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Author Topic: New questions to ponder  (Read 160881 times)


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2015, 05:46:16 AM »

I feel ya with that! Do you think when things start picking up with them again, so will the fandom for you? Or naw? Lol. And aww, we love you too Mare!!! :-*

I doubt it, Reb. I guess never say never but things I thought would bring me back to the fandom, like their movie for instance, didn't. I wanted to be more excited than I actually was but truth is, I watched it twice and that was that. I'll always love their music because that's what drew me to them and I will always love the relationship in my head that existed between them, but their choices over the years have just made my respect for them go down to a place where apparently I can't come back from. It's hard to write them when you can't really channel them anymore. I stopped channeling Brian years ago which was rough, then it turned into him and AJ which I wasn't feeling but now it's moved to the other three as well. I could probably still write Nick and Kevin if I really wanted to but the problem is, I don't really want to.

Maybe a new album will do it for me & they won't do anything dumb to take away from that. Maybe lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2015, 05:48:44 AM »

I am loving reading these story ideas lol keep them coming. Julie that reincarnation one would make a great OF.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2015, 07:05:12 AM »

That is a good question.  I have a lot of old ideas that have never been written (or never gotten far enough to be posted, I should say - some of them I've started), but I have a hard time letting go or giving up on them.  I'm always like, "Well, maybe someday..."  Guilty Roads was one of those ideas I'd been sitting on for at least 5 years before I actually started writing it.

One of my more recent ideas that will probably never be written was a Brian suspense story, tentatively entitled "Hush."  I got this idea a couple of years ago when we were still speculating about what was going on with his voice, and the premise was that after having vocal cord surgery, Brian goes to a remote cabin or beach cottage or something by himself to recover, since it would be hard to be around other people when he is on complete vocal rest and can't talk, and he gets kidnapped or held hostage by a crazy fan posing as a home healthcare worker, kind of like a "Misery" situation.  (I'll admit, I have always wanted to write another story like that.)  He can't scream for help without risking permanent damage to his vocal cords, and since his family and friends know he's not supposed to be talking, they don't expect phone calls from him, so the kidnapper can keep them from suspecting anything for awhile by texting them from his phone.  I kinda gave up on the idea once Brian opened up about his real condition, which is not treated with surgery.  But I did make a cool banner for it: http://dreamers-sanctuary.com/hushbanner.png

A really old idea I started writing a couple of different times but never got off the ground was one that dealt with the idea of reincarnation.  It was originally going to be an AJ canon story called "Once Upon a Dream," and then it evolved into a Brian AU called "Dreams of Blue Eyes," which I then changed to "The Distance Between Lives," but the basic premise was always that the guy has been having recurring dreams about this girl he's never seen, and then he meets her in real life, and it turns out they were lovers in a past life, soulmates, except they never got a chance to grow old together because one of them was murdered.  The story would alternate between the present and the past (which was going to be Civil War era) as they try to solve the mystery of what happened in their former lives and prevent something like it from happening in the present.  I have quite an elaborate outline for it and even a couple of chapters written, but I could never get much farther than that.  Turns out I don't really like writing historical fiction, and I don't do well with super complex storylines LOL.

I totes would have enjoyed that "Hush" fic, and I love that banner! Lmao!! It's funny you mention that you've been having ideas of reincarnation, because that's the inspiration with my current fic! These past few months I've been thinking of the possibility of having a past life and wondering what people believe. I know for one my religion (Catholic) does not believe in that, but my mind has been questioning it and wanting to research more about it. From yeeeeaaaaarrrr rsssss ago when I was younger, I wanted to write an original story of a typical man living his life, but then he starts to change and exhibit behavior that's so unlike him; as the story continues, it dabbles into past life situations and yadda yadda.

When I was a kid, I used to get sooo lost in my thoughts of life after death... the thought would consume me so bad that I'd zone out and would actually have to shake myself from it because I'd be scaring myself of that thought of possible infinite... nothing after death. Again, against my religion, lol, but I used to wish that I were an inanimate object or something... where there was really no life nor death, no pain of losing someone or whatever. Yes, I was a weird kid, I know, lol, but that's what really sprung up that story idea. Since I've been thinking about that a lot, and I found myself wandering back to the fandom, I decided to pen the idea using the guys as my characters because it's easier to use already established people, lol.

I had a talk with my close church friends about reincarnation and what they thought of it, despite our religion. My friend had shared, which I didn't know this was the theory of some believers, that the whole "light at the end of the tunnel" thing, they believe is you being reborn again. Lol, it was an interesting concept. But yes, the thought of reincarnation and having past lives is very intriguing, so I'm pretty excited to continue with the story I'm writing and see where it ends up. :)
"Stories are often the lives we wish we could live."


