took the pic, lmao) and Brian making a funny face in his pic; and when it was asked why he didn't make a funny face in a another pic, he replied with "Cause you didn't ask!" Lol.

But OMG, didn't know he replied with that on IG! LMAO!! Him and Kevin have this way of telling people off; it's so badass but makes you laugh cause you know that person they're talking to deserved it, lmao. Like that one interviewer that was asking a question and trying to insinuate that they were gay and ask if they do each other from behind or something, the other guys were trying to laugh it off uneasily; cause like seriously, how do you respond to that?! And Kevin responded as only Kevin could, with telling the guy "You can sit down!" Hahaha. Gotta love them Kentucky boys!
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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #67 on: July 31, 2014, 03:58:44 AM »

Just catching up in here! To answer the Brian with the fans question, for me it isn't really the whole favoritism thing. I think it comes off as favoritism but in all actuality I think it's more laziness. I think he will respond to a name he recognizes just to avoid having to read everyone else's tweets to be honest. And therein lies what I think is his deal with the fans. Just like randomly scrolling through his tweets and saying chirp or hey. I think it's homework to him. LOL

I think the BSB Brian, the one everyone meets when they're supposed to is a sweet and charming guy, lots of fun to be around and is always ready to interact with the fans. Take a picture, act goofy, do the Brian things everyone knows Brian to do. But the off the clock Brian isn't interested. After party? Why? I just did a concert. Stop and sign autographs? Why? I just spent and hour doing that!

I have met Brian twice. For his HHC event, he was so 'on' and just the sweetest guy with the fans. I loved him, I really did. We also saw him at the hotel before and after the event and it was a completely different Brian. That one gave off the leave me alone I will be with you guys soon enough or leave me alone I just spent my whole day with you vibe.

He was also at Howie's DLF bowling event and once again same thing. I think when he needs to be on and is being paid to be on, he turns it on, but when he doesn't, he prefers to not be around us at all. LOL Understandable, I wouldn't either but I think that's why I tend to think he's not really all that fan friendly.

I would have to say before Kevin came back to BSB he was probably the same way. The hiatus seemed to really mellow him out. lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #68 on: July 31, 2014, 04:21:30 AM »

My favorite character to read is and will always be Nick, but like I've said many times before, I need more than just one of the boys to hold my attention. My favorite stories are ones where they are all present and almost all have equal footing.

I do think social media has really helped us all get a better sense of what the guys might really be like. Although I don't think it's changed the way I portray them.

AJ's bad boy thing has always felt like an act to me. You can just tell he's a genuinely nice person. No matter how many tattoos he gets or how much he cusses. He just has this really sweet vibe. I always pictured him as an over the top kind of a wussy boy and I think that might be accurate. LOL The only thing I am kind of surprised by is that he isn't a complainer. He just seems like a grandpa type complainer to me. So when Nick, I think? said he never complains, I was surprised by that. He did a lot of complaining when I talked to him at our hotel before the HHC event. He was pretty funny with his "I hate getting up at the crack of ass!" comments. lmao and how hot is was etc...

I also never thought Nick was stupid. I always got a sense he was smart but liked to 'act' dumb. You know those types? People who like to act like they don't know things they actually do? Still to this day, that Rosie interview where Nick claimed he never saw the Sound of Music and acted like he had no clue what anyone was talking about, still bugs me!! I do think like Julie said, he is lacking in the school smarts department, but I also think AJ is too. They both make me cringe sometimes lol

I think social media and more fan interactions really helped people see how much fun Howie is. He's hilarious, really. For his bowling thing, I had the opportunity to sit pretty much right next to him the whole time and he was cracking all these side jokes with his brother which were cracking me the hell up.

I think it's also helped Kevin too! But I do think the Kevin that left is not the same Kevin that returned, in a good way. He doesn't seem as uptight and more laid back. I think he really used to step up and take the leadership role back in the day even if someone else wanted it, but now it seems like even though he still has that kind of a hold on the guys, he's more willing to compromise and take a back seat.

