Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for March Story #98: It's Complicated by Julilly

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--- Quote from: mare on March 05, 2015, 04:32:15 AM ---So, tell us about this story. How did you come up with the idea & how long have you secretly been working on it before you posted it?

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I don't really remember the moment when I came up with the idea for this story, to be honest. The concept was actually a secret love child subplot of an AU story I had been working on and I kind of plagiarized myself lol This is one of the stories I would work on when I wanted something "easy" to write. The crime dramas, although fun for me to conceptualize, are hard to write. They take a lot of research and planning, and I'm very particular about getting details right and not just making things up for the sake of convenience. I prefer using things that happen in real life.

To write a short, 10 chapter, drama or romance just sort of flows out of me easier. It doesn't take much plotting or research because it's real life and I can relate back to my own experiences. That's not to say I didn't do any research for It's Complicated because I did. There were themes that are explored that I have no personal experience with so I read a lot of blog posts and forum discussions to get an idea of the emotion and experiences of other people so I could relate it better to the characters.

I started writing it at the beginning of May, then left it roughly half finished for a while and came back to it this January. I completed it in two days at the end of January, had Saka-Steph read it and let me know her thoughts, then I went back and edited it, let it sit for a few more days and edited it again. So it has undergone a few revisions. Nothing major but I would realize 'oh, I wanted dialogue about [ x ] to happen' and I'd go add it, or 'I used that phrase too many times, gonna cut it out.'


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on March 05, 2015, 11:36:05 AM ---Just spent the last couple of hours reading It's Complicated and have to say, I loved every moment of it! 

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Thank you! When I scrolled past the story today and saw there were some reviews I figured they must have been from you. You're very reliable when it comes to reviewing :D I was happy to see that you found the themes relatable and genuine, also. Since that's sort of what I was going for LOL

I give you so much credit for being able to write these stories in ten chapters.

Why do you prefer AU? When you come up with a story idea, do you automatically picture the guys in the rolls or does that come after your characters have been developed?


--- Quote from: mare on March 06, 2015, 02:42:16 PM ---I give you so much credit for being able to write these stories in ten chapters.

Why do you prefer AU? When you come up with a story idea, do you automatically picture the guys in the rolls or does that come after your characters have been developed?

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I actually find it easier most times to wrap things up quickly. I often worry that I haven't fleshed stories out enough and push myself to add more to them.

It's Complicated isn't AU, neither is History Repeating...wh ich is super weird for me to not have any current AU stories on the go. I find canon stories a lot more complicated to write than AU. I love the freedom of being able to work outside the restrictions of five guys in a boyband. Though I am working on a non-AU story that manages to get around that LOL

To answer your question, when I come up with a story idea the characters are usually set. I don't develop the roles then fit the "actor" into the role. I try to find at least something, even if it's a really small part, in the boys' personality that they share with the AU character. It's not random. Whether I successfully execute that remains to be seen :P

I didn't realize that your latest ones were not AU. lol

I think you're pretty good at giving us the perfect amount of detail in your stories.

What is the longest story you've ever written and have you ever considered writing in another fandom?


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