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2015, 07:11:31 AM »

I doubt it, Reb. I guess never say never but things I thought would bring me back to the fandom, like their movie for instance, didn't. I wanted to be more excited than I actually was but truth is, I watched it twice and that was that. I'll always love their music because that's what drew me to them and I will always love the relationship in my head that existed between them, but their choices over the years have just made my respect for them go down to a place where apparently I can't come back from. It's hard to write them when you can't really channel them anymore. I stopped channeling Brian years ago which was rough, then it turned into him and AJ which I wasn't feeling but now it's moved to the other three as well. I could probably still write Nick and Kevin if I really wanted to but the problem is, I don't really want to.

Maybe a new album will do it for me & they won't do anything dumb to take away from that. Maybe lol

Ah I see! Yeah, for me, there was even a point where the fandom got a little weird for me and I began questioning why I was a fan at all. Horrible, I know. :( Then, I have those moments of journeying back into the past and being reeled in all over again, lol. Aside from loneliness and "discovering" that this fandom is my escape, I'm trying to remember what really brought me back to them... I think I may have been on Netflix, saw their documentary was posted and was like hmm, lets watch it again. Or maybe I was just craving to listen to one of the songs off of IAWLT, I can't remember, hahaha. Next thing you know, I'm looking at AJ's, Nick's, Brian's IG, which I don't do, because I don't follow them, lol, and then I wanted to write again, lol. Like I said, I think the fact that I've been reading a lot of Avengers fanfic more than anything lately had me wanting to write again, idk, lol.
"Stories are often the lives we wish we could live."


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2015, 07:13:23 AM »

Having that said... what's your biggest struggle with this fandom? What has changed for you? What do you wish were still the same?
"Stories are often the lives we wish we could live."


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2015, 11:23:53 AM »

I have always found the idea of reincarnation fascinating. I kind of hope it is a true thing and if you have lived a not so great life this time around, next time it'll be ten times better. At least that's what I'm hoping. With my luck, I'll come back as a slug or something. lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2015, 11:45:47 AM »

Having that said... what's your biggest struggle with this fandom? What has changed for you? What do you wish were still the same?

This will be long and ranty lol

It's so funny you asked this because in replying to you, I was thinking about some of the simpler times when it came to BSB.

For instance, remember back during the Nevergone tour, the whole sound check thing was done by random drawer. You didn't have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to meet the guys. They seemed to be so much more accessible to the fans during that time. The only time they really whored themselves out for money was if they were doing charity events and you got plenty of quality time with them when that happened. I spent hours with Kevin, AJ and Brian at his golf event. I mean talking to them unattended etc.... The same when Howie did a bowling thing in NYC. it's like back then they did see their fans as fans as opposed to now where I'm pretty sure we are more looked at as their income source. I really miss that version of BSB. I think it's so incredibly unacceptable to ask for hundreds of dollars for a picture and five minutes. That's so pompous and ridiculous to me.

The other thing that is different for me, is how excluded I feel with the fandom. I know that sounds crazy considering I met so many great friends through BSB, but ever since the whole cruise thing and VIP thing, there's always been this divide. I wish I had a BSB click, but I don't. So, when concerts pop up or events, it always just depresses me when people are all we need to go to this together! But then you're always excluded from that. It becomes unfun and depressing. Maybe if I had a concert buddy or group who I did everything with, I'd have a different view, but it's just not like that for me.

I want things to go back to how they were right before Kevin left. lol it's all his fault! "Kicks Kevin"

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2015, 06:14:04 PM »

I am loving reading these story ideas lol keep them coming. Julie that reincarnation one would make a great OF.

Thanks!  That is what I'm thinking about that idea too - I already changed it to an AU and will probably never get around to writing it as a fanfic, but maybe an OF someday.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2015, 06:18:08 PM »

I totes would have enjoyed that "Hush" fic, and I love that banner! Lmao!! It's funny you mention that you've been having ideas of reincarnation, because that's the inspiration with my current fic! These past few months I've been thinking of the possibility of having a past life and wondering what people believe. I know for one my religion (Catholic) does not believe in that, but my mind has been questioning it and wanting to research more about it. From yeeeeaaaaarrrr rsssss ago when I was younger, I wanted to write an original story of a typical man living his life, but then he starts to change and exhibit behavior that's so unlike him; as the story continues, it dabbles into past life situations and yadda yadda.