I'm not sure if social media has hurt or helped Brian. lol I think his wife has more to do with that then he does though.

I think as a whole the one bad thing about social media and more fan interactions like VIP, the cruise etc... is that it gives the more unstable fans a feeling that they are actually friends with these people now. Just because the guys happen to recognize you doesn't make you their friend. It's no different then the waitress who knows what you want to eat because they've seen you in there that many times! It's a little unsettling but on the plus side, can lead to a lot of suspense type story plots! LOL
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #69 on: July 31, 2014, 04:29:52 AM »

I totes love your explanation Mare, all on point! Lol.

So, to continue with our convo, how much of you, the writer, goes into your stories? Like, as you're writing the boys, do you ever find yourself linking so much with a certain characteristic of one of the boys, that you write them doing something you had done, or saying something you would say, or creating a scene or situation that has happened in your life and just placing the guys in it? Lol. I know years before when I would write a lot, I'd think to myself "Oh, I'm going through this... I wonder what the guys would do if they were in my shoes." Lol.

Also, since we talked about most and least favorite character to read and write, do you think having commonalities with said member plays a role? Like Mare, you enjoy reading and writing Nick, is it because you find that you have more in common with him versus the other guys, or is it strictly because he's your fave?
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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #70 on: July 31, 2014, 05:13:51 AM »

I think I put a lot of myself into my stories without even realizing I do. Many of the dream sequences I write about are dreams that I have actually had, like the singing gophers dressed as Elvis in "Shadow Woods" lol I know a lot of the dialogue I write especially for Nick, are things I would say if I were in 'his' shoes. Besides Mel's and it's sequels though, I don't think I've ever really used one of my real life situations in fanfic. Since most of what I write is suspense that's probably a good thing. lol Even my non suspense stuff though, just kind of stems from things I could picture them doing and not so much me, like fishing and camping etc... When it comes to writing about Nick and his need for the boys to be his family well...see answer below LOL

First of all, to answer your second question Reb, Nick is not my favorite. I know he might as well be, but he isn't. Kevin is my favorite Backstreet boy and personality wise, I am definitely closer to his than I am to Nick's. I would say I am a mix of Kevin and Howie in the personality department. I have been told I have 'the look' of my own! LOL

I relate the most to Nick however because of the utter and complete dysfunction of his family. It's so easy to just take my family life and his and intermingle them because I swear to God, we could be related. In fact, my mother was adopted and I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if she ended up being Jane's sister, seriously. I know if I was in the situation he was in, I would latch on to the guys and call them my family all the time too, credit them for raising me and looking up to them. I know people think it's a cop out answer for him, but understanding and relating to that feeling of needing role models, I totally know it's not. I latched onto my older college friends completely. I know it probably drove them crazy but I needed them to be the family I just didn't have.

Just like Nick, if I were to ever be married, I'm quite sure I wouldn't invite my mother to my wedding either. The only thing that seems different is I am very close to my sister, but who knows if given different circumstances, like the crap load of money they have, if that would be different.

I made my sister watch a few episodes of House of Carters with me one time and she said "Wow, they are the rich version of us!" LOL

So in a weird way, I feel so connected to Nick it makes it very easy to not only write him but read about him. And it's probably also why I feel the need to defend him when it comes to people dissing him when it comes to his family issues.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #71 on: July 31, 2014, 05:40:56 AM »

You see, I didn't know all that! LOL. The only one I follow on Twitter is AJ, and I don't even really go on Twitter, hahaha!! And being that I've only ever met AJ and Brian, and it was that one time, it wasn't enough for me to really know much of anything, hahaha. I just remember AJ calling me sweetie (and sporting some hard nips when we took the pic, lmao) and Brian making a funny face in his pic; and when it was asked why he didn't make a funny face in a another pic, he replied with "Cause you didn't ask!" Lol.