When I was a kid, I used to get sooo lost in my thoughts of life after death... the thought would consume me so bad that I'd zone out and would actually have to shake myself from it because I'd be scaring myself of that thought of possible infinite... nothing after death. Again, against my religion, lol, but I used to wish that I were an inanimate object or something... where there was really no life nor death, no pain of losing someone or whatever. Yes, I was a weird kid, I know, lol, but that's what really sprung up that story idea. Since I've been thinking about that a lot, and I found myself wandering back to the fandom, I decided to pen the idea using the guys as my characters because it's easier to use already established people, lol.

I had a talk with my close church friends about reincarnation and what they thought of it, despite our religion. My friend had shared, which I didn't know this was the theory of some believers, that the whole "light at the end of the tunnel" thing, they believe is you being reborn again. Lol, it was an interesting concept. But yes, the thought of reincarnation and having past lives is very intriguing, so I'm pretty excited to continue with the story I'm writing and see where it ends up. :)


I love the idea of reincarnation too; I think it's fascinating.  I have always been a history buff and an "old soul" in some ways, so I would totally read something with that premise.  I don't know if I believe in reincarnation in real life; for me, it's about the same as believing in ghosts.  I don't really, but then there are stories that make me wonder, so I guess I'm open to the possibility.  It's fun to think about either way and would make a great story!

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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2015, 06:21:49 PM »

I doubt it, Reb. I guess never say never but things I thought would bring me back to the fandom, like their movie for instance, didn't. I wanted to be more excited than I actually was but truth is, I watched it twice and that was that.

I also thought I would watch the documentary more than I actually did.  I've seen it I think twice in its entirety, once when it came out and once when it aired on VH1, and that's it.  Now I see it on Netflix, and I'm like, "Oh there it is, that's cool," but I haven't felt compelled to watch it again.  It was good, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't like the videos of theirs that I used to watch repeatedly back in the day - All Access, A Night Out, Homecoming concert, etc.  But that also might be because I'm not the obsessive teenybopper I used to be back in the day and don't have that kind of time LOL.  I dunno.  I guess I'm a little disappointed that I don't feel that way about it, but it was still interesting to watch.  I get what you're saying though.

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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2015, 06:23:04 PM »

I have always found the idea of reincarnation fascinating. I kind of hope it is a true thing and if you have lived a not so great life this time around, next time it'll be ten times better. At least that's what I'm hoping. With my luck, I'll come back as a slug or something. lol

LOL!  I would like to come back as a house cat so I can just lie around all day and be petted.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2015, 06:24:46 PM »

Mare may have touched on this a bit in her reply to Reb, but while we're on the subject...

What has been your favorite BSB era and why?

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2015, 06:33:24 PM »

For instance, remember back during the Nevergone tour, the whole sound check thing was done by random drawer. You didn't have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to meet the guys. They seemed to be so much more accessible to the fans during that time. The only time they really whored themselves out for money was if they were doing charity events and you got plenty of quality time with them when that happened. I spent hours with Kevin, AJ and Brian at his golf event. I mean talking to them unattended etc.... The same when Howie did a bowling thing in NYC. it's like back then they did see their fans as fans as opposed to now where I'm pretty sure we are more looked at as their income source. I really miss that version of BSB. I think it's so incredibly unacceptable to ask for hundreds of dollars for a picture and five minutes. That's so pompous and ridiculous to me.

I wish I could have done some of those things back in the day!  It sounds awesome.  I didn't meet them until VIP became an option that you could pay for, and that's really the only way I've ever been able to interact with them - by paying ridiculous amounts of money to do VIP or the cruises.  To me, maybe because I have never been very lucky when it comes to just "running into them," it's worth it, and I appreciate having that option, but I do understand how it can be alienating to those who can't afford or just don't want to spend that much money on something silly.

I wish we lived closer; I would love to be your concert buddy!  Maybe some summer I'll come out to PA for a show.  It sounds random, but I would really love to visit Philadelphia to see all the colonial/Revolutionary War-era sites and the Mutter Museum.  Save up some money for their next tour and keep that in mind!  We probably have a ways to go because I bet they'll record another album before they tour again.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2015, 08:05:57 PM »

^ that sounds like fun to me! I can see you excited about the Mutter Museum lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: New questions to ponder
« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2015, 09:13:24 PM »

Mare may have touched on this a bit in her reply to Reb, but while we're on the subject...

What has been your favorite BSB era and why?

Like I said in my post, I think the Never Gone era was mine. I loved the Up Close & Personal tour (that was my very first BSB concert experience) as well as the actual Never Gone tour. I enjoyed that album. It still is right there as one my all time favorite, tied with Millenium and I think I was the most into them at that point. I was a writing machine back then and used to love watching old interviews etc... I remember the only thorn in my side at that point was AJ dating a 10 year old lol ok I'm exaggerating but not by much!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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