But OMG, didn't know he replied with that on IG! LMAO!! Him and Kevin have this way of telling people off; it's so badass but makes you laugh cause you know that person they're talking to deserved it, lmao. Like that one interviewer that was asking a question and trying to insinuate that they were gay and ask if they do each other from behind or something, the other guys were trying to laugh it off uneasily; cause like seriously, how do you respond to that?! And Kevin responded as only Kevin could, with telling the guy "You can sit down!" Hahaha. Gotta love them Kentucky boys!

OMG, I remember that thing with Kevin; that was so funny!!  Kevin is awesome.  I've said it many times on here in the last year, but I appreciate him so much more since he's been back!!  I think his personality and sense of humor come across better now that he's mellowed out, as Mare said.  He seems to be having more fun and doesn't come across as such a hardass.  He is still anal; I saw this firsthand at their first soundcheck party of the US tour last year in Chicago, which he treated like a SOUNDCHECK, not a party.  The other guys just get up there and mess around, but Kevin was very serious about making sure the sound and his keyboard was right! LOL  Which was awesome because we got like 5 songs out of it, whereas normally they sing 2-3.  He still tells long, rambling stories, too, but I love those as well.

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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #72 on: July 31, 2014, 05:54:07 AM »

LOL!!! That sounds like it was an interesting dream of singing gophers dressed like Elvis, lmao!!! I was re-reading one of my stories over, which helped to stem the question, cause I was like "Oh yeah, this scene was based off of my experience!" Like, with Last Christmas; the scene I wrote of Kevin being in the hospital with his gunshot wound and post surgery. Not saying I was ever shot, lmao, but I included what I did after my recent surgery during that time with Kevin.

I don't know if I had ever told you guys what the surgery was for, but I remember waking up from the anesthesia, still drugged out and slipping in and out of consciousness because I wasn't even wheeled back into my room, and I remember my throat being so parched and sore and having to pee, lmao. The nurse came up to me and was like "Welcome back, how are you feeling?" and I just remember saying that my throat was sore, that I had to pee, and repeating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm tired and don't know what I'm doing!" LMAO!! Then, I remember lifting the collar of my gown up to look down at my chest and trying to see any scaring; I totally wrote Kevin doing that with his gunshot wound, lifting the collar of his hospital gown up to inspect any scaring. I also wrote the pain I had experience for Kevin as well... when they had wheeled me back to my room, and my mom had asked me how I was feeling, I just remember feeling this intense pressure on my chest, and heat... like a steam roller had rolled over my chest, lmao! Now, is that how a gunshot victim out of surgery from removing the bullet would feel like? Probably not, lmao, but my experience felt sort of revelatory, lmao!

And whyyyy oh whyyyy do I get those men mixed up for you?! LMAO! Just the other day, in another post I was like "you're a Kevin girl right?!" Hahahaha! I knew it, I was just testing you! ;) Bwahahaha!! And LMAO at you having your own look! That's like a DOE employee must... if I was your student Mare, I think your look would have probably scared me into being a straight-A student! Lmfao!!!

And omgosh girl, woooow; I would have never known! Thank you for sharing that with us, and I'm sorry if it struck up any feelings or anything. Yeah, Nick's whole family backstory and whatnot truly makes my heart ache for the guy. I may not know a lot of personal stuff about you, but to me, reading this, just like Nick, despite adversities, not really having that stable support system from the very ones who should be helping and guiding you along the way, your family, and just having to grow up way too fast beyond your years, you both had set out to make a name for yourself and stand on your own. It's easy for anyone that goes through that kind of situation of not having a home sweet home or a family to come home to to roll over and be like woe is me, I can't do anything because my family doesn't support me with anything, my home life sucks; not saying that those thoughts may have never entered the mind, but you both became your own person through your profession and... I don't wanna necessarily say "cut off", but stood apart and rose above the hand you were dealt.

It's a struggle trying to raise to the top of where you want to be or see yourself in life, but even moreso of a challenge when you don't have that extra push or set of helping hands from your family to support and help get you there. And just like with Nick, you can't help than to be proud of the person you've become.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #73 on: July 31, 2014, 05:58:26 AM »

OMG, I remember that thing with Kevin; that was so funny!!  Kevin is awesome.  I've said it many times on here in the last year, but I appreciate him so much more since he's been back!!  I think his personality and sense of humor come across better now that he's mellowed out, as Mare said.  He seems to be having more fun and doesn't come across as such a hardass.  He is still anal; I saw this firsthand at their first soundcheck party of the US tour last year in Chicago, which he treated like a SOUNDCHECK, not a party.  The other guys just get up there and mess around, but Kevin was very serious about making sure the sound and his keyboard was right! LOL  Which was awesome because we got like 5 songs out of it, whereas normally they sing 2-3.  He still tells long, rambling stories, too, but I love those as well.

So true, loving this other side to him as well! It seemed as if, when he first returned tho, the boys were actually a little mellow, like "Damn, Kevin's back, we gotta be on our best behavior; we can't goof around, and we gotta let him be the spokesperson and let him answer all the questions seriously." I don't know if it was just me that felt that vibe with their first set of interviews when Kevin came back. But, seeing the recent videos of today, and seeing that Kevin is just as crazy as the rest of them, it's like he's truly glad to be back, and instead of being a 24/7 perfectionist that's serious all the time, he's actually enjoying it all and just living the moment.
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Re: Questions to ponder part 12
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2014, 06:03:48 AM »

I totes love your explanation Mare, all on point! Lol.

So, to continue with our convo, how much of you, the writer, goes into your stories? Like, as you're writing the boys, do you ever find yourself linking so much with a certain characteristic of one of the boys, that you write them doing something you had done, or saying something you would say, or creating a scene or situation that has happened in your life and just placing the guys in it? Lol. I know years before when I would write a lot, I'd think to myself "Oh, I'm going through this... I wonder what the guys would do if they were in my shoes." Lol.

Also, since we talked about most and least favorite character to read and write, do you think having commonalities with said member plays a role? Like Mare, you enjoy reading and writing Nick, is it because you find that you have more in common with him versus the other guys, or is it strictly because he's your fave?

I am most similar, personality-wise, to Kevin and Howie, who are my least two favorite boys to write about.  I really don't have much in common with Brian or Nick (except for stupid things, like liking cheese pizza and The Walking Dead LOL), but those are my boys.  I don't know if it's a case of "opposites attract" or if it's more just that I've always gone against the "Write what you know" mantra.  I think writing what you know is boring.

That said, I definitely do put some of myself into my stories.  There are female characters that I've put a lot of myself into, and I've also based characters and settings on people and places in my real life.  As far as Backstreet Boys go, though, I see myself mostly in the way I've written Nick over the last decade.  My Nick from 10+ years ago is very different from the way I write Nick now.  I used to write Nick as very insecure and emo, always on the verge of wanting to end it all.  I don't know if that's because I really saw him that way or because I'd seen him written that way in other fanfics or because that's how *I* was, but I think it's probably a combination of all three.  The biggest example of this is in Broken, which I wrote in 2003-2004.  I really do think it had to have been some insecurity that led to the questionable choices real life Nick made during that era (the ghetto fab phase, dating Paris Hilton, etc.), but I was also pretty insecure and still trying to figure out who I was and how much of myself I wanted to share with people back then.  I was a drama queen, as many teenage girls are, and you definitely see that in my writing.

My Nick now is much more confident and self-assured, and that's mainly because real life Nick seems much more confident and happy with himself, but again, it also kind of mirrors my life because I am a lot more settled and at peace with myself than I was ten years ago.  I don't really have anything more in common with Nick than that, but I do think it makes it easier to write him that way.  I feel like we kind of grew up together.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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